Policy and Innovation

Policy and InnovationThere is a lot of research going on at the College examining the new energy service propositions and the regulatory and policy frameworks required to direct investment to transform our systems.

This work allows the College to shape energy policy and promote innovation by identifying issues relevant to future policymaking and analysing the evidence base for energy policies.

This is a selection of the groups working in the area of Policy and Innovation at Imperial College London.

Centre for Energy Policy and Technology

Led by Dr Rob Gross, the Imperial College Centre for Energy Policy and Technology is based in the Centre for Environmental Policy.

The team works at the interface between technology, policy and economics to provide objective research, analysis and policy advice to governments, industry, NGOs, international organisations and other stakeholders.

The group has extensive expertise in energy system modelling, innovation theory, economics, technology assessment and policy analysis.

Their work is on five main areas, biomass and bioenergy; renewable energy and low carbon systems; energy in developing countries, markets, policy and systems transitions; and fossil fuels and resources for energy systems.

Centre for Climate Finance & Investment

Led by Dr Charles Donavan, the Centre for Climate Finance & Investment is based in the Imperial College Business School. Its work rigorously analyses investments in clean energy, energy efficiency and low-carbon infrastructure globally.

The team builds on the College global reputation for innovative, multi-disciplinary research on climate change, they support research on the business models, financial instruments, and investment strategies that are taking shape in a global economy adapting to climate change.

Energy Markets

Led by Dr Almut Veraart, the Energy Markets group is based in the Department of Mathematics.

The research of the group focusses on the characterisation and modelling of electricity prices and (renewable) sources of energy. They also develop statistical inference methods and stochastic simulation tools which are widely applicable in the context of energy markets. Moreover they are interested in deriving pricing formulas for carbon derivatives and other energy related financial contracts.