#MYBRAINTUNES is about monitoring the human brainwaves that occur when someone listens to music, in order to predict how much they will like a particular song. The department of computing researchers are aiming to build computational models that will help them explore and decode people’s music-listening brain states and decipher their preferred musical style.
They will then send you a brain-connectivity graph that reflects what happens in your brain as you perceive your favourite music, which you can use for entertainment purposes and share through social media as a certificate of “knowing-thyself".
What will happen in the experiment?
Music is one of the most treasured human experiences. It is a universal language across different countries and cultures. Our researchers will try to explore your aesthetic experience while you listen to our selected songs. They anticipate that your participation in the experiment will be joyful, fun and not challenging in any way.
During the experiment you’ll have your brain waves recorded while you listen to some of the top songs from the last 40 years of the Official UK Singles Chart. Afterward you’ll get an email showing you what happens in your brain when you listen to your favourite music.
Date: Every Wednesday - Sunday, 19 February - 26 April 2020
Location: Science Museum
Find out more about the experiment
Suitable for 12+ (parental consent required)
Article text (excluding photos or graphics) © Imperial College London.
Photos and graphics subject to third party copyright used with permission or © Imperial College London.

Mr Ahmed Idle
Department of Computing