Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory/Prof. Athanasios Mantalaris

Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory/Prof. Athanasios Mantalaris

Biological Systems Engineering Laboratory/Prof. Athanasios Mantalaris

Regenerative Pharmacology - Prof S. Rankin and Dr SP. Wong

Regenerative Pharmacology- Prof. S. Rankin and Dr. SP. Wong

The Imperial Stem Cell and Regenerative Medicine Network (ISRMN) was launched in 2014 to bring together Imperial Scientists working in these fields and encourage new, exciting interdisciplinary collaborations. 

As our members work in different departments, faculties and even campuses, our meetings have become a great opportunity to get an update in the research we all perform in different locations within Imperial College, but also to increase networking among us.

ISRMN aims to facilitate networking, but also increase its members visibility both within Imperial College and externally.

To this end:

  • Members are invited to give talks to the ISRMN meetings which are held twice a year
  • Our members' work and scientific successes are highlighted on the ISRMN website
  • ISRMN is seeking to link with the Stem Cell Networks of other Institutes and Universities for our members to both present externally, but also to be invited to attend external meetings
  • On occasions we obtain free or reduced registration fees for International Conferences. Competitions will be called for members to win the opportunity to attend conferences for free to showcase their work and also represent ISRMN.

As part of ISRMN promoting its members, a webpage will be dedicated to ISRMN members who have recently become group leaders and Fellows. If you wish to be included in this webpage please email to request a form.  

A lot of our members organise events and seminar series separate to the ISRMN meetings. If you wish an event or meeting you organise to be included on the website please email    

Join our network

If you would like to become a member of the network please contact us. 

Coordination and contact

Network Lead
Dr Michela Noseda

Network Lead
Dr Blerina Ahmetaj-Shala

Network Coordinator 
Zuzanna Jablonska

Network Coordinator 
Marine Secchi

General enquiries