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  • Book chapter
    Sennoga CA, Yeh JS, Seddon JM, Nourshargh S, Eckersley RJ, Haskard DO, Cosgrove DO, Nihoyannopoulos Pet al., 2007,

    Microbulles ciblees pour I'imagerie ultrasonore

    , Echographie de Contraste, Editors: Tranquart, Correreas, Bouakaz, Paris, Publisher: Springer, Pages: 321-328, ISBN: 978-2-287-33294-4
  • Journal article
    Clarke JA, Heron AJ, Seddon JM, Law RVet al., 2006,

    The diversity of the liquid ordered (L<sub>o</sub>) phase of phosphatidylcholine/cholesterol membranes:: A variable temperature multinuclear solid-state NMR and X-ray diffraction study

    , BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol: 90, Pages: 2383-2393, ISSN: 0006-3495
  • Journal article
    Ces O, Mulet X, 2006,

    Physical coupling between lipids and proteins: a paradigm for cellular control

    , Signal Transduction, Vol: 6, Pages: 112-132

    The long held view of biological lipids acting as passive building blocks in biological membranes has now been superseded by the notion that the structure and composition of the membrane plays a crucial role in the regulation of protein function and numerous other biological processes. This may be the result of specific protein-lipid recognition phenomena or alternatively regulation by sensing properties of the membrane such as the stored curvature elastic stress with the latter being the focus of the review.

  • Journal article
    Conn C, Ces O, Mulet X, Sebai S, Shearman G, Heron A, Seddon J M, Squires A, Finet S, Kraineva J, Winter R, Templer R Het al., 2006,

    Dynamics of structural transformations between lamellar and inverse bicontinuous cubic lyotropic phases

    , Physical Review Letters, Pages: 108102-1-108102-4
  • Journal article
    Shearman G C, Ces O, Templer R H, Seddon J Met al., 2006,

    Inverse Lyotropic Phases of Lipids and Membrane Curvature

    , J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, Vol: 18, Pages: S1105-S1124
  • Journal article
    Seddon J M, Squires A M, Conn C E, Ces E, Heron A, Mulet X, Shearman G C, Templer R Het al., 2006,

    Pressure-jump X-ray Studies of Liquid Crystal Transitions in Lipids

    , Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, Vol: 364, Pages: 2635-2655
  • Journal article
    Baciu M, Sebai S C, Ces O, Mulet X, Clarke J A, Shearman G C, Law R V, Templer R H, Plisson C, Parker C A, Gee Aet al., 2006,

    Degradative Transport of Cationic Amphiphilic Drugs Across Phospholipid Bilayers

    , Phil. Trans . R. Soc., Vol: 364, Pages: 2597-2614
  • Conference paper
    Sebai S, Baciu M, Ces O, Clarke J, Cunningham V, Gunn R, Law R, Mulet X, Parker C, Plisson C, Templer R, Gee Aet al., 2006,

    To lipophilicity and beyond - towards a deeper understanding of radioligand non-specific binding

    , 6th International Symposium on Neuroreceptor Mapping, Publisher: ACADEMIC PRESS INC ELSEVIER SCIENCE, Pages: T56-T56, ISSN: 1053-8119
  • Journal article
    Henderson PA, Seddon JM, Imrie CT, 2005,

    Methylene- and ether-linked liquid crystal dimers II. Effects of mesogenic linking unit and terminal chain length

    , LIQUID CRYSTALS, Vol: 32, Pages: 1499-1513, ISSN: 0267-8292
  • Journal article
    Squires A, Templer R H, Seddon J M, Woenckhaus J, Winter R, Theyencheri N, Finet Set al., 2005,

    Kinetics and mechanism of the interconversion of inverse bicontinuous cubic mesophases

    , Phys. Rev. E, Vol: 72, Pages: 011502-1-011502-16
  • Journal article
    Bras W, Emsley JW, Levine YK, Luckhurst GR, Seddon JM, Timimi BAet al., 2004,

    Field-induced alignment of a smectic-<i>A</i> phase:: A time-resolved x-ray diffraction investigation

    , JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS, Vol: 121, Pages: 4397-4413, ISSN: 0021-9606
  • Journal article
    Seddon JM, 2004,

    Lyotropic liquid crystals

    , CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID & INTERFACE SCIENCE, Vol: 8, Pages: 424-425, ISSN: 1359-0294
  • Conference paper
    Sushko ML, Seddon JM, Templer RH, 2004,

