Challenge Team Projects

Have a look at the projects below which took place in 2015 - 16.

The Ecotarian

Challenge TeamProject TitleMedia Links
Thomas Creedy
Rogier Hintzen
Boris Ochoa Tocachi
Jennifer Quye-Sawyer
Grace Redmond
Bora Ristic
Stephen Watkins
Mentor: Dr Wouter Buytaert
 Citizen Science - Mountain-EVO Video: How do we monitor rainfall and stream flow?
Renato Cabral
Roan Du Feu
Alexandra Hicken
Joanna Lester
Rowan Schley
Dylan Smith
Mentor: Dr Heather Graven
 Endangered South America
Sam Grainger
Cally Ham
Daniel Hdidouan
Miklós Homolya
Dimitrios-Georgios Kontopoulos
Helen Lacey
Mentor: Dr Mark Crimmin
 Drawing Climate Change
Alastair Gregory
Nichar Gregory
Florence Gschwend
Hafeez Jeofry
Ahmed Tayia
Azucena Rodriguez Yebra
Patric Simoes Pereira
Mentor: Dr Christoph Mazur
 Climate Collective
Olivia Bentley
Jonathan Bosch
Sam Brooke
Andra Calderon Irazoque
Malcolm Graham
Hannah Norman
Philip Sandwell
Mentor: Dr Helen Brindley
 Sustainable Urban Development
Olivier Bode Presa
Jiajun Cen
Simon De Stercke
Xavier Gilbert
Alex Hughes
Minyi Liang
William Rimington
Gaia Stucky de Quay
Mentor: Professor Matthew Fisher
 Imagining Climate Change  
Alistair Boyce
Victoria Burton
Solomos Georgiou
Pria Ghosh
Demetrius Martins
Teddy Szemberg O'Connor
Sian Williams
Mentor: Dr Eileen Cox
 Natural History Museum Late  
Rachel Bertram
Maral Mahlooji
Oliver Schmidt
Rebecca Short
Thomas Smallwood
Benjamin Yeager
Mentor: Dr Tina van de Flierdt
 The Sounds of Climate Change  
Peter Blair
Kieran Brophy
Alfio Chiarenza
Alexander Griffiths
Francisca Jalil
Rebecca Thomas
Sonia Tiedt
Mentor: Dr Erik van Sebille
 Newspaper 2065  
Michael Burgass
Clementine Chambon
Philip Chapman
Clea Kolster
Ronan McAdam
Simon Moulds
Naomi Pratt
Arnaud Koehl
Mentor: Dr Kris Murray
 The Ecotarian
List of Challenge Team Projects

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (