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Academic support members:

The CEP Seminar Series

Day: every Wednesday during term time
Time: 14:30-15:30
Venue: See below


The CEP is highly interdisciplinary, with interests in a broad range of research areas including economics, sociology, politics, engineering and natural sciences. Members of CEP frequently collaborate with other departments and institutes including the Grantham Institute, the Sustainable Gas Institute and the Energy Futures Lab. This seminar brings together members throughout the College as well as industrial or government entities with a common interest in envrionmental sustainability and policy.

All are welcome - thank you in advance for your support and active participation!

Access the seminar archive (College login required).


Each week the speaker gives a 15-25 minute presentation. We ask each speaker to prepare a set of 2-3 questions for the audience after their talk to initiate the discussion part of the session.

This seminar is a great opportunity for speakers to share ideas, obtain feedback and freely discuss their latest project or paper to a diverse audience. It also provides students with an opportunity to polish their presentation and communication skills, particularly in preparation for conference presentations or VIVAs.

The organising committee is keen to line up speakers during the academic year and thus invites all interested individuals to come forth to present their environment-related research at one of the seminars.