Terms of reference

  • To support the development of or amendment to the College academic regulations and policies and make recommendations to Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee (QAEC) for their approval.
  • To support consultation on the development of or amendment to the College academic regulations and policies.
  • To support consistency in the making and implementation of academic regulations and policies where possible to enable greater parity of student experience and clarity for staff.
  • To consider the timeframes for implementation of new and amended academic regulations and policies and to consider the findings of impact assessments.
  • To request where necessary and review data on the impact of the implementation of the academic regulations and policies.
  • To provide a clear and transparent record of consideration of requests for changes to or exemptions from the academic regulations, where requested to consider these by other Committees.
  • To encourage the sharing of good practice across the College on the implementation of academic regulations and policies where practicable.
  • To maintain oversight of national sector and professional expectations and to consider their impact on the academic regulations and policies.

Constitution and membership

  • Director of Academic Quality and Standards or nominee (Chair) (ex-officio)
  • Chair of Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee & Academic Registrar (ex-officio)
  • Chair of the Programmes Committee (ex-officio)
  • Two representatives per Faculty/School 
  • Two representatives from Imperial College Union
  • Up to two Representatives from Student Administration (Registry)  
  • Representative from Quality Assurance and Enhancement Team
  • Secretary nominated by the Chair of Committee
Membership (Academic Year 2023/24
Judith Webster Director of Academic Quality and Standards (Chair)
David Ashton Chair of QAEC & Academic Registrar
Clemens Brechtelsbauer Chair of Programmes Committee
Lorraine Craig FoE Representative
Jason Riley FoE Representative
Ingo Mueller-Wodarg FoNS Representative
Mike Tennant FoNS Representative
Vanessa Powell FoM Representative
Jeffery Vernon FoM Representative
Cloda Jenkins ICBS Representative
Karen Tweddle ICBS Representative
Kate Ippolito CHERS Representative
Julie King CfAE Representative
Melanie Mullin CLCC Representative
Camille Boutrolle ICU Representative
Yi Yang ICU Representative
Emma Hewitt Student Administration Representative
Mara Arts Student Administration Representative
Kirstie Ward
Quality Assurance & Enhancement Team (Secretary)


Meeting dates and deadlines


Committee Dates (AY 2023/24)Submission Deadline (AY 2023/24)
1 November 2023 18 October 2023
6 December 2023 22 November 2023
17 January 2024 3 January 2024
21 February 2024 7 February 2024
27 March 2024 13 March 2024
17 April 2024 4 April 2024
15 May 2024 1 May 2024

Agenda items (including papers) should be submitted to the committee secretary two weeks prior to the committee meeting. Papers will normally be circulated to members one week prior to the committee meeting. 

Committee Secretary

For more information please contact Kirstie Ward, Assistant Registrar (Academic Standards).