Our mission

The Library Services mission is to inspire Imperial's communities of learners, educators and researchers by connecting them to information and expertise.

Our strategy

Library Services Strategic Plan 2023-2024 (pdf)

Mapping our user journeys

Student user journey

From meeting prospective students at open day, through study and exam times, until they leave and become alumni, Library Services provide students with resources, training and advice

Supporting research

Library Services are here for researchers from the generation of an idea to seeing it in print

Teaching support

All staff are encouraged to meet their librarian at an Insights event, Library Services will continue to support teaching at all stages

Transforming our spaces

One of our priorities is to transform our spaces so they are inspiring for learners and researchers and remain relevant to their evolving needs.

Central Library

In Autumn 1969 the Central Library moved to its present location next to the Queen's Lawn

The Queen opens the Library

The Queen was invited to open the new "College Block" - her visit included a tour of the Library

The Haldane Library

The Haldane Library housed the Humanities collection and provided recreational reading and listening matter for all College members

Haldane Library

Much of the space provision remained the same until the early 1990s

Central Library

To accommodate the ever growing need for space, 2 floors were added to the original building

Study pod

We now offer a variety of learning spaces to suit every need

Group study

Group study areas allow students to work together without disturbing others

Think tanks

Think tanks, study pods and bookable rooms are very popular

PC Cluster

There is an ever growing need for more access to PCs

Laptop loans

We continue to develop the service and our new laptop loans service has provided 36 extra computers

Support the Library Fund

Help Library Services to meet the changing needs of all library users including students and alumni

Support the Library Fund