David Kwok (MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering 2011) and three other Imperial alumni established Emperial Education, an education centre offering academic tutorial classes and university admission services for local and international students in Hong Kong. He left his job as a civil engineer to start his own business and hopes that the centre will continue to educate and influence children everywhere. David spoke about his time at Imperial and how it helped him on his way... 

What did you learn during your time at Imperial, in class or out?

As a civil engineering graduate, engineering knowledge and application is definitely one of the major skills I learnt at Imperial. Besides, teamwork was also a big part of my university life. Wherever you work, there’s a strong chance that you will have to get along with a variety of people. I completed many group projects and presentations as part of team during my study at Imperial which taught me how to take other people’s opinions into account.

Who did you find inspiring at Imperial and why?

Professor Izzuddin and Dr Robin North inspired me a lot during my time at Imperial. Professor Izzuddin was my personal tutor for four years. He did help me adapt to life at Imperial at first. And most importantly, he gave me so much useful advice when I had difficulties. Dr Robin North was my supervisor for my final year project. He was a very kind person and always eager to explain difficult concepts and share his thoughts with me. Without his support and advice, I wouldn’t have been able to complete the project.

What is your fondest memory of your time here?

The fondest memory must be Commemoration Day in 2011. I could finally celebrate my graduation with my family, friends and the ones I love that day after four years of hard work.

Tell us a bit about the work you’re doing now...

As director, Emperial Education Centre is the place I spend more than 12 hours a day now. It is an education centre offering academic tutorial classes and university admission services for local and international students in Hong Kong. Emperial Education was established by four Imperial alumni in 2016 (pictured above). The other three Imperial alumni are Johnathan Boedihardjo (MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering 2011), Chao Wang (MEng Civil and Environmental Engineering 2011) and Timothy So (Biology 2010).

At Emperial, we promote science, technology, engineering and mathematics as these are what we were taught at Imperial. We never give up any chance to share this concept with children, teenagers and even their parents. We would like to share our knowledge and ideas with everyone who is eager to learn and absorb new concepts.

What are your plans for the future?

We would like to educate more people and let them learn and study happily while we would work hard to bring our happy learning idea to the children in China and all over the world.

What’s the most difficult decision you’ve ever had to make?

It must be to quit the job as a civil engineer and start my own business. It is never easy to change the environment when you have been so comfortable with your life for quite a while. People sometimes are afraid of change, so am I. But if you never try, you will never know what you are capable of and how far you can go.

David's advice to current students

"Please do enjoy your time at Imperial. It is so precious. And do not stop trying something new regularly. Just embrace the challenges, you will certainly learn stuff during the process."