We are proudly sponsored and supported by:

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Team Imperial is looking to engage with individuals, corporates, trusts and foundations that are focused on improving accessibility for all and inspiring the next generation of scientists and engineers. Team Imperial will participate in the Cybathlon competition, which aims to develop projects that are focused on improving accessibility for all. The team are not only looking at the function and performance of assistive devices but also usability and cost-effectiveness through smart design.

Our supporters share our passion for Disability Sports, Assistive Technology and Bionics as well as our drive for design thinking and sense of optimism for a future full of potential.

If you would like to become a supporter to Team Imperial then please contact Nic Katona or visit our www.imperial.ac.uk/giving/cybathlon.

Team Imperial


For further information about Team Imperial please contact:

Dr Ian Radcliffe i.radcliffe@imperial.ac.uk