Welcome to the ESE Fieldwork Requirements Webpage

This page serves as a go-to resource for understanding the steps and requirements when planning fieldwork activities.

Follow the outlined steps, which cover health clearance, trip type selection, and insurance.

For an in-depth understanding of health and safety policies and responsibilities for fieldwork, please visit our Fieldwork Safety page instead

What to do - our 5-step guide

Work through the steps below, remembering to take the relevant documents with you when you travel. To help with the introduction of this system, you may find this Fieldwork Safety - Process Update (1MB) helpful. Please also note the College has built a work-flow guide for all aspects of travel that includes bookings and expenses, see Staff travel and expenses.

Travel workflow for travel outside or within the UK

STEP ONE - Pre-Travel Health Clearance


  1. Check Requirement for Health Clearance by clicking on travel advice. Complete and return questionnaire if relevant.
  2. Check if Vaccinations are required (see the list of malaria prevalent countries). If yes, inform all team members and arrange appointments with Occupational Health (OH)
  3. Check Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) country guidance. The FCO provide useful advice for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender travellers, and a worldwide map shows sexual orientation laws in countries around the world. If you require support or have any queries you can contact our EDIC co-ordinator, Sophia Quazi.
  4. If FCO or college insurer advises against all, or all but essential, travel – to any part of the destination country – download and complete an OWERP‌ and contact the College Insurance Manager and obtain approval from Head of Department. For example, special considerations must be given to countries where sanctions are in force – see STEP THREE below on Insurance matters.

STEP TWO - Trip Type Selection

Select your trip type, read guidance and complete the form.

Fieldwork Guidance - Download the FW1 Form - Jul/23

Visit Host Organisation Guidance  – where you can download the form

Visit Scholarly Meeting or Conference Guidance – where you can download the form

STEP THREE - Travel Insurance

Activate your overseas travel insurance. Download and print off your Travel Certificate by clicking the link on this page and take on your trip. All you need to do is insert your name.

If managing an Emergency, please make contact with the insurers America International Group UK Limited (AIG) Policy Number: 0010016145

Policy Period: 01 August 2023 to 31 July 2024 (both dates inclusive)

College Insurance Medical and Emergency Helpline: +44 (0) 1273 456463 (24 Hour)

Countries with Sanctions!

Check if you will be travelling to a country or visiting a person to or in (Iran, Cuba, Syria, Sudan, North Korea, Russia or Crimea Region of Ukraine) where sanctions (PDF, 5.1MB) ‌have been imposed by the UK, EU or the USA. Insurance cover cannot be provided to these named countries without the completion of the questionnaire.

If yes: Complete the Sanctions (.doc, 23.2KB) questionnaire and return to insurance@imperial.ac.uk. Further information on completing the sanctions questionnaire can be found in the LUPC Sanctions guidance (PDF 209KB). Then, obtain approval from your Head of Department (check Faculty policy if applicable).

Other Countries to note:

Additionally, due to limitations in policy cover if travelling to any of the following countries: Colombia, Iraq, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, Venezuela or Yemen, make an early referral to the Insurance Manager, Chantal Coulson (+44) 020 7594 8666 at insurance@imperial.ac.uk.

Travel Insurance

  • Insurers - America International Group UK Limited (AIG) for all business trips
  • Healix (Medical Assistance and Travellers Helpline)
  • No cover for pure holidays
  • Limited cover for private travel dependent on number of business travel days - see Incidental travel (PDF, 91.5KB)
  • Useful information source: RSA Travel app for pre-travel information as well as pre-programmed access to insurers 24 hour helpline. The app can be downloaded from the Apple App Store or Google Play.

STEP FOUR - Notification of Travel Details on Sharepoint

Go to the OSW SharePoint site and click on the "+ New" button then the "Item" icon to complete the notification of travel details with approval process as necessary and UPLOAD your approved form.

STEP FIVE - Communication

Ensure, before travelling, that you have emailed all PhD students under your supervision to inform them of who to contact in the event of an emergency, stating that the current postgraduate tutor can always be contacted as well in such circumstances.

ESE Health and Safety

Due to the complex mix of risks within the department, finding out what procedures to follow and how to apply them can be a little daunting. 

Visit the ESE Health and Safety guidance pages.

ESE Fieldwork Information