Faculty of Medicine Data Team

The Team supports a range of data related activities for the Faculty including: Information Governance advice and support; Data Asset Registration Tool (DART) assessments; Support for Faculty IG committee; Support Faculty Power Platform development; Provide Faculty and some Department level strategic reports; Develop power platform systems where processes have no central system provision

Faculty of Medicine Data Team

  • Mr Nicholas Wood

    Mr Nicholas Wood

    Personal details

    Mr Nicholas Wood Head of Data

    +44 (0)20 7594 8324

    About this role:

    • Lead and be responsible for provision of high-quality Faculty-wide data governance. Responsible for identifying and developing mitigation strategies for data risks, as well as providing high level support for the Faculty in the event of any data breaches.
    • Lead person for identifying gaps in the provision of information systems within the Faculty of Medicine, sourcing developing and providing solutions where appropriate for implementation across Departments.
    • Provide high level data analysis and management information reports to inform and underpin the Faculty’s strategies and activities
  • Antonio Mateiro

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    Personal details

    Antonio Mateiro Data Coordinator

    About this role:

    • Provides support to the Faculty of Medicine in ensuring good information governance and compliance with data regulations.
    • Supports setting up and maintaining faculty systems and processes centred around the efficient use of data with particular regard to Information governance
  • Karina Aashamar

    This folder is for 300x400 only

    Personal details

    Karina Aashamar Data Officer

    About this role:

    • Responsible for power platform system development to facilitate timely and accurate information gathering to enable operational delivery and effective strategic decision-making
    • Provides analysis and data management for the Faculty of Medicine Operations team, with a focus on ensuring efficient, secure and sustainable use of data

Useful contacts

College Data Protection Officer

FoM GDPR enquiries