The Department of Computing supports the wellbeing of all of its staff and students. A healthy work-life balance is encouraged and there is a positive attitude towards flexible working. Flexible working provides employees with a degree of flexibility on how long for, where, and at what time they work.

To read more about College services, health facilities and flexible working, staff and students are advised to visit the Health and Wellbeing intranet page.

Time to Change

The College has signed up to the Time to Change pledge with a commitment to raise awareness of mental health issues and enhance the mental wellbeing of the Imperial community. You can find out more about the Time to Change pledge and the steps Imperial are taking to drive long term change in the Imperial College Time To Change Action Plan.

The Department of Computing has a number of Mental Health First Aiders. 

Mental Health First Aiders

  • Dr Anna Cupani

    Dr Anna Cupani

    Personal details

    Dr Anna Cupani Stakeholder Engagement Manager


    1st Floor, William Penney Laboratory


    Mental Health First Aider

  • Dr Maria Valera-Espina

    Ms Teresa Carbajo Garcia

    Personal details

    Dr Maria Valera-Espina Senior Tutor and Teaching Fellow


    373, Huxley Building


    Mental Health First Aider

  • Ms Teresa Carbajo Garcia

    Ms Teresa Carbajo Garcia

    Personal details

    Ms Teresa Carbajo Garcia Research Group Officer


    453, Huxley Building


    Mental Health First Aider

  • Ms Anne O’Neill

    Personal details

    Ms Anne O’Neill Department Operations Manager


    561, Huxley Building 


    Mental Health First Aider

  • Mr Huaqi Qiu

    Mr Huaqi Qiu

    Personal details

    Mr Huaqi Qiu Research Assistant


    347, Huxley Building


    Mental Health First Aider

  • Mr Gavin Seegoolam

    Mr Gavin Seegoolam

    Personal details

    Mr Gavin Seegoolam e-Halls Software Engineer


    344, Huxley Building


    Mental Health First Aider