Directors and Operations

  • Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng

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    Professor Washington Yotto Ochieng Interim Director


    Professor Ochieng is the Head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Chair in Positioning and Navigation Systems at Imperial College London.

  • Jane Lac

    Personal details

    Jane Lac Operations Director


    Jane has overall responsibility for the operational and financial management of the Institute. She is responsible for financial planning, the implementation of the Institute’s strategy against its mission, the development of its education portfolio, and leads on the Security and Resilience MSc as Co-Director.

  • Eva Konstantara

    Personal details

    Eva Konstantara Institute Coordinator


    Eva joined the ISST as the Institute Coordinator in March 2023, supporting the core team from an operational standpoint across education, research, and innovation. She has a wealth of experience, working in a specialist NHS Trust during the COVID-19 pandemic and graduating with a BSc in Forensic Science from the University of West London in 2019.

  • Catriona Noble

    Personal details

    Catriona Noble MSc Coordinator


    Catriona is the MSc Coordinator for the MSc Security and Resilience: Science & Technology course, providing support for students whilst ensuring the smooth planning and delivery of the programme. She joined the ISST in 2022 and has worked in University administration since 2017.  

  • Max Swinscow-Hall

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    Max Swinscow-Hall Communications, Networks and Engagement Manager


    Max has responsibility for communications, engagement and internal networks at the Institute. His work builds the internal connections and ensures Imperial’s capabilities in security, resilience and defence are effectively communicated to external stakeholders. Max has personal interests in technology and innovation and experience of the R&D and commercialization process.

  • Furrah Hussain

    Portrait photograph of Furrah Hussain

    Personal details

    Furrah Hussain RITICS Programme Manager


    Furrah joined the Research Institute in Trustworthy Inter-connected Cyber-Physical Systems (RITICS) hosted within the ISST in August 2021. She formed part of the first cohort of the ISST's MSc programme in Security & Resilience, graduating in 2020.

  • Anna Friman

    Personal details

    Anna Friman Project Officer Security and Societal Resilience Policy


    Anna has a diverse background in international relations, security, and defense policy. Anna joined Imperials Institute for Security Science and Technology (ISST) in 2022 as a Project Officer and Researcher on Societal Resilience and Security. Here, she has led the development on Imperials new Centre of Excellence for Active Resilience and Security and works on diverse research projects focused enhancing British and European Security and Resilience capabilities and policy developments. Prior to joining the ISST, Anna worked as a Research Analyst at the Swedish Defense University, where she worked on technological and innovation capabilities. She has also worked with threat and risk analysis. Anna holds a MSc in War Studies/Total Defense, and a BSc in European Politics.

MSc Security and Resilience: Science and Technology.

Applications are currently open.

Find out more

General contact

Institute for Security Science and Technology
Level 2 Admin Office, Abdus Salam Library
Imperial College London
South Kensington Campus
London SW7 2AZ

Phone: +44 (0) 20 7594 8864