    Influence of electrostatic interactions on the history dependent rheology of surfactant hexagonal phases

    , 19th International Liquid Crystal Conference, Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Pages: 9-20, ISSN: 1542-1406
  • Journal article
    Imrie CT, Henderson PA, Seddon JM, 2004,

    Non-symmetric liquid crystal trimers. The first example of a triply-intercalated alternating smectic C phase

    , JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY, Vol: 14, Pages: 2486-2488, ISSN: 0959-9428
  • Journal article
    Marrucci G, Terentjev EM, Seddon JM, Sellers HSet al., 2003,

    Liquid crystalline elastomers: dynamics and relaxation of microstructure - Discussion

  • Conference paper
    Seddon JM, Ces O, Templer RH, Mannock DA, McElhaney RNet al., 2003,

    Structure and phase behaviour of synthetic glycolipids

    , 2nd Anglo-Japanese Seminar on Liquid Crystals, Publisher: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD, Pages: 313-320, ISSN: 1542-1406
  • Conference paper
    Seddon JM, Squires A, Ces O, Templer RH, Woenckhaus J, Winter Ret al., 2003,

    Time-resolved diffraction studies of inverse cubic phases and phase transitions of lipids

    , Amsterdam, Meeting on self-assembly - the future, Massa Marittima, Italy, 2002, Publisher: I O S Press, Pages: 212-221
  • Journal article
    Sennoga C, Heron A, Seddon JM, Templer RH, Hankamer Bet al., 2003,

    Membrane-protein crystallization in cubo: temperature-dependent phase behaviour of monoolein-detergent mixtures

    , Acta Crystallographica D Biological Crystallography, Vol: 59, Pages: 239-246

    The lipidic cubic phase of monoolein has proved to be a matrix well suited to the production of three-dimensional crystals of membrane proteins. It consists of a single continuous bilayer, which is contorted in three-dimensional space and separates two distinct water channels. It has previously been proposed that on the addition of precipitants, membrane proteins embedded in the cubic phase migrate through the matrix to nucleation sites and that this process is dependent upon the stability of the lipidic cubic phase. Here, the effect of detergent type (C(8)-C(12) glucosides, C(8)-C(12) maltosides and C(7) thioglucoside) and concentration (1-3x the critical micelle concentration; CMC) on cubic phase stability are reported in the form of the temperature-dependent phase behaviour (268-313 K) in 40% aqueous solution. The results are tabulated to show the best monoolein (MO)-detergent mixtures, mixing temperatures and crystallization temperatures identified. Monoolein-detergent mixtures suited for low-temperature in cubo crystallization of temperature-sensitive proteins are also reported for the first time. These mixtures can be prepared at low temperatures (mixed at <or=288 K) and remain stable at 277 K for a period of at least one Month. They include MO-heptyl thioglucoside (1x and 3x CMC), MO-nonyl glucoside (3x CMC), MO-octyl maltoside (3x CMC), MO-nonyl maltoside (1x CMC) and MO-decyl maltoside (1x CMC).

  • Journal article
    Seddon JM, 2002,

    Liquid crystals

    , CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID & INTERFACE SCIENCE, Vol: 7, Pages: 296-297, ISSN: 1359-0294
  • Journal article
    Squires AM, Templer RH, Seddon JM, Woenckhaus J, Winter R, Finet S, Theyencheri Net al., 2002,

    Kinetics and mechanism of the lamellar to gyroid inverse bicontinuous cubic phase transition

    , LANGMUIR, Vol: 18, Pages: 7384-7392, ISSN: 0743-7463
  • Journal article
    Sushko ML, Seddon JM, Templer RH, 2002,

    History-dependent rheology of a surfactant hexagonal phase

    , PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol: 65, ISSN: 1539-3755
  • Book
    Seddon JM, Gale JD, 2002,

    Thermodynamics and statistical mechanics

    , New York, Publisher: Wiley-Interscience, ISBN: 9780471281658
  • Conference paper
    Sennoga C, Hankamer B, Heron A, Seddon JM, Barber J, Templer RH, Sennoga C, Hankamer B, Heron A, Seddon JM, Barber J, Templer RHet al., 2002,

