

Aruna Sivakumar 

Reader in Consumer Demand Modelling and Urban System
Travel behaviour and demand modelling; Econometrics and discrete choice; Urban energy systems and modelling end user demand; Integrated urban models; Modelling urban freight. 
 USL Director
Research Group Administrators



Fangce Guo

Research Fellow, PhD
Short-term traffic prediction.
Email Fangce

Jacek Pawlak

Research Fellow, PhD
Transport demand and travel behaviour modelling; Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and travel behaviour; digital time use and connectivity; travel time use; productivity; valuation of travel time savings; big data enrichment methods and applications. 
Email Jacek
USL Research Fellows A-Z
Transport Academics A-Z


 Photo Details
Ahmadreza Faghih Imani

Ahmadreza Faghih Imani

Research Associate
​Travel behaviour and demand modeling, Active transportation, Integrated land-use/transport modeling, Urban energy systems​
Email Ahmadreza

Tang Li

Research Associate
Modelling the mixed traffic flow of Autonomous Vehicles and Human-Driven Vehicles; developing novel control and management strategies; Connected Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs); Vehicle to Grid (V2G); Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS); Virtual Reality (VR); Urban Railway System and Urban System.
Email Tang
USL Research Associates A-Z
Transport Academics A-Z
Abu, Abdulfatah

Abdulfatah Abu

Started Oct 2018
Forecasting future car ownership preference taking into account changes in the structure of private transport.
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.
Email Abdulfatah

Alessandra Abeille

Started Oct 2017
An interdisciplinary framework for disaggregate assessment of productivity and well-being impacts of digital technologies on knowledge workers in nontraditional settings (ITINERANT).
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.Polak, J.; Pawlak, J.
Email Alessandra

Yanjie Dong

A data scientist, researcher and transport modeller by background with more than 10 years' experience across private sector, public sector and academia. Multidisciplinary experience with domain knowledge in the areas of smart cities, transport modelling, intelligent mobility and urban energy system. Enthusiastic about data analytics, predictive modelling, machine learning and deep learning. Passionate in using data, modelling, simulation and AI to help understand problems old and new, and to improve the quality of life in our society.
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.Polak, J.

Heather Hou

Started Oct 2018
A novel approach to optimising HVAC operations based on human indoor behaviour prediction.
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.Polak, J.; Pawlak, J.
Email Heather

In-chan Kim

Started Mar 2017
Integration of Big-Data analytics with traffic controls and management.
As part of the CDT in Sustainable Civil Engineering
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.Polak, J.
Email In-Chan

 Han Wang

Han Wang

Started Oct 2019
Energy demand modelling, demand-side management, activity modelling and choice models.
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.; Guo, F.Krishnan, R.
Email Han


Jeff Wu

Started Oct 2022
Choice models.
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.
Email Jeff

 Xuehao Zhai

Xuehao Zhai

Started Oct 2020
Interpretable Deep learning for transportation.
Supervised by: Sivakumar, A.Guo, F.
Email Han
USL Research Students A-Z
Transport Academics A-Z

Bianca Howard

Honorary Research Associate
Research Interests: Buildings and their interaction with energy and transport systems. Methods: Dynamic Thermal Modelling; Model Predictive Control; Mixed Integer Linear Programming; Simulation of Stochastic Processes.
 Neil Hoose

Neil Hoose

Senior Research Investigator, Visiting Professor 
In 1999 Neil formed the Bittern Partnership, which subsequently became Bittern Consulting Limited in 2003, an independent consultancy specialising in intelligent transport systems, with particular experience in traffic monitoring technologies and traffic data systems. 

Rajesh Krishnan

Honorary Research Fellow
Dr Rajesh Krishnan is an Honorary Research Fellow at the Centre for Transport Studies. His research areas include Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), traffic sensors, real-time and offline analysis and use of transport data, traffic control and management and public transport.  He has been involved with a number of cutting edge ITS projects, working closely with academia and local government agencies in the UK. 

Charilaos Latinopoulos

Honorary Research Associates
Research Interests: Electric vehicles and the effects of charging demand on the power grid; Shared mobility systems; Revenue management; Dynamic pricing; Choice modelling; Stated preferences.

Scott Le Vine

Honorary Research Fellow
Le Vine is an Assistant Professor at SUNY New Paltz, an Honorary Research Fellow at Imperial College, He frequently delivers invited talks to audiences in academia practicing urban planners, and the automotive industry. He is lead-inventor of patent-pending congestion pricing technology for Self-Driving (Automated) Cars, and has provided expert testimony to various levels of government in both the UK and US. His research interests are: Mobility Services; Accessibility Theory; Traffic Control Strategies; Pricing and Market Governance.

Francesco Manca

Honorary Research Associate
Research interests: Travel behaviour and transport demand.
Suel, Esra

Esra Suel

Honorary Research Associate
Research interests: application of learning methods to large scale data (e.g. street imagery and high resolution satellite data), for characterizing urban environmental features and exposures that are relevant for health, measurement of urban inequalities and how they change in social economic status, housing, and transport.

Chenyang Wu

Honorary Research Associate
Research interests: Modelling of shared vehicles demand.
Alireza Zolfaghari

Alireza Zolfaghari

Honorary Research Associate
He is a data scientist by background specialising in the areas of machine learning and econometrics. He has served as an advisor to deputy minister of housing on a wide range of technology and policy issues and was an Assistant Professor at Road, Housing and Urban Development Research Centre. Alireza holds a PhD from Imperial College London in urban systems modelling with over 5 years of experience of interdisciplinary research in economics and computer science with applications to smart cities. 
Visiting and Honorary Staffs A-Z
Emeritus and Senior Research Investigators

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