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Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine (1988 - )

University of London

Corporate Records Unit, Imperial College London
Series Title:
Staff records of Imperial College
GB 0098 GS, GT
Date Range:
1907 -
Records relating to Imperial College staff, 1907-2000, comprising administrative, staff clubs and association records, namely staff handbooks, 1963-1973; terms of service, 1918-1963; correspondence relating to superannuation schemes, 1909-1971, including City and Guilds College, 1912-1925; absence regulations, 1929-1939; gratuities, 1931-1971 (GSA); papers relating to Chairs and Readerships, including correspondence relating to inaugural lectures policy, 1955; lectureships, 1967-1969; Academic and related Staff Joint Committee, 1976-1977; retirement arrangements, 1955-1982; Student Demonstrators, 1973-1979; lists of Research Assistants, 1921-1967; papers relating to Pro-Rectors, 1956-1980; minutes and papers of the Deans and Advisory Committee, 1942-1957, including papers relating to the office of Dean, 1958-1966, wardens' posts, 1957-1984; papers of the Fellowships and Emeritus Professorships Committee, 1932-1979; correspondence of the Honorary Associateship of Imperial College, 1936-1980; papers of the Academic Staff Assembly, including minutes, 1971-1977, correspondence, 1970-1975; papers of the Working Group on the Federal University, 1975-1978; Canteen Committee minutes, 1960-1962; papers relating to secretaries and clerical staff, 1940-1969; correspondence with the Holland Club, including a history, 1956-1973; correspondence relating to the Newsletter, 1955-1971; Rector's Bulletin, 1950-1971; Rectors' papers, 1938-1981; papers relating to Technical Staff, notably Technician's Committee, including minutes, 1949-1966; University of London sub-committee on training, 1963-1971; pensions, 1955-1968; Training committee, including minutes, 1950-1976; appointments and promotions, 1967-1970; laboratory assistants, 1907-1909 (GSJ); papers relating to Departmental Superintendants, including minutes, 1962-1970; religious services, 1963-1975; Staff Christian Association, 1955-1972; personnel notes and circulars, 1986-2000; correspondence relating to the Consort Club, 1965-1978; Yacht Club, 1968-1978; Imperial College Wive's Club (later Women's Club), 1975-1998; papers relating to staff working for external bodies, 1939-1977; correspondence with St Mary's Hospital concerning patents and royalties, 1958-1959; papers relating to the representation of the College at Congresses, 1950-1958; National Fruit and Cider Institute Governing Body, 1925-1983 (GTR).
31 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Staff records of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Former Students of Imperial College
GB 0098 SR-SW
Date Range:
1896 -
Records relating to former students of Imperial College, 1896-2001, comprising records of old students, including Rectors' and Registry papers; registers of the Associates and old students of the Royal College of Chemistry, Royal School of Mines and Royal College of Science, 1896; Royal School of Mines, 1920-1961; Royal College of Science, 1909-1951; Central Technical College Old Students' Association reports and members, 1902-1973; City and Guilds College register of students 1884-1934; service lists for Imperial College, 1921; City and Guilds College, 1941-1942 (SR); records of the Development Office, notably copies of the alumni magazine IC Matters, 1992; papers concerning events held by the Friends of Imperial College, 1991-1998; the Alumnus Office, including alumni address book, 1990; alumni printout, 1935-1985, (SRA);
papers relating to Imperial College mascots, including Boanerges, 1977-1980, Clementine I, II, Jezebel (ST); papers relating to War Memorials, notably minutes of the Memorial Fund Committee, 1899-1908; Imperial College War Memorial and Athletic Ground Committee, 1919-1922; War Memorials for the City and Guilds College, 1922, 1950-1962; Royal School of Mines, 1948 (SW).
