General Information

Registration will be open in 2025. You can register your interest on the main page.


Fees are TBC

The course will be held in online via MS Teams

Certificate of Attendance

Your Certificate of Attendance will be issued on completion of the course


A 20% administration fee will be levied for cancellations made up to two weeks prior to the start of the course.  Cancellations thereafter will be liable to the loss of the full fee.  Notice of cancellation must be given in writing by letter or fax and action will be taken to recover, from the delegates or their employers, that proportion of the fee owing at the time of cancellation. 

Imperial College London reserves the right to cancel an advertised course at short notice.  It will endeavour to provide participants with as much notice as possible, but will not accept liability for costs incurred by participants or their organisations for the cancellation of travel arrangements and/or accommodation reservations as a result of the course being cancelled or postponed.  If a course is cancelled, fees will be refunded in full. Imperial College also reserves the right to postpone or make such alterations to the content of a course as may be necessary.

Queries regarding registration and other administration matters should be directed to:
Centre for Continuing Professional Development, Imperial College London, London SW7 2AZ
via email
Queries regarding the technical content of the course should be directed to:

Professor Dennis Buchanan, Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, South Kensington, London SW7 2AZ
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 6440 or via email