Med-Bio is supported by people from several departments at Imperial College London (ICL, lead institution), while also bringing together leading multidisciplinary teams from other institutions such as the Institute of Cancer Research, the European Molecular Biology Laboratory-European Bioinformatics Institute, the Universities of Oxford, Swansea and Nottingham, and the MRC Clinical Sciences Centre and MRC Human Nutrition Research Centre. In addition, the project funds a number of Research Fellowships, based at Imperial College London, for the duration of the project. 


Paul ElliottProfessor Elliott holds the Chair in Epidemiology and Public Health Medicine and is Head of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. Paul Elliott is also Director of the MRC-PHE Centre for Environment and Health and of the Small Area Health Statistics Unit (SAHSU), and co-Director of the MRC-NIHR National Phenome Centre. Some of his key interests, including cardiovascular disease, genetic and molecular epidemiology and cohort studies, are at the core of the research that UK Med-Bio aims to facilitate. Read full profile.

Jeremy NicholsonProfessor Nicholson is the Director of the world's first National Phenome Centre, specialising in large-scale molecular phenotyping. He also directs the Imperial Biomedical Research Centre Stratified medicine program and Clinical Phenome Centre. Professor Nicholson has developed novel spectroscopic and multivariate statistical techniques to probe the metabolic biochemistry of cells and biological fluids. The objective of this work has been to understand molecular mechanisms of disease, discover novel biomarkers of tissue injury and to probe metabolic interactions between symbiotic gut microbes and host that may be significant in the development and treatment of disease. Read full profile.

Yi-Ke GuoProfessor Guo is the founding Director of the Data Science Institute at Imperial College, as well as leading the Discovery Science Group in the department. He also holds the position of CTO of the tranSMART Foundation, a global open source community using and developing data sharing and analytics technology for translational medicine. He is currently the Principal Investigator of the European project for the cloud-based informatics platform eTRIKS, where tranSMART is a core component for clinico-genomic medical research. Read full profile.

Robert GlenProfessor Glen has extensive experience in both industry and academia. At Imperial College London, he directs several groups working on Big Data projects in diverse areas such as metabonomics, clinical data analysis, bioinformatics and machine learning, and he is closely involved with the National Phenome Centre, the Bioinformatics Data Science group, the Institute of Translational Medicine and Therapeutics, UK Med-Bio and the Institute of Cancer Research. Research themes include 'omics data fusion, visualisation of complex high dimensional data, clinical spectroscopic data analysis and chemistry in epidemiological studies. Read full profile.


Dr Sarah ButcherDr Butcher oversees the day-to-day running of the Med-Bio infrastructure, and liaises with the diverse groups that assist us with keeping the project on track, including the College ICT Data Centre team and HPC group. She manages the Med-Bio system administrator and bioinformatician, as well as Dr Abbott (from the Bioinformatics Data Science Group, BDSG). As Head of the BDSG, Dr Butcher assists researchers to identify effective collaborations and access appropriate resources, be they on Med-Bio, BDSG resources or otherwise. Read full profile.

Dr Mosen-AnsorenaDr Mosen-Ansorena coordinates the day-to-day data management and user administration aspects of the project, acting as direct liaison with users and Med-Bio research fellows, as well as finding research and collaboration opportunities. He also undertakes some of the bioinformatics analyses within the scope of the project, mostly in the context of high-throughput genomics and pathway analysis. Read full profile.

Dr Han is Med-Bio's system administrator, in charge of managing all aspects of the multi-petabyte storage system that forms the central Med-Bio infrastructure, as well as administration of the servers, and provisioning of software and user environment. He has implemented and maintains the data management infrastructure for Med-Bio's large bio-medical compute resources. Read full profile.

Dr James AbbottDr Abbott is a bioinformatician and system administrator with the BDSG, working for 20% of his time on the Med-Bio project. He assisted with the design, procurement and commissioning of the Med-Bio storage and servers, and helps provide system administration support on these systems. He develops the Imperial Metagenomics Pipeline (IMP) in collaboration with Dr Lesley Hoyles, one of the Med-Bio Research Fellows. Read full profile.

External collaborators

Research interests

Their areas of interest include: development of privacy protecting analysis platforms that support distributed teams of scientists; integration of cohort, biological and routine datasets; and analysis of multi-modal data. They are interested in generic approaches that can be applied to many disease areas or population groups but are particularly involved in supporting the MRC’s Dementias Research Platform.

Role in UK Med-Bio 

Dr Lyons's group brings expertise in integration of multi-modal data using privacy protecting platforms to support distributed team science. At Swansea, they have developed the Dementias Research Platform UK (DPUK) analysis site to bring together data on 30+ cohorts, hosted on the UK Secure eResearch Platform, which was funded by MRC’s capital investment in the Farr Institute. Theyr major role in Med-Bio is the integration of the Airwave data on the DPUK platform.

Research interests

At the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), the group host MetaboLights, a detailed cross-species, cross-technique database for metabolomics experiments and derived information. In addition, EBI coordinates the metabolomics e-infrastructure project PhenoMeNaL H2020, which will enable services enabling computation and analysis to improve the understanding of the causes and mechanisms underlying health, healthy ageing and diseases. 

Role in UK Med-Bio

Dr Steinbeck's group works toward building common metabolomics workflows and standards compliance of metabolomics experiments and data, which includes infrastructure building efforts between UK-MedBio and PhenoMeNal and to facilitate sharing metabolomics data and metadata via MetaboLights.

  • Dr Christopher Steinbeck, Head of Metabolomics and Molecular Informatics, EMBL-EBI.
  • Dr Reza M Salek, Scientific Coordinator, EMBL-EBI.

Dr Bissan Al-Lazikani, Institute of Cancer Research

Research Fellows

antonioDr Berlanga's research interests lie at the intersection of inflammation and genomics and aim to understand the interactions between our genes and the environment. His research leverages the strength of integrated genomics and metabolomics computational analyses in cohort and clinical trial designs, in order to understand causal roles of genetic and environmental factors in immune and inflammatory disorders. Read a summary of his Fellowship.

lesleyDr Hoyles is currently establishing a research group using classical and computational biology to examine the effects of dietary components on the microbiota, and of microbiota-derived metabolites on host health. She has set up and runs Bugs In Your Guts, a developing resource for those interested in gut microbiology and the gut microbiota, and is a STEMNET Ambassador and teaches on the MRes Biomedical Research stream Microbiome in Health and DiseaseRead a summary of her Fellowship.


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