7 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Former Students of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Buildings of Imperial College
GB 0098 H
Date Range:
1883 - 1991
Records relating to the acquisition and maintenance of Imperial College buildings, 1883-1991, including building sites, 1907-1910, correspondence concerning the development of a precinct, 1964-1974, aerial photograph of South Kensington, London, [1960s]; correspondence relating to accommodation for college staff and students, 1958-1974; minutes and papers of the Buildings Committee and Estates Committee, 1984-1998; correspondence concerning services to college buildings, including with the Office of Works, 1909-1942, lifts, 1929-1956, central control systems, 1979-1996; correspondence with the Royal Geographical Society concerning their site, 1919-1924; notes on the Royal School of Needlework, and correspondence concerning the purchase of the school by Imperial College, 1883-1956; articles and press cuttings concerning Queen's Gate houses, 1891-1969, correspondence relating to 170 Queens Gate, including purchase, 1936-1948, plans, 1960; papers relating to the Royal School of Mines building, 1903-1954, including correspondence with the architect, 1908-1921, use and alterations to laboratories, including the Bessemer Laboratory, 1903-1954; papers relating to the Goldsmith's Company's extension of the City and Guilds (Engineering) College, including correspondence with the architect, 1908-1921, the opening, 1926, the Hawksley Memorial Laboratory, 1908-1921; Huxley Building, 1918-1977, including government occupation, 1918-1919, maintenance and adaptations, 1958-1977; Royal College of Science, 1908-1971, including correspondence concerning its' use by the University of London, 1908-1971; City and Guilds College Waterhouse building, 1881-1883, including specification, 1881, plans, 1883; Imperial College Student's Union, 1909-1956, including specification, 1910-1911, estimates for an extension, 1927-1928, residential hostels, 1924-1975; correspondence relating to the chimney shaft of the Albert Hall, 1916-1954; papers relating to 52-55 and 69-72 Princes Gate, 1972-1981; correspondence on the use of the Chelsea Physic Garden by Imperial College, 1912-1976.
26 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Buildings of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Awards and Scholarships of Imperial College
GB 0098 K
Date Range:
1871 -
Records relating to Imperial College academic departments, 1857-1996, principally concerning courses, scholarships, awards and prizes, comprising Rector's reports on departments, and reports from departments, 1908-1909 (K1); undergraduate syllabuses, 1993-1996 (K2); papers concerning courses at the Royal School of Mines and Imperial College, including pamphlets, 1923-1987, Preliminary Science Course, minutes and correspondence, 1955-1961, undergraduate research directories, 1980-1990 (K3); research reports of Imperial College, 1971-1980, Royal School of Mines, 1950-1972, Royal College of Science, 1950-1971, City and Guilds College, 1946-1973, Clothworkers' Company grant, 1932-1937; research reports and annual reviews for the Departments of Computing, 1984-1985, Biochemistry, 1991, Materials, 1985-1989, Chemical Engineering, 1981-1989, Aeronautics, 1981-1986, Physics, 1981-1985, Social and Economic Studies, 1981-1985, Civil Engineering, 1981-1985, Chemistry, 1981-1983, Humanities, 1981-1986, Electrical Engineering, 1985-1986, Geology, 1981-1983, Mineral Resources and Engineering, 1981-1983, Mathematics, 1981-1985, the Blackett Laboratory, 1985-1987 (K4); papers relating to postgraduate courses, including information booklets, 1963-1994, special lecture courses, 1924-1960, correspondence, 1955-1966 (K5); papers relating to undergraduate awards, including opportunities for women, 1956-1975, Royal School of Mines awards, [1980]; papers concerning scholarships and prizes awarded by Shell Oil technology, 1963-1968, Institute of Petroleum, 1923-1947, Charles Douglas Wheeler Prize, 1944-1951, British Overseas Mining Association, 1958-1969, Bennett Hooper Brough medal, 1909-1911, Glorney scholarship, 1917-1978, William Selkirk scholarships, 1945-1951, Judd prize and Watts medal, 1932, Bessemer prize, 1881-1927, Forbes Memorial medal, 