Previous cohorts

Project list

NameDepartmentSupervisorProject Title
 Robert Allen Earth Science & Engineering Dr Jenny Collier Volatile recycling at the Lesser Antilles arc: A geophysical study of the incoming plate
 Ricardo Arraiano Catilho Life Sciences Dr Martin Bidartondo Plant-Fungal interactions in Alpine ecosystems: Environmental drivers and influence of plant host genetic variation on mycorrhizas across elevation and latitudinal gradients
 Eirik Christensen Mechanical Engineering Dr Guillermo Rein Frostfire: Permafrost thawing and wildfires in cold regions
 Habiba Daggash Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Niall Mac Dowell The implications of the Paris Agreement on electric power systems transitions: technoeconomic and sociopolitical assessments of the UK and Nigeria
 Michael Ehrenstein Chemical Engineering Dr Gonzalo Guillen Gosalbez Supply Chain Risk Management and Resilient Cities
 Rikki Gumbs Life Sciences Dr James Rosindell Integrating phylogeny and functional traits into conservation priority setting
 Alexander Hage Physics Dr Juliet Pickering Cirrus Cloud Studies
 Shirin Hakim Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Kaveh Madani Virtually Dry: Tracing Iran’s Virtual Water Bankruptcy
 Paul Huxley School of Public Health Dr Kris Murray Impacts of environmental change on vector borne disease dynamics: resolving the influences of mosquito ecological and life history trait variation on disease risks
 Luciana Miu Chemical Engineering Dr Adam Hawkes A socio-technical framework to drive the introduction of energy efficiency measures for private households in the UK
 Bruce Murphy Royal Botanical Gardens (Kew) Dr Martin Cheek Phylogenomics and evolution of pitcher plants (Nepenthes) and biogeographical patterns in SE Asia
 Chris Ogden Earth Science and Engineering Dr Ian Bastow The formation and evolution of Cyprus and the Troodos Ophiolite: evidence from broadband seismology
 Victoria Priestley Life Sciences Professor Vincent Savolainen Assessing ecosystems diversity and function using environmental DNA
 Ashley Reaney Life Sciences Dr Arkhat Abzhanov The evolution of form and function across taxonomic scales of passerines
 Jonathan Rio Earth Science and Engineering Dr Mark Sutton Using the fossil record of crocodylians to assess extinction risk today
 Muhammad Agung Santoso Mechanical Engineering Dr Guillermo Rein Laboratory-Based Experimental Study of Smouldering peat fires
 Geraldine Satre-Buisson Science Communications Unit Dr Felicity Mellor Strategic Narratives in the UK Climate Policy
 Sarab Sethi Mathematics Dr Nick Jones Continuous monitoring of rainforest biodiversity via acoustic signal processing
 Hiral Shah School of Public Health Dr Kris Murray Exploring the impact of global agricultural production and trade on infectious disease risks
 Branwen Snelling Earth Science and Engineering Professor Matthew Piggott Probabilistic tsunami hazard assessment: quantifying uncertainty in landslide, earthquake and impact generated waves
 Daniel Swindlehurst Life Sciences Dr Joseph Tobias Impacts of Land-use and Climate Change on Ecosystem Function at Macroecological Scales
 Grace Thomas Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Mike Tennant Challenges of accessing mainstream capital for impact investment
 Natasha Trencham Physics Professor Joanna Haigh The climatic impact of stratospheric temperature changes in idealized coupled ocean‐ atmosphere models
 Chi San Tsai Civil and Environmental Engineering Dr Adrian Butler Saline intrusion in coastal aquifers
 Ian Walker Computing Dr Ben Glocker Deep Learning for Automated Discovery and Analysis of Plant Leaf Physiographic Characters Related to Climate Change
 Han Yuan Mechanical Engineering Dr Guillermo Rein Predicting the spread of smouldering peat fires
Summary of the table's contents
NameDepartmentSupervisorProject Title
 Renato Cabral Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Niall Mac Dowell Flexible carbon negative electricity generation
 Andrea Calderon Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Rocio Diaz-Chavez Assessment of climate change mitigation policies for Mexico City
 Jiajun Cen Chemical Engineering Professor Xiao Yun Xu Modelling of supercritical CO2 storage in fractured rock formations under realistic conditions
 Alessandro Chianzera Earth Science & Engineering Professor Peter Allison Virtual habitats, fossil preservation and estimates of dinosaur biodiversity in the Cretaceous of North America.
