Our international reputation for research makes this an ideal place to pursue a research degree, whether as preparation for a research career in industry or as the start of an academic career.

The Department offers a wide range of PhD opportunities which cover the full range of aerospace-related fields as well as those relevant to the environment, energy and health care.

If you're currently seeking a PhD opportunity, be sure to explore our Research Themes and Academics who might be able to help you with your proposed research project.


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Entry requirements

Please check the College entry requirements carefully before applying.

See the College entry requirements

PhD Contacts

PhD Administrator (Admissions)
Ms Lisa Kelly

PhD Administrator (On-course)
Ms Clodagh Li

Director of Postgraduate Studies (PhD)
Dr Chris Cantwell

Senior Tutor for Postgraduate Research
Prof Joaquim Peiro

PhD Reps 
Charlie Aveline (ca1119@ic.ac.uk)
Toby Bryce-Smith (tb1416@ic.ac.uk)
Katya Goodwin (yg7118@ic.ac.uk)
Paulina Gordina (pg919@ic.ac.uk)


Opportunities for current PhD students


Existing PhD students can access the resources section, which includes a handbook, support information and useful links.

Resources for current PhD students