1857-1954, Frank Hatton prize, 1885-1956, Tyndall prize, 1878-1962, Federated Malay States Chamber of Mines award, 1936-1960, Clement Le Neve Foster prize, 1912-1921, Illing prize, 1955-1962, Charles Salter prize, 1956-1963, Perry medal and prize, 1914-1960, Faber prize, 1943-1944, Baker prize for Analytical Chemistry, 1945-1956, Mary Datchelor School prize, 1949-1959, Finsbury medal, 1952-1961, David Spurr memorial medal, 1952-1961, Callendar prize in Physics, 1961-1963, H V A Briscoe prize in Inorganic Chemistry, 1964, Hinchley medal, 1942-1947, Cullis testimonial fund, 1937-1948, Kackson prize, 1952-1968, Murchison medal, 1871-1967, Marshall scholarship, 1882-1972, Warrington Smyth memorial fund, 1894-1971, Ure bursary, 1942, Vickers Group scholarship, 1969-1971, Mining scholarships, 1936-1971, Liversidge scholarship, 1928-1934, Iron and Steel Institute prize, 1966-1971, Sir Alexander McRobert memorial prize, 1945-1971, Texaco Scholarship, 1959-1963, Grace Madeline Beatty scholarships, 1959-1967, J W Siddorn prize, 1971, Unwin scholarship in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 1935-1976, Harwood Prize, 1974-1976, Mitchell scholarship, 1975-1977, Pippard memorial medal, 1971-1972, Henry Ford II scholar award for Engineering, 1978-1981 (K6); papers relating to postgraduate awards, comprising Dominion Science scholarships, 1923-1934, Acland essay competition, 1926-1960, Rees Jeffreys Road fund bursaries, 1962-1966, British Aircraft Corporation scholarships, 1961-1968, British Association exhibitions, 1967-1973, Rothschild Foundation fellowships, 1977-1980, Marks and Spencer fellowship, 1977-1978, proposed Usmani scholarship, 1986-1990 (K7); Royal School of Mines postgraduate awards, comprising Frecheville Research Fellowships, 1913-1922, Andre Dorfman Fellowship in Mining, 1962, Royal Dutch scholarship in Geophysics, 1966-1981, Amoco scholarship in petroleum reservoir engineering, 1970-1976, RTZ Educational Trust awards, 1960 -1967, Matthey Prize, 1897-1968, Arthur William Groves bursary, Shell Scholarship, 1991 (K8); Royal College of Science postgraduate awards, comprising Huxley memorial medal, 1899-1962, Sir John Wolfe Barry studentship on Entomology, 1912-1914, Harold John Cotes Fellowship in Protein Enzymology, 1948-1951, Applied Optics bursary, 1955-1972, Henry George Plimmer Fellowship, 1918-1966 (K9); City and Guilds College postgraduate awards, comprising Leverhulme studentship in Chemical Engineering, 1938-1957, ICI fellowships, 1945-1956, Concrete structures bursaries, 1959-1986, Wakefield Scholarship, 1935-1953, Acheson Scholarship, 1934-1939, Goldsmiths' Company bursaries, 1925-1941, Soil Mechanics Ltd, bursary, 1957-1967, John and Frances Jones scholarship, 1935-1973, bursaries in structural steelwork, 1956-1974, Ronal Stewart Jenkins prize, 1976, City and Guilds prizes, 1969-1971 (K10); Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines inventories of apparatus, 1889-1907 (K12); papers relating to the organisation and administration of departments, 1962-1988, including administrative appointments, 1968, Departmental Visitors Panel, 1980-1988 (K13); departmental computer facilities, 1966 (K14); laboratory equipment and furniture, 1946-1979 (K15); proposed new departments and courses, including Applied Psychology, 1950-1951, Instrument Technology, 1953-1954, social relations of science, 1934-1936, Welding Engineering, 1953, possible establishment of a Geodetic Institute, 1917, proposed educational research unit, 1968 (K16); papers relating to a questionnare on undergraduate instruction, 1960-1961 (K17); memorandum on postgraduate courses, 1955 (K18); papers concerning work shops, 1955, glass blowing facilities, 1975 (K20); report on subjects other than science and technology, 1976, papers of the Huddie study group, 1974-1976 (K21); papers relating to a regional computer centre, 1965-1966, computing charges, 1970, 1979 (K22); future of the Royal School of Mines, 1975 (K23); working party reports and minutes on Bio-engineering developments, 1968-1971 (K24); surface science and technology, 1982 (K25); correspondence relating to a proposed centre of excellence for electric surface transport research, 1973-1974 (K26); proposed centre in Theoretical Physics, 1967-1968 (K27); Blacket chair of technology, 1976-1977 (K29).
