Technology providers

Team Imperial group photoA team from Imperial College London featuring the expertise of leaders in the fields of Neurotechnology and Human Robotics are teaming up with industrial partners and a keen group of pilots to enter into the Cybathlon.

Cybathlon 2020 Global Edition

In the 2020 Global Edition, Team Imperial competed in three races. The Powered Wheelchair Race, the Powered Arm Prosthesis Race and the Functional Electrical Stimulation Bike Race.   Winning silver in the Functional Elecrtiral Simulation Bike Race.

Team Imperial

 Prof. Aldo Faisal  

Team Captain
Professor Aldo Faisal

Professor in Neurotechnology jointly at the Department of Bioengineering and the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. Aldo is the Team Leader over-seeing the overall development as well as leading projects such as the vision controlled wheelchair, brain computer interface and powered arm prosthesis development.

 Nat Wannawas  

Team Leader - Functional Electrical simulation (FES)
Mr Nat Wannawas

Nat is a first year PhD student and is working on developing functional electrical stimulation (FES) controllers for FES cycling using deep reinforcement learning. His main research goal is to build the controller that automatically tunes its parameters and learns to deal with muscle conditions.

 Mahendran Subramanian  

Team Leader - Powered Wheelchair 
Mr Mahendran Subramanian

EPSRC research scholar (PhD - III year), Toyota Discovery challenge co-awardee and active research professional.  Mahendran’s research focuses on combining eye-tracking/ gaze-contingent intention decoding with computer vision context-aware algorithms and autonomous navigation drawn from self- driving vehicles to allow paralysed users to drive-by eye, simply by decoding natural gaze about where the user wants to go: A.Eye Drive. The resulting “Zero UI” driving platform should allow users to look and interact visually with at an object or destination of interest in their visual scene, and the wheelchair autonomously takes the user to the intended destination, while continuously updating the computed path for static and dynamic obstacles. 


Team Leader - Powered Arm Prosthesis
Ms Irene Mendez

Irene is a PhD student at the Institute for Biomedical Engineering (IBME).  For the powered arm prosthesis race, the prosthetic hand, fully developed by the team in the last year, enables natural control of the fingers and the wrist with sensory feedback to close the loop between the user and the prosthesis.

Technical team:

  • Patrick Sagastegui (PhD student at the Department of Bioengineering)
  • Jumpei Kashiwakura (Research assistant at the Department of Bioengineering)
Technology providers
Summary of the table's contents

Cybathlon 2016

The team entered into four of the race categories; the arm prosthesis race, the BCI race, the powered exoskeleton race and the powered wheelchair race. For us these first Bionic Olympics are a way to bring together experts, students and users together to forge a unique experience and deliver new technology that helps the pilots and beyond.


Team leader
Dr Aldo Faisal

Senior Lecturer in Neurotechnology jointly at the Department of Bioengineering and the Department of Computing at Imperial College London. Aldo is the Team Leader over-seeing the overall development as well as leading projects such as the vision controlled wheelchair, brain computer interface and powered arm prosthesis development.


Project leader
Dr Spyros Masouros

Lecturer in Trauma Biomechanics in the Department of Bioengineering and the Biomechanics Theme Lead for the Royal British Legion Centre for Blast Injuries Studies. Spyros is leading developments on the powered wheelchair project.

  Rik Berkelmans

Leader of the joint "BerkelBike UK - Team Imperial" entry into the FES bike race
Rik Berkelmans

The BerkelBike is a bicyle and functional electrical technology (FES) solution for a spinal cord injured. The patented technology and the company are the brainchild of Rik Berkelmans.


Team co-ordinator
Dr Ian Radcliffe

Project Manager on the Sports Innovation Challenge. Ian assists in the organisation of the team and pilots and interaction with the media.


Technical co-ordinator
Charalambos "Harris" Konnaris

Having completed a BEng in Mechanical Engineering and a Masters in Bioengineering, Harris is currently working towards a PhD in the Department of Bioengineering, with the intent of delivering high impact technologies for people with disabilities. Currently Harris designs and builds novel neuroprosthesis in the Brain and Behaviour lab in the Dept. of Bioengineering.  His goal is to replicate the human hand’s dexterity and precision in an affordable and functional prosthesis.


Project advisor
Professor Etienne Burdet

Professor of Human Robotics within the Department of Bioengineering, Etienne’s main interests are in human-machine interaction and rehabilitation robotics.

 Technology providers
Summary of the table's contents

MSc technology contributors 2015-2016



FES Bike



FES Bike


Wheelchair Race


Placeholder image

Wheelchair Race



Arm Prosthesis



Arm Prosthesis



Arm Prosthesis



BCI Race



BCI Race

Undergraduate technology contributors 2015-2016

  • Justino Rodrigues
  • Enrico Tosoratti
  • Duy An Tran
  • Robert Toth
  • Giorgia Paratore
  • Bryony Halcrow
  • Jessica Prior
  • Sabrina Smith
  • Zeinab Saci
  • William Lin
  • Lukas Hann
  • Edward da Fonseca

Student technology contributors 2014-2015

  • Maria Freitas da Silva WHEELCHAIR
  • Guillem Singla Buxarrais HAND
  • Eduardo Gonzalez Ponferrada BCI GAME
  • Sabine Dziemian EYE-BASE CDONTROL


For further information about Team Imperial please contact:

Dr Ian Radcliffe