A guide to using Wiley Online Library to search for book chapters

The best way to Access Wiley Online Library is through Library Search.

Search for  Wiley Online Library and click on the View it tab.

Click on View full text. If you are working off-site you will be prompted to enter your College username and password.

Library Search

In the SEARCH box click on All content to enter keywords or Publication titles to find a particular book e.g. Kirk-Othmer Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology.

Wiley Online Library search

To limit your search results to Reference books select Reference Works from the FILTER LIST. You can access all resources with an unlocked padlock.

You can also limit your search to Books to search for book chapters. Almost all books on this site are accessible to Imperial College London users.

Ref works

Use Search in this Book to search the contents of a book. Enter your keywords and then click on Search in this Book.

Search in this Book

To export a citation to reference management software, click in the box to select the citation then click on Export Citation. You can export to EndNote, RefWorks, Reference Manager and BibTeX.

ref works

To view an article click PDF.

Clicking on Find at Imperial will take you to the article in Library Search. Clicking PDF will allow you to download the full text.

If you require a chapter for teaching click on Request permissions to be directed to Wiley's Copyright Clearance Center's, RightsLink.

ref works

If you are working away from an Imperial College London campus you will need to sign in using Institutional Login. For help see Accessing online resources from outside Imperial.