31 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Awards and Scholarships of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Armorial bearings, flag, photographs and portraits of Imperial College
GB 0098 M
Date Range:
1908 -
Records comprise correspondence and notes relating to the College armorial bearings, 1908-1980, the College flag, 1938-1945 (MA); correspondence relating to photographs of Imperial College and members, 1910-1953 (MN); papers and correspondence relating to paintings and portraits of Rectors, Chairmen, Prince Consort, 1954-1987 (MP).
3 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Armorial bearings, flag, photographs and portraits of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Student Unions and Associations of Imperial College
GB 0098 S
Date Range:
1846 -
Records relating to Student Unions and Associations of Imperial College, 1846-1998, comprising Rector's correspondence on student matters, 1968-1972; Old Students' Associations, 1964-1972 (SA); records of the Royal College of Chemistry, comprising Laboratory Library Committee minutes, 1846-1851; Discussion Society minutes, 1859-1869 (SC); records of the Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines Students' Union, 1889-1913, including minutes of the committee, 1890-1900, 1911-1913; cash book and balance sheets, 1899-1904; printed rules, 1889-1901; records of the Royal School of Mines Student's Union, 1905-1973, notably accounts, 1926-1960; minutes of committees, 1905-1971; general meetings, 1912-1973; handbook, bookstall lists, 1948-1960 (SD); records of the Royal School of Mines Old Students' Association, 1912-1984, including annual dinners, 1907-1984; correspondence, 1912-1947 (SDA); Chaps Club, 1923-1973, comprising annual booklets, 1923-1970; awards of the Club tie, 1962-1973 (SDC); records of the Royal College of Science Student Union records, 1909-1981, notably minutes, 1909-1979; annual reports, 1926-1933; correspondence, 1901-1956; rules and handbook, 1931, 1967; Joint Publications Board minutes and correspondence, 1931-1981; correspondence concerning colours, 1926-1937 (SE); Royal College of Science Old Students' Association records, 1907-1990, including minutes of Committee meetings, 1908-1976, 1990; rules, 1909; correspondence, 1907-1975; attendance book, 1950-1970 (SEA); records of the City and Guilds Union, 1895-1984, including committee minutes, 1902-1983; Union Executive minutes, 1976-1984; accounts, 1909-1976; committees, correspondence, 1911-1969; records of the Engineering Society, 1895-1972, including minutes, accounts, letter books, photograph album, Athletic Club minutes and papers, 1912-1969; Boat Club accounts, 1921-1948, 1983; Boxing Club minutes, 1958-1962; Dancing Club accounts, 1945-1948; Football Club accounts, minutes, 1909-1974; Rugby Club minutes, 1899-1964; Radio Society log books, minutes, 1927-1990; Swimming and Water Polo Club minutes, 1977-1982 (SF); records of the Old Centralians, 1897-1998, including rules, 1903; correspondence, 1899-1938; subscriptions, 1897-1906, 1951-1961; accounts, 1897-1959; minutes, 1897-1903, 1968-1979; attendance registers, 1938-1973; annual dinners, 1907-1998 (SFA); records of the Twentyone Club, 1928-1983, including history, 1968; minutes, 1928-1975; papers of chairmen, subscriptions, 1930-1976 (SFAA); batches and bulletins, 1923-1983 (SFAB); The Links Club magazine, 1945-1948, 1965 (SFL); records of Imperial College Students' Union, 1911-1985, notably secretaries' correspondence, 1911-1979; handbooks, 1966-1985; policy statements, minutes of the Committee and Council, 1920-1981; Social Clubs Committee, 1935-1987; Athletic Clubs Committee, 1925-1976; Cricket Club, 1958-1976; Finance Committee, 1923-1938; general