Terms of reference

  • To develop and advise the Senate on the implementation of College policies and procedures relating to the assurance of academic quality and standards in relation to the College’s programmes.
  • To govern and oversee the College’s academic quality and standards framework for assuring the College’s educational provision, taking full account of the views of students and external examiners, and the expectations of relevant external quality assurance bodies and Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies (PSRBs) where appropriate.
  •  To direct Centres, Departments and Faculties in the implementation of policy and regulation relating to the assurance of academic quality and standards, preparation for assessment of quality, programme review and enhancement.
  •  To oversee the monitoring and evaluation of undergraduate and postgraduate taught provision in Departments, and to report on the reviews, including the identification of good practice and recommendations for quality enhancement.
  • To oversee periodic and precept reviews of postgraduate research provision and to receive annual reports on the reviews, including the identification of good practice and recommendations for quality enhancement.
  • To consider proposed changes to academic regulations and policy, and make recommendations to Senate.
  • To oversee the operation of College wide internal and external student surveys (via sub-committees where necessary), the consideration of and action planning in response to these surveys through quality assurance and enhancement mechanisms and make further recommendations for action where necessary.
  • On the advice of the Programmes Committee to approve new programmes and short courses.
  • On the advice of the Programmes Committee to approve major modifications to existing programmes and short courses (including suspension and withdrawal).
  • To oversee the activities and receive the minutes of Faculty Education Committees, Regulations and Policy Review Committee, Programmes Committee, Postgraduate Research Quality Committee, Collaborative Provision Sub-Group and working groups as appropriate, and to note the minutes of the Admissions Subcommittee
  • Review reports on academic standards and the quality of the student experience, including student casework, External Examiner reports, Placement and Study Abroad activity.

Constitution and membership


  • the Academic Registrar as Chair;
  • two senior representatives with a responsibility for educational leadership from each faculty nominated by the Vice Deans (Education);
  • a senior representative from the Centre for Higher Education Research and Scholarship and/or the Centre for Languages, Culture and Communication (CHERS/CLCC);
  • the Senior College Consul (or nominee);
  • the Head of Academic Services;
  • the Chair of the Programmes Committee;
  • the Graduate School Head of Strategy and Operations;
  • the ICU Representation Chairs;
  • the Deputy Director (Academic Quality and Standards) (Secretary).
Membership (Academic year 2023/24)
Name Role
David Ashton Academic Registrar (Chair)
Dr Lorraine Craig Faculty of Engineering Nominee
Professor Jason Riley Faculty of Engineering Nominee
Martin Lupton Faculty of Medicine Nominee
Dr Jeffrey Vernon Faculty of Medicine Nominee
Dr Cloda Jenkins Business School Nominee
Karen Tweddle / Veronica Russell Business School Nominee
Dr Mike Tennant Faculty of Natural Sciences Nominee
Becky Middleton Faculty of Natural Sciences Nominee
Claire Stapley CLCC/CHERS Nominee 
Professor Jonathan Mestel Senior College Consul
Judith Webster Director of Academic Quality and Standards
Dr Clemens Brechtelsbauer Chair of the Programmes Committee
Laura Lane Graduate School Head of Strategy and Operations
Yi Yang Deputy President (Education) for Imperial College Union
TBC Imperial College Union PGT Representation Chair
Jordon Millward Imperial College Union PGR Representation Chair
Scott Tucker Deputy Director (Academic Quality and Standards) (Secretary)
Summary of the table's contents


Meeting dates and deadlines

Committee dates (Academic year 2024/25) Submission deadlines (Academic year 2024/25)
18 September 2024 - 10:05-12:00  04 September 2024
20 November 2024 - 10:05-12:00 06 November 2024
05 February 2025 - 10:05-12:00 22 January 2025
12 March 2025 - 10:05-12:00 26 February 2025
16 April 2025 - 10:05-12:00 2 April 2025
04 June 2025 - 10:05-12:00 21 May 2025
Summary of the table's contents
Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary two weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting. Items to be recommended to Senate cannot be considered at the final meeting of the academic year.


Academic year 2023/24

Academic year 2022/23

Academic year 2021/22

Academic year 2020/21

Academic year 2019/20

Academic year 2018/19

Academic year 2017/18

Academic year 2016/17

Academic year 2015/16

Academic year 2014/15

Academic year 2013/14

Academic year 2012/13

For committee minutes prior to 2012/13, please contact the committee secretary. 

Committee Secretary

For more information please contact Scott Tucker, Deputy Director (Academic Quality and Standards)