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Welcome to the Department of Computing webpages on student wellbeing. We believe that successful students require both excellent academic and pastoral support. On these pages, you will find information on where to find wellbeing support in the department and in the wider College. You will also find information on external organisations, under ‘other sources of help’. See ‘Events’ for information on upcoming events, such as workshops and training, and ‘Newsletters’ contains the archive of old Newsletters.

Personal Tutors (undergraduate and postgraduate students)

Your personal tutor is there to support you in your personal, general academic, and professional development. Through regular contact and the establishment of a supportive and professional relationship, the Personal Tutors maintain an overview of their tutees' academic progress and development as well as an overview of their tutees' wellbeing.

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The role of our Wellbeing Advisor is to enhance the support students receive from their personal tutors. Caroline Gilchrist develops resources, runs workshops, and offers awareness-raising events to which you will be invited. Caroline is also available to speak to on a one-to-one basis on a wide range of issues including settling into college life, relationships and friendship or family worries, mental health, loneliness, and concerns about substance or alcohol misuse.

Contact information

To contact Caroline, please email

The Senior Tutors are responsible for the welfare and academic progress of students in the department. Please speak to the relevant Senior Tutor if you have concerns about your academic progress or if you feel that there are circumstances that are causing you academic pressure.

Undergraduate Senior Tutors

To contact the Undergraduate Senior Tutor team, please email

Undergraduate Senior Tutor – Dr Maria Valera-Espina

(Dr Valera-Espina is currently away and the Undergraduate Senior Tutor role is being covered by Dr Faraz Janan)

Undergraduate Deputy Senior Tutor – Dr Thomas Lancaster

Postgraduate Taught Senior Tutors

To contact the Postgraduate Taught Senior Tutor team, please email

Postgraduate Taught Senior Tutor – Dr Thomas Lancaster

Postgraduate Research Senior Tutors

Postgraduate Research Senior Tutor - Professor Paul Kelly

Departmental Disability Officer – Dr Thomas Lancaster