Theme leaders


Environmental management is an intrinsic part of sustainable development, concerning itself with meeting and improving provision for human needs, and balancing demands on a sustainable basis whilst enhancing natural habitats and ecosystems. The field also studies the specific policies, regulations and laws that govern the use of both natural and economic goods and services. Our work cuts across different environmental domains such as air, water, resource use and rural and urban land management, and looks at how these aspects can also be managed in an integrated manner to maximise benefits for people.  This process requires an understanding of values and trade-offs that decision makers and society must make regarding the environment, and understanding and managing both human activities and the natural environment is integral.

Our research involves many stakeholders (governments, resource users, NGOs, private companies etc.), works across a range of spatial scales (local, national, global) and serves diverse goals.  Research in this theme therefore requires an interdisciplinary perspective; this is reflected in the expertise of staff at CEP, where economists, ecologists, planners, lawyers, psychologists (and many more) collaborate in tackling contemporary environmental management questions.

Projects, centres, networks and affiliations

Researchers involved

Researchers involved

Muhammad Adrees

Muhammad Adrees

Muhammad Adrees
Water resources | Climate change mitigation | Air quality

Arturo Castillo Castillo


Arturo Castillo Castillo

Karina Corada

Karina Corada

Karina Corada
Environmental impact assessment | Urban systems | Human health and environment

Audrey de Nazelle


Audrey de Nazelle

Theodoros Giakoumis

Theodoros Giakoumis

Theodoros Giakoumis
Water resources | Sustainable land management | Agriculture and land use

Gianfranco Gliozzo

Gianfranco Gliozzo

Gianfranco Gliozzo
Biodiversity & ecosystem services | Human health & environment | Citizen science

Claire Frazer Hunt

Claire Frazer Hunt

Claire Frazer Hunt
Water resources | Waste management | Urban systems | Environmental quality

Michael John Jeger

Michael John Jeger

Michael John Jeger
Agriculture & land use | Biosecurity | Food security | Plant health

Marissa McBride

Marissa McBride

Marissa McBride
Conservation biology | Environmental risk assessment

Sam McNeil

Sam McNeil

Sam McNeil
Environmental quality

Iman Hayat Mohamad Ibrahim

Iman Hayat Mohamad Ibrahim

Iman Hayat Mohamad Ibrahim
Water resources | Agriculture & land use | Environmental regulation

Onesmus Mwabonje

Onesmus Mwabonje

Onesmus Mwabonje
Life cycle assessment | Bioenergy | Agriculture and land use

Indranil Pan

Indranil Pan

Indranil Pan
Energy systems transitions | Renewable energy | Carbon capture & storage | Data Science

Maria Vinograd

Maria Vinograd

Maria Vinograd
Waste management | Environmental education | Sustainable development goals

For staff

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