January: Our paper on the Tuning the 1T′/2H phases in WxMo1−xSe2 nanosheets has been published in Nanoscale!


September: Our paper on the Synthesis of mono- and few-layered n-type WSe2 from solid state inorganic precursors is out in Nanoscale!

September 2: Congratulations to Dr Mauro Och for a successful Viva for his Ph.D. work! Great Job Mauro!

June: Our paper on Durable Zn-ion hybrid capacitors using 3D printed carbon composites is published in the Journal of Materials Chemistry A!

May: PhD Student Stefano Tagliaferri presented his work on ‘’3D Printing of Aqueous Zinc-Ion Batteries with High Cycling Stability’’ at the 2022 MRS Spring Meeting held in Honolulu



September: We welcome our new PhD student Mr Haoyu Bai!

September 7: Our paper on Aqueous Inks of Pristine Graphene for 3D Printed Microsupercapacitors with High Capacitance is published in ACS Nano!

May 14 : Congratulations to Stefano Tagliaferri for the 1st place in the best poster design competition in the Materials Postgraduate day.

January 21:  Our review on the Synthesis of emerging 2D layered magnetic materials is now published on Nanoscale.

January 12: Congratulations to Dr Maria Sokolikova for her 2nd place in the IoP Outstanding Thesis competition!


November 10: Our review on Direct ink writing of energy materials is now published on Materials Advanced.

October 1: We welcome Nagaraju Goli and Rachael Quintin-Baxendale as our new group members!

June 10: We contributed to the perspective article Toward Nanotechnology-Enabled Approaches against the COVID-19 Pandemic on ACS Nano led by Lucia Delogu.

May 17: Our review article on the metastable phases of 2D TMDs Direct synthesis of metastable phases of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides is now published in Chemical Society Reviews.

March 20: Many congratulations to Dr. Maria Sokolikova for The McLean Medal award to the postgraduate with the best published journal paper. Very well done Maria!


November 27: Our paper in collaboration with the Seneor and Dlubak's group titled "Band-Structure Spin-Filtering in Vertical Spin Valves Based on Chemical Vapor Deposited WS2" is out on ACS Nano!

October 10:  Congratulations to Dr Maria Sokolikova for a successful Viva for her Ph.D. work! Great Job Maria! 











 September 19:  Congratulations to Dr Pawel Palczynski for a successful Viva for his Ph.D. work! Great Job Pawel!










 July 8: Our paper "Large-Area CVD MoS2/WS2 Heterojunctions as a Photoelectrocatalyst for Salt-Water Oxidation" is published on ACS Applied Energy Materials.

June 4: Our paper in collaboration with H.Bouchiat group, ATC Johnson group and A. Ouerghi group on the "Spin-orbit interaction induced in graphene by transition metal dichalcogenides" has been published in Physical Review B.

May 31: PhD Student Apostolos Panagiotopoulos presented his work on ‘’3D Printed microsupercapacitors from 2D material inks’’ at the E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019 in Nice, France.

May 30:PhD Student Mauro Och presented his poster titled "Hydrogen-Free Synthesis of WSe2 from Inorganic Precursors" at the E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019 in Nice, France.

May 27: Dr Cecilia Mattevi presented PhD Student Maria Sokolikova's work "Metastable metallic phase for HER: Direct bottom-up synthesis of the 1T’ WSe2” at the E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019 in Nice, France.













 April 10: PhD Student Maria Sokolikova presented her work on “Metastable metallic phase for HER: Direct bottom-up synthesis of the 1T’ WSe2”at the Materials for Clean Energy Conference at NPL, Teddington.

April 9: PhD Student Apostolos Panagiotopoulos presented his work on ‘’3D Printed microsupercapacitors from 2D material inks’’ at the Materials for Clean Energy Conference at NPL, Teddington.











 February 11: Our paper "Direct solution-phase synthesis of 1T’ WSe2 nanosheets" is publshed on Nature Communications.

January 15: We welcome Giualia Zoe Zemignani and Stefano Tagliaferri as internship students from Politecino di Milano and Univerista' Federico II.



December 13Congratulations to  Dr Cecilia Mattevi who was awarded #ERCCoG for her project “3DAddChip". Cecilia will receive €2 million in funding over 5 years.