meetings, 1937-1981; Entertainments Committee, 1945-1959; accounts, 1946-1959; awards of colours, 1921-1968; list of union members, 1911-1947; Rectors' correspondence concerning student matters, including admission, complaints, accidents, deaths, 1958-1979 (SG/SGA); records of Imperial College Boathouse and Boatclub, notably opening, 1938; correspondence with the architect, 1936-1938; Rectors' correspondence, 1949-1963; purchase of site, 1933-1937; Boathouse Committee minutes, correspondence, 1938-1977; rules and constitution, 1921-1947; flood prevention scheme, 1936-1952 (SGDB); papers concerning Wembley Sportsground, comprising minutes of the Imperial College Athletic Ground Committee, 1932-1939; correspondence on the sale of the ground, 1922-1939; evidence of the Rector, 1936 (SGC); correspondence concerning the purchase, construction and military requisition of the Harlington Sports Pavilion, 1936-1946; Finance Committee papers, 1923-1952; Athletic Committee minutes, 1938-1981; Athletic Ground Committee minutes, 1945-1980; papers relating to the Sports Centre, 1965-1986, including South Kensington Sports Committee reports, 1968-1971; correspondence concerning the boats Olympic IV and VIII, 1975-1980; rifle range, 1947-1962; Gliding Committee correspondence and papers, 1930-1981, concerning foundation, grants, equipment, (SGD); Boxing Club minutes, 1950-1960 (SGE); Imperial College Chemical Engineering Society, proceedings of meetings, 1946-1958 (SGFC); Royal College of Science Entomological Society minutes, 1925-1938 (SGFE); Debating Society reports, 1963-1970 (SGFF); Hofmann Society minutes, 1933-1951, cashbook, 1933-1951, including the Hofmann prize to 1961 (SGFH); Imperial College Industrial Society magazine, 1986 (SGFI); Royal College of Science Mathematical and Physical Society minutes, 1923-1968 (SGFM); Imperial College Students' Union Overseas Societies, including the Chinese Society magazine, 1984-1985 (SGFO); Imperial College Students' Union Rugby Football Club minutes, 1934-1963 (SGFR); Imperial College Students' Union Social Clubs, including Exploration Society papers, 1961-1963, (SGFX); H G Wells Society correspondence, magazines, 1963-1984 (SGFW), G Wing Club (SGG); Imperial College Liberal Club newspaper, 1978 (SGGL); Imperial College Music Society, notably minutes 1984-1986, programmes, 1950-1985, Folk Club members, 1979-1981, Imperial College Sinfonietta programme (SGM); Imperial College Operatic Society programmes, 1977 (SGO); Imperial College Students' Union Radio Service papers, 1974-1979 (SGRS); Imperial College Womens' Association minutes, 1951-1967, accounts, 1975-1980 (SGW); papers relating to Imperial College Hostel and Halls of Residence, 1918-1983, notably Hostel Committee minutes, 1918-1950, regulations, 1926, Residents' Committee minutes, 1945-1959, Residential Amenities Committee correspondence, 1944-1961, Combined Colleges Housing Association papers, 1946-1975, Rectors' papers, 1965-1971, report and papers, 1983 (SH); papers relating to Imperial College Union Bookshop, notably Committee minutes, and regulations, 1926-1973, ledger, 1966-1990, correspondence, annual reports, 1922-1973, balance sheets, 1925-1971, papers concerning staff, 1949-1973, premises, 1955-1969 (SJ); Imperial College Refectory Committee minutes, 1930-1990, expenditure, 1930-1940, Hall Dinner Committee minutes, 1947-1962, menus (SK); Wine Committee minutes, 1954-1978, annual reports, 1954-1967, correspondence, 1954-1973 (SKW); papers relating to student discipline, 1945-1978, Imperial College Carnival, 1960-1966, including Rag magazines, International Conference of Students of Technology report, 1981 (SM); Imperial College Representative Council correspondence, 1969-1971 (SNA).
