School children at a Science Magic workshop in the Wohl Reach Out Lab at Imperial College London on

Our state-of-the-art educational facility is dedicated to hands-on activities that engage school children in STEM subjects.

Set up in 2010, the Wohl Reach Out Lab (WROL) is a state-of-the-art laboratory on our South Kensington Campus

Over the last ten years, we are proud to have delivered over 1,500 different STEM activities and workshops through the WROL to participants from over 1,900 different schools, 899 of which are in London.

The activities that take place in the WROL are a combination of enrichment sessions for younger school children and science-based curriculum programmes for secondary age pupils. Sessions for primary age pupils include workshops which are designed to ignite their interest in STEM subjects. Science-based curriculum programmes for secondary age pupils aim to increase their confidence and help schools with raising attainment – this includes our summer schools and university access support programmes. All activities have been and continue to be focused on hands-on STEM practicals and learning.

Based in the heart of Imperial – a world-leading centre for excellence in science, engineering, medicine and business – we draw on the expertise of our academic staff and students to bring these activities to life.


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