As an MSc student in the Department of Computing, we understand that you are joining us with a different experience to our undergraduate students. As well as academic support available within your modules, we have wider pastoral support available to meet your needs. We encouage you to make use of the support available as needed.

Personal Tutor

Each one of our MSc students are part of a small Personal Tutor group, which meets regularly throughout the year. Your Personal Tutor is there to discuss any personal issues you may be having with you and to signpost other support that might be helpful that is available within Imperial. Most meetings are in small groups so that you can benefit by comparing your experiences with your peers, but for private or confidential matters, you can book individual appointments with your Personal Tutor.

Your Personal Tutor is also usually the person who will write references for you for employment and further study, so it is often useful for you to discuss your plans with your Personal Tutor. If you hope to move into an academic or research related role, they may also be able to use their own experience to help you.

Senior Tutor

The Senior Tutor for postgraduate taught (MSc) students is Dr Thomas Lancaster. He has overall responsibility for pastoral care of MSc students. In general, if you do have an issue, it is best to raise it with your Personal Tutor first, but you can talk to Dr Lancaster about more complex issues. Sometimes it can be useful to have a second opinion to that of your Personal Tutor.

There is also a Faculty Senior Tutor supporting all the Senior Tutors. The Faculty Senior Tutor for Engineering is Dr Lorraine Craig.

Wellbeing Advisor

Caroline Gilchrist is the Department's Wellbeing Advisor, supporting MSc students on a part time basis. Caroline is not connected with teaching and can talk to you independently and confidentially about a range of issues. You can find out more details on the Department's wellbeing pages.

Department Disability Officer

Dr Thomas Lancaster is the Department Disability Officer for the Department. This means he works in conjunction with the specialists within the Disability Advisory Service. If you have previously had arrangements in place for a disability, or you feel that you might need these in the future, you are strongly advised to ask for these to put into place as early as possible. Dr Lancaster can also help if a shorter term disability or impairment affects your ability to complete your MSc to the best of your potential.

Further Support

Further support is available outside the Department of Computing. This includes the Student Counselling and Mental Health Advisory Service, the Imperial College Health Centre, the Department of Computing Student Support Fund and the Imperial College London Student Support Fund. If you are not sure what the best source of support for you is, please contact your Personal Tutor or the Senior Tutor.