The Queen’s Tower Society was established in 2016 to celebrate the generosity of our legacy pledges.

Through the society we connect people together who share a common vision for the College’s promising future. Members receive regular updates and invitations to the annual Queen's Tower Society Lunch.

The Queen’s Tower Society recognises the profound personal commitment of our legacy pledgers, who are central to our mission to safeguard the future through science and education.

 Positioned at the heart of our South Kensington Campus, the Queen’s Tower has always been a place to meet, a place to come together, and a reminder of our long-standing commitment to science and education for the benefit of humanity.                                                                                                     

Members of the Queen's Tower Society enjoy a range of benefits including:

  • An invitation to an exclusive annual event
  • A custom donor pin commemorating membership
  • Opportunities to find out more about research and activities at the college through events and an annual newsletter
  • Recognition in the College’s Fundraising Report






Messages from Queen's Tower Society Annual Celebration

“I thought it was great - very engaging and informative and I enjoyed the individual stories.”

“I found the event as a whole quite interesting from the progress that is being made and students' stories. I found it very satisfying.”

“I found the session very informative and it was great to hear that the College is involved in such important events as COP26.”