A class reunion is a fantastic opportunity to bring your classmates back together to reconnect and share memories about your time at Imperial. We can help you with various aspects of your reunion, but there are a few things you will need to consider.

Setting a date

There are a few factors to think about when deciding when to host your reunion and how far in advance you should plan it. We suggest planning your reunion as far in advance as possible. A year ahead is perfect if classmates are travelling from overseas, but generally 3-6 months is fine. 

In terms of a date, this is entirely up to you! Do you want a day or evening event (or both)? Or perhaps a weekend if guests are travelling long distances? You might also want to consider a virtual gathering, especially if some of your former classmates are based overseas. Perhaps you could celebrate on the day you finished your course or the day you graduated? 

Get the word out

Alumni embrace as they meet at Alumni Weekend

We can send an invitation to your classmates if we have their details. You will need to write a message for us to send – this could be a fully-fledged invitation or just a short message to gauge interest in a reunion. You might want to think about setting up a group or event on Facebook or WhatsApp if you are already in touch with your classmates. You can find and make contact with classmates on Imperial Plexus too. Find out more and get an account on Plexus here.

Location and venue

One of the most important aspects of your reunion will be where to host it and what to do. Do you want to come back to campus? See your old department? Or something completely different? Previous reunions have included:

  • Campus tours, visit to Beit Quad or Reynolds Bar, departmental tours
  • Alumni Weekend reunion
  • Breakfast, lunch or dinner at restaurants or on campus
  • Drinks receptions, barbecues, picnic in the park
  • Virtual reunions using Zoom or Microsoft Teams

For your venue, you will need to think about catering options, accessibility and audio-visual requirements if necessary. You may even need to think about accommodation. We can provide suggestions for venues on and around some of our campuses. 

Virtual reunions held via online platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams are becoming increasingly popular and can offer advantages to classmates who would like to reconnect but are based in different cities or countries. Please get in touch at any time to discuss your options and see how we can help. 

Share your photos

We'd love to see some photos from your reunion! Let us know how it went and send us your best photos and stories. Send them to us by emailing reunions@imperial.ac.uk.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with us

Phone: +44 (0)20 7594 6138