Help us attract the best and brightest students to join the Imperial community. As an alumnus, you are uniquely placed to answer questions about the College, share your experience of moving to a new country or city, and share your enthusiasm for Imperial. 


As you may recall from your time at Imperial, travelling overseas to study can be a daunting prospect and many of our potential students will have concerns and questions about what to expect. We are looking for alumni to share your own experience of studying at Imperial and to take this opportunity to help to inspire our future students.

There are regular opportunities to support the College at overseas student recruitment events. During the event you will be talking individually to prospective students, applicants, offer-holders and, on occasion, parents and school counsellors who wish to know more about studying at Imperial. You will not be expected to talk in depth outside of your degree subject

Discover more about being an International Student Recruitment Ambassador and register to attend an event near you.

Location: Worldwide 
Time Commitment: Various - approximately two hours in the evening or during the day 

The International Student Recruitment Team frequently travels around the world in search of the best and brightest students. Alumni in key regions can volunteer to host an informal recruitment information event for prospective students or offer holders at their company or another location. 

Email us if you would like to host an event of this type.

Location: Worldwide
Time Committment: Various 

As you may recall from your time at Imperial, travelling overseas or across the country to study in London, can be an exciting yet daunting prospect and many of our potential students and their parents or guardians will have questions about what to expect. With an ever more competitive jobs market, students also want to know where their degree can take them and how their time at Imperial can prepare them for their future career. 

To answer those questions, we are looking for alumni ambassadors to share their own experience of studying at Imperial with prospective students, applicants and offer holders, and help students make the right decision for them. 

Find out more and register your interest to become an alumni ambassador.

Date: Ongoing
Location: Worldwide - online 
Time commitment: Approximately 1 hour to complete the training and create your ambassador profile, and approximately 15 minutes per question.

Help us to showcase the diverse range of experiences within our community by writing an alumni profile for the website. Tell us what Imperial meant to you, share your journey and insights and tell us why you are proud to be an Imperial alumnus.

To complete an alumni profile, contact Jenn Rowater, Alumni Marketing and Communications Manager.

Location: Worldwide - online 
Time commitment: 
Approximately 30 minutes for a profile

Contact us about volunteering

Kellianne Bartley
Alumni Engagement Officer
+44 (0)20 7594 2870