114 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Student Unions and Associations of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Publications of Imperial College
GB 0098 SP
Date Range:
1887 -
Records relating to Imperial College publications, 1887-2000, comprising minutes of the Phoenix (Imperial College Arts Magazine) Board, 1916-1959; correspondence, 1919-1966; copies of the Science Schools Journal, 1887-1891, later Royal College of Science Magazine, 1891-1904, later Phoenix, 1904-2000 (SPA); minutes of the Felix (Imperial College student newspaper) Board, later Publications Board, 1965-1971; copies of Felix, 1950-2000, (SPF); Coming Events, 1966-1969, later IC News, 1969-1974, later IC Diary, 1974-1982, later IC Gazette, 1982-2000; Topic magazine, 1974-1982; ICON, monthly Imperial College Review magazine, 1973-1982, CRITICON, 1982-1987; Network, Imperial College monthly newspaper, 1987-1994; IC Reporter, twice monthly staff newpaper, 1995-2000; The Central, 1903-1957, later Imperial College Engineer, 1987-1998 (Journal of the City & Guilds College Old Student's Association, formerly the Old Centralians); The Record, 1910-1995 (Journal of the Royal College of Science Old Students Association); The Spanner, 1963-1988 (yearbook of the City and Guilds College Union); Journal of the Mining and Metallurgical Society, 1848-1951, later Royal School of Mines Journal, 1952-1964; Guilds Engineer, 1950-1964 (Journal of the City and Guilds College and Engineering Society).
44 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Publications of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Imperial College Anniversaries and Visits
GB 0098 GJ
Date Range:
1908 -
Records of Imperial College Anniversaries and visits, 1908-1988, namely relating to the College centenary celebrations, 1945, comprising papers relating to the celebrations at the Albert Hall, including guest lists; minutes of the Centenary Committee; correspondence, 1944-1945; speeches by George VI, Lord Rayleigh, Sir Richard Southwell, 1945; minutes and correspondence relating to Commemoration Day lectures, 1946-1948; Commemoration Day sub-committee minutes and correspondence, 1948-1956; centenary appeal fund papers, 1944-1949; correspondence relating to the Memorial volume, 1944-1950; papers of Charter Day celebrations, 1943-1982, including correspondence concerning dinners; opening of the Roderic Hill building by Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, 1957; Charter Day parties, 1958-1968; 75th anniversary dinner of the College Charter, 1982; papers relating to official visits, 1916-1988, notably Commercial Committee of the House of Commons, 1916; Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, 1953, 1962; Parliamentary Committees, 1953 -1981; Princess Margaret, 1980; Princess Anne, 1981; messages to the Royal Family on royal events, 1910-1952; papers relating to congresses and conferences, 1931-1958, 1970-1971; annual dinner correspondence, 1924-1936; Open Days, 1961, 1969; prizes, 1908-1909; receptions, 1960-1973; correspondence relating to the Bursar's office, 1955-1975; papers of the Bookings Committee, 1964-1985, including minutes, 1964-1975, correspondence, 1973-1978; papers of the working party on the use of college facilities, 1974-1975; papers relating to marketing, press and public relations, 1969-1991, including visit of the Queen, 1969, working party on women students, 1986-1988.
