We look forward to welcoming you to the department of computing in October.

As an offer holder we thought you might like to connect with one of our PhD buddies to get a snapshot of what to expect if/when you arrive in London.

Our PhD buddies  will be very happy to answer any questions you might have about life as a PhD student, supervisor relations, time management of your research and any other issues that an existing PhD student can share with you.

For specific queries about your offer and start of term arrangements please get in touch with Amani via email at aoeaoe@ic.ac.uk

We hope to see you soon.



Borja Gonzalez Leon

I work on deep reinforcement learning and formal methods. I am from Spain although I lived in Italy for a while before moving to the UK.

If you'd like to find good food in London once the situation goes back to normal, I can be a food buddy as well!

Email: b.gonzalez-leon19@imperial.ac.uk

 Harry Stromfelt

Harry Stromfelt

My name is Harry Stromfelt, I grew up in UK but my mother is Turkish and father is Swedish. 
Leading up to starting my PhD at Imperial, I studied Physics at Leeds University and took a Physics masters up there as well.

I then spent two years working as a junior consultant in London, whilst also trying to launch a start-up with two friends/colleagues. Things went quite well, one of the start-ups is currently performing well (check it out at https://www.envio.io/), but I started learning about AI and fell in love with the field, so I decided to go for a PhD, so here I am!

My research is in between disentanglement (using variational autoencoders) and basic principles from logic. I’m generally interested in the ways in which we describe/represent things.

My outside interests are dancing (I dance and sometimes teach a dance called ‘Zouk’, as well as a bit of hip hop), guitar and coding little side projects.

Email: h.stromfelt17@imperial.ac.uk

 Fangyi Zhou

Fangyi Zhou

I am Fangyi Zhou (pronouns they/them), originally from Suzhou, China. My research is in the area of programming languages, in particular, I study how to use multiparty session types for type-safe distributed programming.

Email: fangyi.zhou15@imperial.ac.uk

 Dominika Woszczyk

Dominika Woszczyk

I am a first year Phd student in Speech Recognition applied to Security and IoT devices. I was born from polish parents but I grew up in Belgium and did my studies in the Netherlands. I enjoy learning languages, playing the ukulele, painting and going out for a run.

Email: d.woszczyk19@imperial.ac.uk

Javier Carnerero

I am Javier, a final-year PhD student. My research topic is adversarial machine learning, aiming to investigate the security of machine learning algorithms at training time. I am also a telecom engineer at heart and used to have fun with antennas and sensors. Legend has it that I was also a lifeguard.

I am passionate about travelling and getting to know other cultures. I was born and grew up in Spain but have lived (for a period of time) in other countries including the UK, Ireland and Turkey. In my free time I also like swimming, hiking, visiting museums and discovering interesting places in London. Happy to chat if you have any questions.

Email: j.cano18@imperial.ac.uk


Heba Awad

I am a second year Ph.D. student. My research focuses on using Radio Frequency sensing to improve aerial robotics motion. Before moving to the UK, I was living in Egypt where I received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in computer science from Alexandria University.

Apart from research, I love reading, playing volleyball and doing crochet that I have learnt during the lockdown!

Summary of the table's contents


PhD Admissions Tutor

Dr. Giuliano Casale

PhD Programme Administrator
Dr. Amani El-Kholy