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  • Conference paper
    Sharp DJ, Scott SK, Wise RJS, 2004,

    Retrieving meaning after temporal lobe infarction

    , Autumn Meeting of the Association-of-British-Neurologists, Publisher: B M J PUBLISHING GROUP, Pages: 798-798, ISSN: 0022-3050
  • Journal article
    Sharp DJ, Scott SK, Wise RJS, 2004,

    Monitoring and the controlled processing of meaning: Distinct prefrontal systems

    , CEREBRAL CORTEX, Vol: 14, Pages: 1-10, ISSN: 1047-3211
  • Journal article
    Ham T, Bonnelle V, Barber T, De Boissezon X, Kinnunen K, Greenwood R, Leech R, Sharp Det al.,

    The neural basis of performance neglect after TBI

    , BRAIN INJURY, Vol: 26, Pages: 730-731, ISSN: 0269-9052
  • Journal article
    Pandit A, Expert P, Lambiotte R, Leech R, Turkheimer F, Kinnunen K, Bonelle V, Sharp Det al.,

    Traumatic brain injury impairs small world connectivity.

    , BRAIN INJURY, Vol: 26, Pages: 513-513, ISSN: 0269-9052
  • Conference paper
    Baxter D, Hellyer P, Ham T, Kinnunen K, Goldstone T, Greenwood R, Sharp Det al.,

    White matter damage and cognitive impairment. A study comparing military blast induced brain injury with civilian diffuse axonal injury and uninjured brains

    , Publisher: INFORMA HEALTHCARE, Pages: 628-629, ISSN: 0269-9052
  • Journal article
    Ham T, Bonnelle V, Barber T, Kinnunen K, De Boissezon X, Leech R, Greenwood R, Sharp Det al.,

    The neural basis of performance neglect after traumatic brain injury

    , BRAIN INJURY, Vol: 26, Pages: 727-727, ISSN: 0269-9052

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