David Nutt, the Edmond J Safra Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology

Drugs Live: The Ecstasy Trial a two part programme about the effects of ecstasy will air at 10pm tonight on Channel 4.
Research on MDMA, the pure form of the drug ecstasy, will be the focus of a two-part programme called Drugs Live: The Ecstasy Trial to be shown on Channel 4 tonight and tomorrow night.
The study examines how the resting brain responds to MDMA and is led by David Nutt, Edmond J Safra Professor of Neuropsychopharmacology at Imperial College London, and Professor Val Curran from University College London.
The research uses functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine the effects of MDMA in healthy volunteers under laboratory conditions. The volunteers also carry out a series of cognitive tests to examine the drug’s effects on empathy, trust and memory. In addition to providing fundamental information on how MDMA affects the resting brain, results from the study might also inform future research into whether the drug could be of use as a clinical treatment.
The programmes will show recorded footage of the research alongside a live studio debate to explore issues linked with MDMA.
The science behind 'Drugs Live: The Ecstasy Trial'
Hear more about the MDMA study and the documentary from Dr Robin Carhart-Harris and Dr David Erritzoe.
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Kerry Noble
Department of Surgery & Cancer

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Email: press.office@imperial.ac.uk
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