Empty boardroom

Energy Futures Lab is led by a Managment Team comprised of four Directors, from a wide range of Departments across the College, supported by a small team of dedicated professionals that assist in building connections, coordinating projects and highlighting successes.

The work of the institute is also informed and supported by Research Theme Champions and Leads alongside an Advisory Board, Strategy Board and Technical Working Group.

Advisory board

The Advisory Board comprises senior industrialists working in, or with extensive interests in, the energy sector. Meeting at least once a year they provide advice on the institute's activities in the context of their experience.

Strategy board

The Strategy Board comprises senior College figures and is the approval route for major changes to Energy Futures Lab. The Strategy Board provides advice on effective roll-out and final approval. The Board allows the institute to engage with its advocates that sit in senior positions within the College’s academic and support services. The Strategy board meets two to three times per year.

Technical Working Group

The Technical Working Group comprises leading academics from across the College working in energy. The group meet regularly and provide advice on the academic and educational direction of Energy Futures Lab. These meetings provide an important engagement mechanism for the institute with the academics in the group and the broader College community. The group is chaired by the institute Director.