Below is a list of all relevant publications authored by Robotics Forum members.


BibTex format

author = {Wang, K and Saputra, RP and Foster, JP and Kormushev, P},
doi = {10.1007/978-3-030-86294-7_12},
pages = {129--140},
publisher = {Springer},
title = {Improved energy efficiency via parallel elastic elements for the straight-legged vertically-compliant robot SLIDER},
url = {},
year = {2021}

RIS format (EndNote, RefMan)

AB - Most state-of-the-art bipedal robots are designed to be anthropomorphic, and therefore possess articulated legs with knees. Whilstthis facilitates smoother, human-like locomotion, there are implementation issues that make walking with straight legs difficult. Many robotshave to move with a constant bend in the legs to avoid a singularityoccurring at the knee joints. The actuators must constantly work tomaintain this stance, which can result in the negation of energy-savingtechniques employed. Furthermore, vertical compliance disappears whenthe leg is straight and the robot undergoes high-energy loss events such asimpacts from running and jumping, as the impact force travels throughthe fully extended joints to the hips. In this paper, we attempt to improve energy efficiency in a simple yet effective way: attaching bungeecords as elastic elements in parallel to the legs of a novel, knee-less bipedrobot SLIDER, and show that the robot’s prismatic hip joints preservevertical compliance despite the legs being constantly straight. Due tothe nonlinear dynamics of the bungee cords and various sources of friction, Bayesian Optimization is utilized to find the optimals configurationof bungee cords that achieves the largest reduction in energy consumption. The optimal solution found saves 15% of the energy consumptioncompared to the robot configuration without parallel elastic elements.Additional Video:−Dz8A
AU - Wang,K
AU - Saputra,RP
AU - Foster,JP
AU - Kormushev,P
DO - 10.1007/978-3-030-86294-7_12
EP - 140
PB - Springer
PY - 2021///
SP - 129
TI - Improved energy efficiency via parallel elastic elements for the straight-legged vertically-compliant robot SLIDER
UR -
UR -
UR -
ER -

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