New opening hours

We’re changing our opening hours….

We've been reviewing our services to ensure they continue to meet the needs of our students and staff and this includes being smarter about how we maximise our budgets to serve you better.

Based on your usage patterns in Ethos, we've decided to revise the centre's opening hours during vacation periods so we can better focus our efforts and resources into those times when you use Ethos the most. 

Compared to term time usage there is a 40% drop in centre attendance – with significantly less evening use – during the vacation period.

What does this mean?

  • During term-time, Ethos’ opening hours will remain as they are
  • In the Christmas, Easter and Summer vacations, the centre will close earlier (20.00 on weekdays and 16.00 on weekends)
  • We will be closed on all College closure days

New opening hours



Monday to Friday

07.00 – 22.00

07.00 – 20.00

Saturday and Sunday

08.00 – 20.00

08.00 – 16.00

Bank holidays (May & Aug)

09.00 – 17.00

College Closure Days


The last entry will be allowed half an hour before closing; the turnstiles at the entrance to Ethos will not allow access after this time.

When will this start?

We’ll be introducing these new hours from Monday 17 July 2017. The vacation opening hours will be in place until Friday 29 September inclusive.