    Morphological aspects of in cubo membrane protein crystallisation

    , Cambridge, 1st annual international conference on biophysical chemistry, Imperial College of Science & Technology London, London, England, 19 - 21 September 2001, Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry, Pages: 221-236
  • Conference paper
    Ces O, Seddon JM, Templer RH, Mannock DA, McElhaney RNet al., 2002,

    Differential scanning calorimetry and x-ray diffraction studies of glycolipid membranes

    , Cambridge, 1st annual international conference on biophysical chemistry, Imperial College of Science & Technology London, London, England, 19 - 21 September 2001, Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry, Pages: 267-276
  • Conference paper
    Squires AM, Seddon JM, Templer RH, 2002,

    Models and measurements on the monolayer bending energy of inverse lyotropic mesophases

    , Cambridge, 1st annual international conference on biophysical chemistry, Imperial College of Science & Technology London, London, England, 19 - 21 September 2001, Publisher: Royal Society of Chemistry, Pages: 177-190
  • Journal article
    Seddon JM, 2001,

    Surfactant liquid crystals

    , CURRENT OPINION IN COLLOID & INTERFACE SCIENCE, Vol: 6, Pages: 242-243, ISSN: 1359-0294
  • Journal article
    Etchegoin P, Seddon JM, 2001,

    Differing applications of Raman scattering to liquid crystals

    , LIQUID CRYSTALS, Vol: 28, Pages: 811-817, ISSN: 0267-8292
  • Conference paper
    Henderson PA, Inkster RT, Seddon JM, Imrie CTet al., 2001,

    Highly non-linear liquid crystal tetramers

    , Molecular Topology in Liquid Crystals Materials Chemistry Discussion No 4 Meeting, Publisher: ROYAL SOC CHEMISTRY, Pages: 2722-2731, ISSN: 0959-9428
  • Book chapter
    Maschmeyer T, Raimondi ME, Seddon JM, 2001,

    Mesoporous molecular sieves - M41S and related families

    , Encyclopedia of materials : science and technology, Editors: Buschow, London, Publisher: Elsevier, Pages: 5342-5346, ISBN: 9780080431529
  • Journal article
    Gianotti E, Raimondi ME, Marchese L, Martra G, Maschmeyer T, Seddon JM, Coluccia Set al., 2001,

    A spectroscopic study of group IV transition-metal-incorporated direct templated mesoporous catalysts. Part 2. A comparison of Ti-, Zr- and Hf-containing materials

    , CATALYSIS LETTERS, Vol: 76, Pages: 21-26, ISSN: 1011-372X
  • Journal article
    Squires A, Templer RH, Ces O, Gabke A, Woenckhaus J, Seddon JMet al., 2000,

    Kinetics of lyotropic phase transitions involving the inverse bicontinous cubic phases

    , Langmuir, Vol: 16, Pages: 3578-3582, ISSN: 0743-7463
  • Journal article
    Donnio B, Seddon JM, Deschenaux R, 2000,

    A ferrocene-containing carbohydrate surfactant: Thermotropic and lyotropic phase behavior

    , Organometallics, Vol: 19, Pages: 3077-3081, ISSN: 0276-7333
  • Journal article
    Lindsell WE, Preston PN, Seddon JM, Rosair GM, Woodman TAJet al., 2000,

    Macroscopic helical and cylindrical morphologies from achiral 1,3-diynes

    , Chemistry of Materials, Vol: 12, Pages: 1572-1576, ISSN: 0897-4756
  • Journal article
    Seddon JM, Raimondi ME, 2000,

    Liquid crystal templating of mesoporous materials

    , Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, Vol: 347, Pages: 465-473, ISSN: 1058-725X
  • Journal article
    Raimondi ME, Gianotti E, Marchese L, Martra G, Maschmeyer T, Seddon JM, Coluccia Set al., 2000,

    A spectroscopic study of group IV transition metal incorporated direct templated mesoporous catalysts Part 1: A comparison between materials synthesized using hydrophobic and hydrophilic Ti precursors

    , Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 104, Pages: 7102-7109, ISSN: 1089-5647
  • Journal article
    Vacklin H, Khoo BJ, Madan KH, Seddon JM, Templer RH, Vacklin H, Khoo BJ, Madan KH, Seddon JM, Templer RHet al., 2000,

