Course details

Course format

  • Online, no in-person attendance
  • Complete in your own time


  • 45 minutes ~ one hour
Start the Writing for the web courseImperial writing style guide

This self-study online course will give you tips for writing for the web in a user-focused way.

Users on the web interact differently with a website than they do with the printed word, so approach writing for the web with this in mind. Readers could arrive at your page with little context, by using a search engine. They need to know within a few seconds whether the page they have landed on is what they were looking for and if it will be useful to them.

The course offers insights into best practices for writing online, whether for a website, e-newsletter, social media or news articles.

*Note: this course was updated in September 2024 to account for the changes to the Imperial brand and new website design. If you had previously taken the course before September 2024, it is recommended to take the updated version as well.