 Alison Cobb Physics Dr Arnaud Czaja Impact of the Gulf Stream on the North Atlantic storm track
 Solomos Georgiou Chemical Engineering Dr Christos Markides Decarbonising food supply chains: a holistic approach
 Pria Ghosh School of Public Health Professor Matthew Fisher The evolutionary ecology of fungal coinfections in disease-stricken amphibians
 Nichar Gregory Life Sciences Dr Lauren Cator Vectorial capacity across an environmental gradientThe evolutionary ecology of fungal coinfections in disease-stricken amphibians
 Alexander Griffiths Earth Science & Engineering Professor Mark Rehkamper Understanding modern biogeochemical cycles in the context of the international GEOTRACES program – cadmium, zinc, lead and neodymium isotope analyses
 Cally Ham Zoological Society of London Dr Rosie Woodroffe The ecology of pathogen transmission between wildlife and livestock
 Daniel Hdidouan Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Rob Gross Impacts of Climate Change on Renewable Resources of Europe and North Africa
 Alex Hughes Earth Science & Engineering Dr Dylan Rood Quantifying seismic hazard posed by active thrust faults in urbanized Southern California
 Hafeez Jeofry Earth Science & Engineering Professor Martin Siegert Quantifying Antarctic ice-sheet vulnerability to internal ice-sheet processes
 Arnaud Koehl School of Public Health Dr Chris Millett  
 Dimitrios Kontopoulos Life Sciences Dr Samraat Pawar Biological Limits to Acclimation and Adaptation to Climate change
 Joanna Lester Physics Dr Heather Graven  Studying ocean circulation, acidification and CO2 uptake using models and tracers
 Maral Mahlooji Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Kaveh Madani A System of Systems Approach to Assess the Sustainability of Energy Systems: A Global Insight
 Ronan McAdam Physics Dr Erik van Sebille The connected ocean: redrawing ocean boundaries and the impact of inter-ocean transports on climate and ecosystems
 Hannah Norman Life Sciences Professor Alfried Vogler  Metagenomics and museum collections to characterize declining pollination webs
 Boris Ochoa Tocachi Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr Wouter Buytaert Citizen science for water resources management in remote mountain environments
 Naomi Pratt Earth Science & Engineering Dr Tina Van de Flierdt Unravelling Climate Secrets of the Past with Deep-Sea Corals
 Jennifer Quye-Sawyer Earth Science & Engineering Dr Alex Whittaker Topography of the Western Mediterranean in space and time
 William Rimington Life Sciences Dr Martin Bidartondo The diversity, physiology and evolution of fungal symbiosis in land plants
 Rowan Schley Royal Botanical Gardens (Kew) Dr Bente Klitgaard Neotropical Plant Evolution: Adding Pieces to the Jigsaw
 Oliver Schmidt Chemical Engineering Dr Iain Staffell Mitigation Potential of Electricity Storage
 Thomas Smallwood School of Public Health Professor Christl Donnelly Modelling multi-host viral pathogens for biodiversity conservation
 Ahmed Tayia Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Kaveh Madani  
 Sonia Tiedt School of Public Health Dr Kris Murray Global change ecology and the biogeography of human infectious diseases
Students in Cohort 2
NameDepartmentSupervisorProject Title
 Rachel Bertram Earth Science & Engineering Dr Tina Van de Flierdt Rates of Melting of the Large East Antarctic Ice Sheet under near Future Environmental Conditions
 Peter Blair Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr Wouter Buytaert Modelling drivers of tropical land-use change and their impact on local water resources
 Jonathan Bosch Centre for Environmental Policy  Dr Adam Hawkes Addressing key challenges in whole systems modelling of energy transitions
 Alistair Boyce Earth Science & Engineering Dr Ian Bastow The formation of cratonic keels: seismic evidence from North America
 Sam Brooke Earth Science & Engineering Dr Alexander Whittaker Constraining landscape sensitivity to climate change: From past data to future models?