    The bending elasticity of 1-monoolein upon relief of packing stress

    , Langmuir, Vol: 16, Pages: 4741-4748, ISSN: 0743-7463
  • Journal article
    Seddon JM, Robins J, Gulik-Krzywicki T, Delacroix Het al., 2000,

    Inverse micellar phases of phospholipids and glycolipids

    , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 2, Pages: 4485-4493, ISSN: 1463-9076
  • Journal article
    Squires A, Templer RH, Ces O, Gabke A, Woenckhaus J, Seddon JMet al., 2000,

    Kinetics of lyotropic phase transitions involving the inverse bicontinous cubic phases

    , Langmuir, Vol: 16, Pages: 3578-3582, ISSN: 0743-7463
  • Journal article
    Raimondi ME, Marchese L, Gianotti E, Maschmeyer T, Seddon JM, Coluccia Set al., 1999,

    One-pot incorporation of titanium catalytic sites into mesoporous true liquid crystal templated (TLCT) silica

    , Chemical Communications, Pages: 87-88, ISSN: 1359-7345
  • Journal article
    Winter R, Erbes J, Templer RH, Seddon JM, Syrykh A, Warrender NA, Rapp Get al., 1999,

    Inverse bicontinuous cubic phases in fatty acid/phosphatidylcholine mixtures: the effects of pressure and lipid composition

    , Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, Vol: 1, Pages: 887-893, ISSN: 1463-9076
  • Journal article
    Raimondi ME, Seddon JM, 1999,

    Liquid crystal templating of porous materials

    , Liquid Crystals, Vol: 26, Pages: 305-339, ISSN: 0267-8292
  • Journal article
    Jervis HB, Raimondi ME, Raja R, Maschmeyer T, Seddon JM, Bruce DWet al., 1999,

    Templating mesoporous silicates on surfactant ruthenium complexes: a direct approach to heterogeneous catalysts

    , Chemical Communications, Pages: 2031-2032, ISSN: 1359-7345
  • Journal article
    Robins J, Seddon JM, 1998,

    Electrical conductance studies of inverse micellar and bicontinuous cubic phases.

    , BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL, Vol: 74, Pages: A315-A315, ISSN: 0006-3495
  • Journal article
    Templer RH, Khoo BJ, Seddon JM, 1998,

    Gaussian curvature modulus of an amphiphilic monolayer

    , Langmuir, Vol: 14, Pages: 7427-7434, ISSN: 0743-7463
  • Journal article
    Templer RH, Seddon JM, Warrender NA, Syrykh A, Huang Z, Winter R, Erbes Jet al., 1998,

    Inverse bicontinuous cubic phases in 2:1 fatty acid phosphatidylcholine mixtures. The effects of chain length, hydration, and temperature

    , Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 102, Pages: 7251-7261, ISSN: 1089-5647
  • Journal article
    Templer RH, Seddon JM, Duesing PM, Winter R, Erbes Jet al., 1998,

    Modeling the phase behavior of the inverse hexagonal and inverse bicontinuous cubic phases in 2:1 fatty acid phosphatidylcholine mixtures

    , Journal of Physical Chemistry B, Vol: 102, Pages: 7262-7271, ISSN: 1089-5647
  • Book chapter
    Seddon JM, 1998,

    Structural Studies of Liquid Crystals by X-ray Diffraction

    , Handbook of Liquid Crystals, Editors: Demus, Publisher: VCH, Weinheim, Pages: 635-679, ISBN: 9783527292707
  • Book chapter
    Seddon JM, Robins J, 1998,

    Inverse Micellar Lyotropic Cubic Phases

    , Foams, Emulsions and Cellular Materials, Editors: Rivier, Sadoc, Publisher: Kluwer, Pages: 423-436, ISBN: 9780792356165
  • Journal article
    Raimondi ME, Maschmeyer T, Templer RH, Seddon JMet al., 1997,

    Synthesis of direct templated aligned mesoporous silica coatings within capillaries

    , Chemical Communications, Pages: 1843-1844, ISSN: 1359-7345
  • Journal article
    Seddon JM, Templer RH, Warrender NA, Huang Z, Cevc G, Marsh Det al., 1997,

    Phosphatidylcholine fatty acid membranes: Effects of headgroup hydration on the phase behaviour and structural parameters of the gel and inverse hexagonal (H-II) phases

    , Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, Vol: 1327, Pages: 131-147, ISSN: 0005-2736

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