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How we built a declarative UI framework for the SwiftKey Android Keyboard that helped us improve performance and gave us strong correctness guarantees.


Alice Rosam
I’m Alice. I joined Microsoft SwiftKey 7 years ago as a Research intern. Since then I’ve spent some time doing NLP with the Languages team before transitioning to my current role leading one of the mobile engineering teams. I love fiddly problems and keyboard input is full of them!

Ben Allpass
Hi, I’m Ben - I’ve been on the SwiftKey Android team for three years now, joining as a new grad. I like to keep up with the latest industry trends and look for ways in which we can use them to improve our work - hopefully you’ll see part of that reflected in the Pose project. I’m also on the team that helps run our hack weeks and I organise our Thursday lunchtime football matches (at least I did when we were in the office). Outside of work you can usually find me on my bike in Richmond Park or the Surrey Hills.

Olli Jones
I'm Olli, I'm one of the software engineering team leads at Microsoft SwiftKey. I joined straight out of Imperial and I’ve been with SwiftKey for 5 years now. At work, my team and I bring tooling and products together to make it easier for you to stay productive on the move. Outside of work you can usually find me at Intertech, Out in Tech or other LGBT and tech intersection events.

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