Group photo at Robot Intelligence Lab

Group photo of the Robot Intelligence Lab with Robot DE NIRO

Group photo at Robot Intelligence Lab

Everyone is keeping busy at the Robot Intelligence Lab

Robot pancake flipping

Robot learns to flip pancakes by trial and error (emphasis on the latter)

Group photo at Robot Intelligence Lab

Group photo at the New Scientist Live event

Robot archer

Robot learns archery through an efficient online learning algorithm.

Group photo at Robot Intelligence Lab

We are proud of our work at the Robot Intelligence Lab

Learning to coordinate the movement of two robot arms, including both position and force control.

Robot Intelligence Lab's Flicker account Robot Intelligence Lab's Flicker account:

Petar Kormushev's Flicker account Petar Kormushev's Flicker account:

Selected photos from the Flickr albums

Photo shoot of Robot DE NIRO

Contact us

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)
Dyson School of Design Engineering
Address: 25 Exhibition Road, South Kensington, London, SW7 2DB
LinkedIn of Petar Kormushev