Look out for Dolly in the Central Library

Visitors to the Central Library may have spotted Dolly the Sheep near the entrance.
The papier mache Dolly the Sheep is a sculpture created by Ellyw Evans, Zoe Ohman and Joanna Wolstenholme as part of their MSc Science Communication coursework.
Dolly was cloned 20 years ago from adult mammary gland cells at the Roslin Institute, Edinburgh. Her story is told through newspaper cuttings from the time.
Please drop in to the Central Library to find out more about Dolly and remember to share your photos on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

Dolly's story is told through newspaper cuttings
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Janet Corcoran
Library Services

Contact details
Tel: +44 (0)20 7594 8867
Email: j.m.corcoran@imperial.ac.uk
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