The research activities in the 2DWEB group covers four main areas:

We pioneer the synthesis of graphene and other 2D materials by solution processing techniques and electrochemical synthesis for the development of functional polymer composites and advanced printable ink for electronics, optoelectronics and photonic applications. The research involves both investigation of fundamental aspects of the synthesis and characterisation of 2D materials and nanomaterials as well as applications in functional polymer composites, printed wearable electronics and biosensing.

The group has developed advanced microscopy, spectroscopy and transport measurement techniques for the structural, morphological and electrical characterisation of the nano- and 2D materials. We can perform AC and DC electrical characterisation of the thin films as well as linear and non-linear optical analysis.

We have an extensive range of printing and coating tools such as inkjet and screen printing as well as spray coating and high resolution ultrasonic pray printing. This is accompanied also by a dry coating technique for the accurate deposition of thin films of 2D materials.

The wide range of applications targeted in the 2DWEB group encompass advanced printed and flexible electronic devices, such as transistors, photodetectors and energy harvesting/storage devices based on ultra-thin films printed with 2D materials, for wearable electronics and biosensing.

The group demonstrated a wide range of electronic circuits, distributed sensors and energy storage devices for wearable electronics, electronic textiles and the Internet of Things. More recently the research is also focusing on advanced and biocompatible electronic fibres for implantable electronics and neuromorphic computing.


Dr Felice Torrisi
Senior Lecturer in Chemistry of Two-Dimensional Materials

Molecular Sciences Research Hub
White City Campus
+44 (0)20 7594 5818