The Department of Earth Science and Engineering is committed to supporting and developing a vibrant, diverse and inclusive community of staff and students.

Our Departmental values – Supportive | Excellence | Integrity | Innovative | Inclusive | Inspiring – couple with those of Imperial College and support us in making ESE a place for excellence in research and teaching, and the best place to study, work and develop your career.

To develop equality, diversity, inclusion and culture (EDIC) at ESE, we have dedicated teams working to ensure the dignity and individuality of every person in the Department is respected and supported.


A snapshot of what we're doing in ESE

The EDIC Committee has started an new EDI Podcast to share the experiences of staff and students on EDI-related topics. The aim is to demystify processes and empower the ESE community to share their stories. Our first episode features Valentin Laurent speaking about his experience bringing his son to a conference abroad.

Summary of EDIC updates, activities and actions taken:

* EDIC Actions 2022-23

* EDI EDIC Actions 2021-22

We  support and develop various initiatives relating to gender equality, such as recently providing funding for ESE students and postdocs to deliver a school outreach activity to encourage women and girls into Science and Engineering.

EDI structure at Imperial College

There are multiple ways in which the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) agenda is progressed at Imperial. 

Key responsibility for shaping and delivering the College’s EDI Strategy lies with the Assistant Provost (EDI), Prof. Stephen Curry, who oversees College-level applications for Athena SWAN and the Race Equality Charter. There is also the EDI Centre, which offers guidance, training, events and support as part of the College’s HR services and works to advance EDI at Imperial. 


EDI Structure at Imperial

EDI Committees

Central College committees include:

Faculty committees include the FoE EDI Representatives Network.

Staff networks

Networks for staff and postgraduate students to get involved with include:

Student societies and representation

Support and resources

For resources provided by Imperial College, your first port of call should be the EDI Centre.

Working alongside other resources across College, the EDI Centre provides support for everything from COVID-19 to bullying and harrassment to mental health, and acts as a repository for information on topics such as family leave, how to be an effective ally, unconscious biasrace, and disability support. You can also sign up for various training courses, some of which are recommended for all Imperial staff.

Support and resources


If you require support, please do not hesitate to reach out to any of the below people:

For students

ESE students can find guidance and support by approaching Student Wellbeing Adviser Anita Murphy, the ESE Mental Health Awareness Team, or our Departmental team of Mental Health First Aiders within ESE (trained staff volunteers who listen, reassure and respond to instances of poor mental health and crisis). At Faculty level, Naomi Jackson-Macfarlane (Student Wellbeing Adviser, Faculty of Engineering) can provide confidential support for Black, Asian and Ethnic Minority students seeking help and advice, while at College level, students can reach out to the Students' Union Black and Ethnic Minority Students OfficerRebekah Christie

In addition, there are diverse resources available across Imperial for students, including:

Training opportunities

For staff

At a College level, Staff may wish to review Imperial College's Access and Participation Plan and Equality, Diversity and Inclusion strategy, and explore Imperial's network of staff supporters (trained volunteers who provide confidential and positive assistance to all Imperial staff when they need information, guidance and support). 

In addition, there are diverse resources available across Imperial for staff, including:

Related training and development – we encourage you to sign up!

External to Imperial

There are also numerous resources external to College that may be of interest. These include:

  • AdvanceHE – Athena SWAN and REC 
  • Business disability forum – Many guides on disability. Any Imperial member can sign up with their email. 
  • Equality and Human Rights Commission – Promoting and upholding equality and human rights ideals and laws across England, Scotland and Wales 
  • Galop – LGBTQ+ anti-violence and abuse charity 
  • RapeCrisis UK – Provides specialist support and services for victims and survivors of sexual violence, mostly women 
  • Stonewall – Charity that supports LGBTQ+ equality 
  • SurvivorsUK – Supports men and boys who have experienced sexual violence 

ESE News