October 1: We welcome our new PhD Student Mr Gang Cheng!

September 10: PhD Student Mauro Och gave an oral presentation titled "High-Mobility and High-Optical Quality Atomically Thin WS2 and WSe2" at the 2018 Graphene Week.

September 3-7, 13: PhD Student Maria Sokolikova presented her poster at Flatlands beyond Graphene in Leipzig, Germany, and at the 2018 Graphene Week in San Sebastian, Spain.

July 5: Ph.D. Student Maria Sokolikova demonstrated how to make Graphene with International High School Students as part of the  2018 Imperial Global Summer Shool. Great Job Maria!

July 5: Ph.D. Student Pawel Palczynski presented the two-dimensional materials groups work on behalf of Dr Mattevi as an invited speaker for 2D Materials Students Conference.

July 5: Ph.D. Student Mauro Och presented his poster on the growth and characterisation of 2D materials at UK Semiconductors 2018.

July 2-5: Ph.D. student Apostolos Panagiotopoulos presented his work on 3D printing transition metal dichalcogenides at Nanotexnology 2018 in Thessaloniki, Greece!

April 5: Congratulations to Dr Peter Sherrell for winning the MRS Spring 2018 Science as Art Competition!

April 2-6: Ph.D. Student Maria Sokolikova and Dr Peter Sherrell presented their work at MRS Spring 2018 in Phoenix, AZ.

Peter presenting his work at MRS Spring 2018











March 11: Our paper on the Strong Anisotropic Spin-Orbit Interaction Induced in Graphene by Monolayer WS2 in collaboration with Bouchiat group is published in Physical Review Letters

Abstract for our PRL Paper









March 6: We welcome a new Ph.D. student - Mr Mauro Och to the Mattevi Group. Welcome Mauro!

February 21:  Congratulations to Dr Chiara Grotta for a successful Viva for her Ph.D. work! Great Job Chiara!





November 2:  Congratulations to Dr Francesco Reale for a successful Viva for his Ph.D. work! Great Job Francesco!

Francesco with Examiner Prof. Norbert Klein, and Supervisor Dr. Cecilia Mattevi






November 2:  Our research on "High-Mobility and High-Optical Quality Atomically Thin WS2" is published online in Scientific Reports!

September 8: Congratulations to Peter Sherrell for winning the 'Best Scientific Image' competition at the Imperial College London, Department of Materials, Postdoc Symposium

August 22-26th: Ph.D. student Chiara Grotta is presenting her work entitled "Three Dimensional Printing of TMDs Nanosheets for Energy Storage Devices" and Maria Sokolikova and Peter Sherrell are presenting posters entitled "Bottom-up room-temperature synthesis of Bi2Te3 nanosheets" and "Energy storage and conversion devices from 3D printed TiS2 nanosheets" respectively at chem2Dmat in Strasbourg, France.

July 13: Ph.D. Student Pawel Palczynski is presenting his work on the electrical and optical properties of WS2 at TMD-UK 17 in UK Semiconductors 17 in Sheffield

July 9 - 13: Ph.D. Students Chiara Grotta and Maria Sokolikova are presenting their work on  3D Printing of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide inks and Bi2Te3 at the 13th International Conference on Materials Chemistry in Liverpool.

Chiara's presenting







June 27: Our research on "Room-Temperature Growth of Colloidal Bi2Te3 Nanosheets" is published online in Chemical Communications!

Bi2Te3 RT Growth











June 23 : Our research on "MoS2/WS2 heterojunction for photoelectrochemical water oxidation" is published online in ACS Catalysis!

MoS2/WS2 Heterostructures








March 20: Congratulations to Ms Maria Sokolikova for winning the best scientific content poster at the 2017 Imperial College London Post-Graduate day! Congratulations Maria!

Maria recieving her poster prize







MarchThe joint paper with Russo lab (Exeter University) is now published in Advanced Materials: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.201605598/full

March: Welcome to Ms Annemieke Janssen a final year project student in our group from the MSc Advanced Materials program



Contact Us!

Dr Cecilia Mattevi

Lecturer and Royal Society University Research Fellow
Department of Materials
Imperial College London
Exhibition road
London SW7 2AZUK

