15 Minutes into the Future is a podcast presented by students on the Science and Solutions for a Changing Planet DTP, who discuss hot topics in climate and environment with speakers from the Changing Planet seminar series.

Dr Simon Pirani: how social and economic systems shape technologies

Professor Julia Steinberger: Living Well Within Limits

Dr Jenny Chase: The future of renewables

Experts at the World Forum for Climate Justice discuss issues around climate change and societal injustices

Professor Mala Rao discusses public health and climate change.

From the archive

Podcasts by Rebecca Thomas and Kieran Brophy.

Professors David Keith and Joanna Haigh debate solar geoengineering.

Nigel Topping, CEO of We Mean Business discusses his hopes for COP21, and how businesses are stepping up to tackle climate change.

Former Executive Secretary of the UNFCCC Christiana Figueres and Professor Joanna Haigh discuss the role of science in informing climate policy.

Stephen Belcher, Head of the Met Office Hadley Centre, discusses how the impacts of climate change in the UK can be accurately predicted.

Honorary Grantham Lecturer Dr Erik van Sebille discusses plastic pollution in our oceans.

Professor Michael Molitor theorises that fossil fuels are unable to continue driving exponential economic growth.

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