Climate Photography Logo

About this Challenge Team

The Climate Photography challenge team is a brand-new addition to the SSCP challenge team family. Our mission is to engage and encourage young students from across the UK to think about what climate change means for them, how it affects their everyday lives, and what could we do / are we doing to remedy it on a local scale.

As a team we hope to build on the work of the climate outreach Climate Visuals, who have shown that the most engaging photos show climate change as a current issue, depicting authentic situations that are relevant to the viewer. This is different to the typical imagery such as ‘polar bear on melting ice’ that is traditionally associated with climate change. We strive to change this, by getting young students involved in capturing an image of climate change that they feel is current and relevant to them.

The Competition - Mid-August 2021 - Winners announced and awarding of prizes. 
We are running a competition for school and university students in the UK, which aims to capture the impacts of climate change through photography. For more details visit our website.

Contact Us
Follow @sscp.climatephotography on Instagram for all the latest on the competition, future workshops and the finalists’ exhibition. We also post climate change facts, news and photography inspiration for the competition!

If you would like to partner with us on this project, or if you have a question you are itching to ask, email us at

Team Members

  • Miles Capper (cohort 6)
  • Albert Fabregas Flavia (cohort 6)
  • Euan Furness (cohort 6)
  • Daniel Greenblatt (cohort 6)
  • Sam Hair (cohort 7)
  • Catrin Harris (cohort 6)
  • Sarah Kakadellis (cohort 7)
  • Priyanka Kumar (cohort 7)  - Team Captain
  • Amran Mohamed (cohort 6)
  • Anthony Onwuli (cohort 7)
  • Phoebe Ross (cohort 6)
  • Eric Saboya (cohort 5)

Any questions?

For any queries related to our SSCP DTP studentships, please contact our Doctoral Training Coordinator, Christiane Morgan (