21 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Imperial College Anniversaries and Visits, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Collection Title:
Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Records
GB 0098 A-Z
Date Range:
1616 -
Records of Imperial College, 1616-2000, comprising Constitutional and Incorporation records, 1903-1990, including Charter of Incorporation, 1907, Imperial College Act, 1988; Governing Body records, 1908-2000, notably minutes, 1908-2000, minutes of the Council, 1998-1999, minutes of the Court, 1998-1999; Board of Studies and related committee records, 1911-2000, notably minutes of the Board of Studies, 1911-1996; Financial records, 1907-1992, including College accounts, 1911-1960; Administration Department records, 1908-1991; College staff records, 1907-2000; records relating to former students, 1896-2001, including Central Technical College Old Students' Association reports and members, 1902-1973, City and Guilds College register, 1884-1934; records of Student Unions and Associations, 1846-2000, notably Royal College of Science and Royal School of Mines Students' Union, 1889-1913, Royal School of Mines Student's Union, 1905-1973, Royal School of Mines Old Students' Association, 1912-1984, Royal College of Science Students' Union records, 1909-1981, Royal College of Science Old Students' Association records, 1907-1990, City and Guilds Union, 1895-1998, Old Centralians, 1897-1998, Twentyone Club, 1928-1983, Imperial College Students' Union, 1911-1985, clubs and societies of the College, [1921-1986]; College publications, and related papers, notably the Phoenix (Imperial College Arts Magazine), 1887-2000, Felix (Imperial College student newspaper), 1950-2000, journals of College societies and associations, 1848-1995; records relating to the Architectural Association, 1960-1970; the Beit Fellowship, 1913-1972; College Registry records, principally concerning students and courses, 1909-1998; records relating to the Department of Science and Art, 1853-1984, including papers concerning the establishment of Imperial College; First and Second World War records, 1915-1947, including military occupation of the college and transfer of students; papers relating to College Anniversaries and Visits, 1908-1988, including College centenary celebrations, 1945; College Expansion Scheme records, 1860-1992, namely the development of the South Kensington site; Imperial College Development Association records, 1919-1933; papers relating to lectures and associated studies organised by the College, 1923-1998; papers relating to institutions, societies and bodies with links to Imperial College, 1852-1994, principally other South Kensington institutions, funding bodies; records relating to the acquisition and maintenance of Imperial College buildings, 1883-1991; records relating to Higher Education Institutions, 1907-1989, namely British and overseas universities and technical colleges; records relating to the University of London, 1901-1989; records concerning College armorial bearings, portraits and paintings, 1908-1987; records relating to the College Libraries, 1931-1986 and Archives, 1933-1987; academic departmental records, 1871-1996, principally concerning courses, scholarships, awards and prizes and administration; records of Interdisciplinary Centres and Courses, 1953-1999, including the Robotics and Automated Systems Centre, Centre for Composite Materials, Centre for Remote Sensing and Centre for Environmental Technology; records of Field Research Stations at Hurworth, Slough and Silwood Park and Harlington Athletics Ground, 1616-1990, including Sunninghill manorial records, 1616-1790; papers of the Aeronautics Department, Meteorology Department, and Physiological Flow Studies Unit, 1907-1987, Botany Department and Biology Life Science Division, 1894-1992, Chemistry Department, 1880-1991, Civil Engineering Department, 1884-1981, Computer Unit and Department of Computing, 1955-1988, Electrical Engineering Department, 1891-1980, Geology Department, 1876-1996, History of Science and Technology Department, 1954-1994, Management School, 1956-1986, Materials Department, 1887-1992, Mathematics Department, 1903-1981, Mechanical Engineering Department, 1904-1982, Mineral Resources Engineering Department, 1908-1992, Nuclear Power and Nuclear Technology Studies, 1956-1986, Physics Department, 1882-1985, Social and Economic Studies Department, 1965-1981, Zoology Department, 1908-1979.
788 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Records, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Governing Body of Imperial College
GB 0098 GB
Date Range:
1908 -
Records of the Governing Body of Imperial College, 1908-2000, comprising minutes of the Governing Body, 1908-1998; minutes of the Council, 1998-2000; minutes of the Court, 1998-2000; correspondence, 1910-1912, 1959-1982; Imperial College annual reports, 1908-1997, with related correspondence, 1911-1935; Professor's reports, 1907-1908; Departmental reports, 1939-1944; Rector's reports, 1958-1969; annual report accounts, 1988; statistics compiled for annual reports, 1984; student statistics, 1938-1939; College statistics, 1935-1969; papers relating to the Imperial College Seal, including correspondence concerning regulations governing affixing the seal, 1941-1967; registers of sealing, 1947-1980; Imperial College trade marks certificates, 1995-2000; appointment of members, 1907-1968, and Governors, 1969-1980; attendance registers of members, 1907-1912, 1942-1970; papers relating to Professorial members of the Governing Body, 1927-1945; teaching staff members, 1947-1959; representation of the Dominions and Colonies, 1947-1966; representation of Canada, 1951-1968; withdrawal of South Africa from the Governing Body, 1961-1962; papers relating to resignations and appointments of chairmen of the Governing Body, 1934-1975; papers relating to sub-committees, comprising Mining and Metallurgy, 1907-1908; other pure and applied sciences, 1907-1908; Biological Sciences, 1907-1908; other branches of engineering, 1907-1911; papers of the Executive Committee, comprising minutes, 1996-1998; financial position of the College, 1922; Finance committee correspondence, 1907-1911; minutes of the House Committee, 1975-1996; Royal School of Mines Advisory Board correspondence, 1912-1923; papers of the Development Planning Group, including College plans, 1985-1995; reviews, 1986-1992; Imperial College of Science and Technology statistics, 1986; Departmental profiles, 1986; minutes, 1985-1987 (GB); printed records, 1908-1994; comprising college calendars, 1908-1994; undergraduate and postgraduate prospectuses, 1908, 1940-1999; Standing Orders of the Governing Body, 1908; college regulations, 1915; Year cards, 1908, 1940, 1959-1960; standing orders review, 1967-1969 (GA).
31 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Governing Body of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Financial records of Imperial College
GB 0098 GQ
Date Range:
1907 -
Finance records of Imperial College, including College accounts, 1911-1960; regulations, 1986, 1992; correspondence of the College auditor, 1909-1926; Internal auditor's reports, 1977-1979, and information leaflet, 1992; papers relating to college appeals, comprising Appeal Committee papers, 1919-1921; Botany Research Appeal papers, 1920; Centenary Appeal brochures and reports, 1945-1954; Roderic Hill Memorial leaflet and appeal correspondence, 1954-1957; 1969 Appeal correspondence, papers, press releases, and minutes, 1965-1972; Queen's Gate Trust minutes, 1969-1970; papers relating to donations to the college, including correspondence, 1908-1967; ledger of donors, 1907-1938; correspondence relating to donations from Charles Hawksley, 1908-1914; Goldsmiths' Company, 1934; Bryson Mulberry bequest, 1949-1952; Gregory bequest, 1961-1979; Frank Merricks Associates fund, 1936-1952; Tanner fund, 1960-1966; Jackson fund, 1968-1974; Armstrong Memorial Trust, 1952-1968; correspondence and minutes relating to the Hilary Bauermann bequest, 1933-1978; records relating to departmental finance, including finance office log book, 1945-1956; correspondence relating to equipment grants, 1968-1970; suspense accounts, 1968-1976; special pensions, notably the Judd fund, 1935-1944; papers relating to research and development, including university and industry liason correspondence, 1966-1970; report on university research and its commercial exploitation, 1969-1970; conference proceedings, 1983; papers relating to Imperial College companies, notably Impel annual reports, 1988-1990; Imperial Biotechnology minutes and reports, 1982-1989; Imperial College Consultants Limited, 1991; correspondence relating to research grants, 1968-1971; outside income, 1977-1978; report of the working party on patents, 1979 (GP); City and Guilds College ledgers, 1913-1953 (GQ).
22 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Financial records of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
Related Entries:

Series Title:
Constitution and Incorporation of Imperial College
GB 0098 G
Date Range:
1903 -
Records comprise papers relating to the history and constitution of Imperial College, 1903-1990, including articles, notes and press cuttings on the history of the College, 1903-1990, including papers relating to World War Two by H J T Ellingham; Charter of Incorporation, 1907, with drafts, 1906-1907, supplementary Orders in Council, 1907-1951, and amendments, 1995, papers of the Charter Committee, 1938-1951, papers relating to the alteration of statutes, 1938-1940, papers of the Constitutional Reviewing Committee, 1964-1970, including minutes, 1964-1967, proposals for revision of the charter, 1966 (G1-12); records relating to the merger with St Mary's Hospital Medical School, notably the Imperial College Bill, 1987 and Act, 1988, amendments to the charter, 1988, papers relating to the merger ceremony, 1988, prospectuses, 1990 (G13); Imperial College Act for Wye College, [2000] (G16).
14 boxes
Online Finding Aid:
Tancell, Julie, Constitution and Incorporation of Imperial College, Resource Section, AIM25: Archives in London and the M25 Area, AIM25 Project, Research Support Libraries Programme, AIM25, 2001. (Also available at
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Published by Imperial College, London
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Updated: 19 June 2006

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