 Kieran Brophy Physics Dr Heather Graven Atmospheric studies of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion
 Michael Burgass Life Sciences Professor Benjamin Halpern Assessing ocean health for Polar regions
 Victoria Burton Natural History Museum Professor Andy Purvis Statistical modelling of how soil biodiversity and ecosystem function respond to human impacts in UK ecosystems
 Philip Chapman Zoological Society London Dr Marcus Rowcliffe Understanding how tropical forest fragmentation impacts on mammal communities
 Simon De Stercke Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr Ana Mijic Sustainable cities in the context of water-energy interactions
 Roan du Feu Earth Science & Engineering Professor Matthew Piggott Advanced computational modelling of large-scale marine renewable systems: optimising the trade-off between environmental impacts and power generation
 Malcolm Graham Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr Adrian Butler Inverse modelling of saline-freshwater interface behaviour in coastal aquifers conditioned on measurements of spontaneous potential
 Sam Grainger Civil & Environmental Engineering Dr Wouter Buytaert Citizen science for water resources management in the tropical Andes
 Alastair Gregory Mathematics Dr Colin Cotter Multilevel ensemble prediction of weather and climateConversion of CO2 to Methanol with Organometallic Pre-Catalysts
 Alexandra Hicken Chemistry Dr Mark Crimmin Conversion of CO2 to Methanol with Organometallic Pre-Catalysts
 Rogier Hintzen Life Sciences Dr James Rosindell Optimizing complexity in models forecasting biodiversity change
 Miklós Homolya Computing Dr David Ham Solving the big data problem in climate simulation 
 Clea Kolster Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Niall Mac Dowell Multi-scale modelling and analysis of dynamic CO2 injection and storage
 Helen Lacey Earth Science & Engineering Dr Veerle Vadeginste Exploring fracturing and cementation triggered by earthquakes
 Minyi Liang Physics Dr Arnaud Czaja Extreme poleward heat transport to the High Latitudes impact on sea ice
 Demetrius Martins Life Sciences Professor Jon Lloyd Disentangling tropical forest stand characteristics in terms of cation availability and functional traits
 Bora Ristic Centre for Environmental Policy Dr Zen Makuch Sustainability Assessment of Water Treatment Technologies
 Azucena Rodriguez Yebra British Geological Survey Dr Andrew Hughes Understanding the interactions between adited groundwater sources and the Chalk aquifer under drought conditions, using the example of the River Colne catchment
 Rebecca Short Life Sciences Dr Samraat Pawar Disentangling the net: the ecological and social dynamics of mosquito net fishing in Northern Mozambique
 Patric Simoes Pereira Earth Science & Engineering Dr Tina Van de Flierdt In search of the last collapse of the West Antarctic sheet
 Dylan Smith Life Sciences Dr Richard Gill Effects of pesticide exposure on bee brain morphology and foraging performance
 Gaia Stucky de Quay Earth Science & Engineering Dr Gareth Roberts Uplift and erosion histories of ancient buried landscapes: Constraining the evolution of the Icelandic plume.
 Rebecca Thomas Life Sciences Professor Colin Prentice Using atmospheric CO2 measurements to advance land carbon science
 Stephen Watkins Earth Science & Engineering Dr Rebecca Bell Quantifying the ability of the sedimentary record to document tectonic and climatic events in the Gulf of Corinth, central Greece
 Benjamin Yeager Earth Science & Engineering Professor Matthew Piggott Modelling ice-ocean processes driving sea-level rise from West Antarctica
Students in Cohort 1

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (