Featured articles 


Landmark papers

* [76] Zufferey, R., Armanini, S.F., Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2021) Between Sea and Sky: Aerial Aquatic Locomotion in Miniature Robots. Springer, Book Series Biosystems & Biorobotics 29 (267 pages)

* [75] Miriyev, A., Kovac, M., (2020) Skills for Physical Artificial Intelligence.  Nature Machine Intelligence, 2, pp. 658-660. Impact Factor: [not released yet] (Q1), Altmetric score (257) (H-Index 16)

* [74] Zufferey, Ortega Ancel, A., Farinha, A., Siddall, R., Armanini, S.F., Nasr M., Brahmal, R. V., Kennedy, G., Kovac, M., (2019) Consecutive Aquatic Jump gliding with water reactive fuel. Science Robotics 4(34). Impact Factor: 24.4 (Q1), Altmetric score (344) H-Index:50 (top five h5-index)

* [73] Petersen, K.H., Napp, N., Stuart-Smith, R., Rus, D., kovac, M., (2019) A Review of Collective Robotic Construction Science Robotics 4(28). Impact Factor: 24.4 (Q1), Altmetric score (87), H-Index 50 (top ten h5-index)

* [72] Kovac, M., (2016) Learning from Nature how to land aerial robots. Science, 352(6288), pp. 895-896 (invited perspectives piece on bio-inspired robotics). Impact Factor 45.5 (Q1), Altmetric score (129), H-Index 1186 (top five h5-index)

* [71] Kovac, M., (2013) The Bioinspiration Design Paradigm: A Perspective for Soft Robotics. Soft Robotics, 1(1), pp. 28-37(Invited review and position paper for inaugural issue of Soft Robotics Journal). Impact Factor 7.729 (Q1), Altmetric score (20), H-Index 40 (top fifteen h5-index)

Technical journal papers

[70] Kocer, B.B., Wang, Z., Zheng, P., Kovac, M., (2021) Deep Learning-based Autonomous Solar Cell Inspection with Aerial Robots (in review)

[69] Schwab, F., Wiesemüller, F., Mucignat, C., Park, Y-L., Lunati, I., Kovac, M., Jusufi, A., (2021) Undulatory Swimming Performance Explored With A Biorobotic Fish-Tail And Measured By Soft Sensors And Particle Image Velocimetry. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, section Bio-Inspired Robotics

[68] Schwab, F., Lunsford, E.T.,  Hong, T., Wiesemüller, F., Kovac, M., Park, YL., Akanyeti, O., Liao, J.C., Jusufi, A., (2021) Body Caudal Undulation measured by Soft Sensors and emulated by Soft Artificial Muscles. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 182 pp. 1–17

[67] Wiesemüller, F., Winston, C., Poulin, A., Aeby, X., Miriyev, A., Geiger, T., Nystrӧm, G., Kovac, M., (2021) Self-sensing Cellulose Structures with Design-controlled Stiffness. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 6(2), pp. 4017–4024. Impact Factor 3.741 (Q1), Altmetric score (not available),  H-Index 56 (top two h5-index)

 [66] Xiao, F., Zheng, P., Tria, J. D., Kocer, B. B., Kovac, M., (2021) Optic Flow Based Reactive Collision Prevention for MAV Using the Fictitious Obstacle Hypothesis. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 6(2),pp. 3144–3151. Impact Factor 3.741 (Q1), Altmetric score (not available)  , H-Index 56 (top two  h5-index)

[65] Farinha, A., Zufferey, R., Zheng, P., Armanini, S.F., Kovac, M., (August 2020) Unmanned Aerial Sensor Placement for Cluttered Environments IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 5(4), pp. 6623-6630. Impact Factor 3.741 (Q1), Altmetric score (175), H-Index 56 (top two h5-index)

[64] Zheng, P., Tan, Xinkai, T., Kocer, B.B., Yang, E., Kovac, M., (2020) TiltDrone: A Fully-Actuated Tilting Quadrotor Platform IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters5(4), pp. 6845-6852. Impact Factor 3.741 (Q1), Altmetric score(not available),  H-Index 56 (top two h5-index)

 [63] Debruyn, D., Zufferey, R., Armanini, S. F., Winston, C., Farinha, A., Jin, Y., Kovac, M., (2020) MEDUSA: A Multi-Environment Dual-Robot for Underwater Sample Acquisition. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters5(2), pp. 4564-4571. Impact Factor 3.741 (Q1), Altmetric score (6), H-Index 56 (top two h5-index)

[62] Zufferey, Ortega Ancel, A., Raposo, C., Armanini, S.F., Farinha, A., Siddall, R., Berasaluce, I., Zhu, H., Kovac, M., (2019) SailMAV: design and implementation of a novel multi-modal flying sailing robot. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 4(3), pp. 2894-2901. Impact Factor 3.741 (Q1), Altmertic score (not available) H-Index 56 (top two h5-index)

* [61] Sareh, P., Chermprayong, P., Emmanuelli, M., Nandeem, H., Kovac, M., (2018) Rotorigami: A Rotary Origami Protective System for Robotic Rotorcraft. Science Robotics, 3(22), pp. 1-12. Impact Factor: 24.4 (Q1), Altmetric score (41), H-Index 50 (top five h5-index) 

[60] Chermprayong, P., Zhang, K., F. Xiao and Kovac M., (2018) An Integrated Delta Manipulator for Aerial Repair. IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine,26(21),pp. 54-66. Impact Factor 6.1 (Q1), Altmetric score (1), H-Index 92 (top twenty h5-index)

* [59] Zhang, K., Chermprayong, P., Tzoumanikas, D., Li, W., Grimm, M., Smentoch, M., Leutenegger, S. and Kovac M., (2018) Bioinspired Design of a Landing System with Soft Shock Absorber for Autonomous Aerial Robots. Journal of Field Robotics, 36(1), pp. 230-251. Impact Factor 3.581 (Q1), Altmetric score (1), H-Index 96 (top twelve h5-index)

[58] Tzoumanikas, D., Li, W., Grimm, M., Zhang, K., Kovac, M., Leutenegger, S., (2018) Fully autonomous MAV flight and landing on a moving target using visual-inertial estimation and model-predictive control Journal of Field Robotics 36(1), pp. 49-77. Impact Factor 3.581 (Q1), Altmetric score (not available), H-Index 96 (top twelve h5-index)

[57] Rollo, J., Farinha, A., Kovac, M., Cegla, F., (2018) NDE Sensor Delivery using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. Insight - Non-Destructive Testing and Condition Monitoring, 60(8), pp. 463-467. (Insights is one of the most read industrially oriented journal for Non-Destructive Evaluation for infrastructure). Impact Factor 3.741 (Q3), Altmetric score (not available)

[56] Goldberg, B., Zufferey, R., Doshi, N., Farrell Helbling, E., Whittredge, G., Kovac, M.,Wood, R. (2018) Power and Control Autonomy for High Speed Locomotion With an Insect-Scale Legged Robot. Robotics and Automation Letters, 3(2), pp. 987-993. (This paper was among the three best paper nominees from 2500 submissions at ICRA 2018). Impact Factor 3.741 (Q1), Altmetric score (21), H-Index 56 (top two h5-index)

* [55] Chen, K., Wang, H., Helbling, E.F., Jafferis, N. T., Zufferey, R., Ong, A., Ma, K., Gravish, N., Chirarattanonon, P., Kovac, M., Wood, R. (2017) A biologically inspired, flapping-wing, hybrid aerial-aquatic microrobot. Science Robotics  2(11), pp. 1-11. Impact Factor: 25.2 (Q1), Altmetric score (367), H-Index 50 (top five h5-index)

[54] Sareh, S., Althoefer, K., Li, M.,Noh, Y., Tramaceree, F., Sareh, P., Mazzolai, B., Kovac, M., (2017) Anchoring like octopus: sensory-physical soft artificial sucker. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 14(135), pp. 1-9. Impact Factor 6.5 (Q1), H-Index 139

[53] Dams, B., Sareh, S., Zhang, K., Shepherd, P., Kovac, M., Ball, R., (2017) Aerial additive building manufacturing: three-dimensional printing of polymer structures using drones. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Construction Materials, 1700013, pp. 1-12. (paper wins Howard Medal ICE Journal Publishing award 2021)

[52] Tan, Y.H., Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2017) Efficient Aerial-Aquatic Locomotion with a Single Propulsion System. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 2(3), pp. 1304-1311. Impact Factor 3.741 (Q1), H-Index 56 (top two h5-index)

[51] Ortega, A., Eastwood, R., Vogt, D., Ithier, C., Smith, M., Wood, R., Kovac, M., (2017) Aerodynamic evaluation of wing shape and wing orientation in four butterfly species using numerical simulations and a low-speed wind tunnel, and its implications for the design of flying micro-robots. Journal of the Royal Society Interface Focus, 7(1), 20160087. Impact Factor 6.5 (Q1), Altmetric score (6), H-Index 139

 [50] Siddall, R., Ortega, A., Kovac, M., (2017) Wind and Water Tunnel Testing of a Morphing Aquatic Micro Air Vehicle. Journal of the Royal Society Interface Focus, 7(1), 20160085. Impact Factor 6.5 (Q1), Altmetric score (22), H-Index 139 

[49] Siddall, R, Kovac, M.,(2017) Fast Aquatic Escape with Aerial Robots, ASME/IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics,22(1), pp. 217-226. Impact Factor 5.71 (Q1), H-Index 132 (top four h5-index)

[48] Low, K.H., Hu, T.J., Mohammed, S., Kovac, M., (2015) Perspectives on biologically inspired hybrid and multi-modal locomotion. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 10(2), pp. 1-12. Impact Factor 3.062 (Q1), Altmetric score (7),  H-Index 69 (top nineteen h5-index)

[47] Vidyasagar, V., Zufferey, J.-C., Floreano, D., Kovac, M., (2015) Performance analysis of jump-gliding locomotion for miniature robotics. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics,10(2), pp. 1-12. Impact Factor 3.062 (Q1), H-Index 69 (top nineteen h5-index)

[46] Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2014) Launching the AquaMAV: Bio-inspired design for aerial-aquatic robotic platforms. Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, 9(3), pp. 1-15. Impact Factor 3.062 (Q1), H-Index 69 (top nineteen h5-index)

[45] Trimmer, B., Ewoldt, P., Kovac, M., Lipson, H., Lu, N., Shahinpoor, M., (2014) At the crossroads: Interdisciplinary paths to soft robots. Soft Robotics, 1(1), pp. 63-69. Impact Factor 7.729 (Q1), Altmetric score (27), H-Index 40 (top fifteen h5-index)

[44] Kovac, M., Schlegel, M., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D., (2010) Steerable Miniature Jumping Robot. Autonomous Robots, 28(3), pp. 295-306. Impact Factor 5.839 (Q1), Altmetric score (3), H-Index 115 (top thirteen h5-index) Cover article

[43] Kovac, M., Germann, J., Hürzeler, C., Siegwart, R.Y. and Floreano, D., (2010) A Perching Mechanism for Micro Aerial Vehicles. Journal of Micro and Nanomechatronics, 5(4), pp. 77-91. Impact Factor 1.5 (Q3), Altmetric score (8)

Invited editorials

[42] Kovac, M. et al, (2021)AI reflections in 2021. Nature Machine Intelligence

[41] Kovac, M., (2017) Beyond Schrödinger’s Cat. Science, 355(6322), pp. 253. Impact Factor 45.5 (Q1), Altmetric score (5) 

[40] Sareh, P., Kovac, M., (2017) Mechanized creatures. Science, 355(6332), pp. 1379. Impact Factor 45.5 (Q1), Altmetric score (6), H-Index 1186

Peer reviewed book chapters

* [39] Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2021) Bioinspired Aerial Robots. In Encyclopedia of Robotics, Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-12. (This book chapter is an invited contribution to a large Encyclopedia, written by selected leaders in robotics)

[38] Braithwaite, A., Alhinai, T., Haas-Heger, M., McFarlane, E., Kovac, M., (2018) Spider Inspired Construction and Perching with a Swarm of Nano Aerial Vehicles. In Robotics Research: 17th International Symposium ISRR, Springer International Publishing (This book chapter is based on ISRR, one of three most prestigious invitation only, single-track conferences in robotics)

[37] Siddall, R., Kennedy, G., Kovac, M., (2018) A miniature self refuelling explosive water jet for Aquatic Micro Aerial Vehicles.  In Robotics Research: 17th International Symposium ISRR, Springer International Publishing(This book chapter is based on ISRR, one of three most prestigious invitation only, single-track conferences in robotics)

[36] Sareh, S., Siddall, R., Alhinai, T., Kovac, M., (2016) Bio-inspired soft aerial robots: Adaptive morphology for high-performance flight. In Soft Robotics: Trends, Applications and Challenges, Springer International Publishing, pp. 65-74

[35] Floreano, D., Zufferey, J.-C., Klaptocz, A., Germann, J., Kovac, M., (2017) Aerial Locomotion in Cluttered Environments. In Robotics Research: 15th International Symposium ISRR, Springer International Publishing (This book chapter is based on ISRR, one of three most prestigious invitation only, single-track conferences in robotics)

[34] Kovac, M., Krishnan, R., Bendana, Burton, J., M., Smith, M., Wood, R. (2012) Multi-stage Micro Rockets for Robotic Butterflies. In Robotics Science and Systems VIII, MIT Press, pp. 185-192 (Paper wins the runner-up best presentation award at RSS’12. RSS is the most prestigious single track robotics conference)

[33] Kovac, M., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D. (2009) Towards a Self-Deploying and Gliding Robot. In Flying Insects and Robots, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 271-284. (Paper wins runner up best poster award at the research day at EPFL)

Peer reviewed conference publications

[32] Wiesemüller, F., Miriyev, A., Kovac, M., (2021) Zero-footprint eco-robotics: A new perspective on biodegradable robots

AIRPHARO 2021 Conference

[31] Orr., L, Stephens, B., Basaran, B. K., Kovac, M., (2021) A High Payload Aerial Platform for InfrastructureRepair and Manufacturing. AIRPHARO 2021 Conference

[30] Basaran, B. K., Ho, B., Zhu., X, Zheng, P., Farinha., A., Xiao., F., Stephens., B., Wiesemüller, Orr, L., Kovac, M., (2021) Forest Drones for Environmental Sensing and Nature Conservation. AIRPHARO 2021 conference

[29] Farinha, A., Tria, J.D., Zufferey, R., Armanini, S.F., Kovac, M., (2021) Challenges in Control and Autonomy of Unmanned Aerial-Aquatic Vehicles. 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation (MED)

[28] Xiao, F., Zheng, P., Tria, J. D., Kocer, B. B., Kovac, M.(2021) Optic Flow Based Reactive Collision Prevention for MAV Using the Fictitious Obstacle Hypothesis. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[27] Wiesemüller, F., Winston, C., Poulin, A., Aeby, X., Miriyev, A., Geiger, T., Nystrӧm, G., Kovac, M., (2021) Self-sensing Cellulose Structures with Design-controlled Stiffness. IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft - RAL)

[26] Therapy, Wu Z., Lou, C., Jin Z., Huang S., Liu, N., Zou Y., Kovac, M., Gao, A., Yang, G.-Z. (2021) Robotic Electrospinning Actuated by Non-Circular Joint Continuum Manipulator for Endoluminal. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[25] Kocer, B.B., Hady, A., Kandath, H., Pratama, M., Kovac., M. (2021) Deep Neuromorphic Controller with Dynamic Topology for Aerial Robots (2021). IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)

[24] Hamaza, S., Farinha, A., Nguyen, H.N. and Kovac, M., (2020) Sensor Delivery in Forests with Aerial Robots: A New Paradigm for Environmental Monitoring. IEEE IROS Workshop on Perception, Planning and Mobility in Forestry Robotics

[23] Hamaza, S., Kovac, M., (2020) Omni-Drone: on the Design of a Novel Aerial Manipulator with Omni-directional Workspace. IEEE International conference on ubiquitous robots

[22] Farinha, A., Zufferey, R., Zheng, P., Armanini, S.F., Kovac, M., (2020) Unmanned Aerial Sensor Placement for Cluttered Environments. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

[21] Zheng, P., Tan, Xinkai, T., Kocer, B.B., Yang, E., Kovac, M., (2020) TiltDrone: A Fully-Actuated Tilting Quadrotor Platform. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

[20] Debruyn, D., Zufferey, R., Armanini, S. F., Winston, C., Farinha, A., Jin, Y., Kovac, M.,(2020) MEDUSA: A Multi-Environment Dual-Robot for Underwater Sample Acquisition. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

[19] Zufferey, Ortega Ancel, A., Raposo, C., Armanini, S.F., Farinha, A., Siddall, R., Berasaluce, I., Zhu, H., Kovac, M., (2019) SailMAV: design and implementation of a novel multi-modal flying sailing robot. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[18] Armanini, S.F., Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2019) Modelling and simulation of a bioinspired aquatic micro aerial vehicle AIAA Modelling and Simulation Technologies

[17] Zhang, K., Zhu, Y., Lou, C., Zheng, P., Kovac, M., (2019) A Design and Fabrication Approach for Foldable Soft Robotic Arms Using 3D Printed Origami Skeletons. IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft) 

[16] Nguyen, H., Siddall, R., Stephens, R., Kovac, M., (2019) A Passively Adaptive Microspine Grapple for Robust, Controllable Perching. IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft)

[15] Sareh, P., Chermprayong, P., Emmanuelli, M., Nandeem, H., Kovac, M., (2018) The spinning cyclic ‘Miura-oRing’ for mechanical collision-resilience. In Origami 7 Vol. 3 pp. 981-994

[14] Goldberg, B., Zufferey, R., Doshi, N., Farrell Helbling, E., Whittredge, G., Kovac, M., Wood, R. (2018) Power and Control Autonomy for High Speed Locomotion With an Insect-Scale Legged Robot. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. (This paper was among the three best paper nominees from 2500 submissions at ICRA 2018)

[13] Zhang, K., Chermprayong, P., Alhinai, T., Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2017) SpiderMAV: Perching and Stabilizing MAVs with Bio-inspired Tensile Anchoring Systems. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

[12] Tan, Y.H., Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2017) Efficient Aerial-Aquatic Locomotion with a Single Propulsion System. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 

[11] Braithwaite, A., Alhinai, T., Haas-Heger, M., McFarlane, E., Kovac, M., (2015) Spider Inspired Construction and Perching with a Swarm of Nano Aerial Vehicles. International Symposium on Robotics Research

[10] Siddall, R., Kennedy, G., Kovac, M., (2015) A miniature self refuelling explosive water jet for Aquatic Micro Aerial Vehicles. International Symposium on Robotics Research

[9] Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2015) A Water Jet Thruster for an Aquatic Micro Air Vehicle. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[8] Hunt, G., Mitzalis, F., Alhinai, T., Hooper, P., Kovac, M., (2014) 3D Printing with Flying Robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[7] Kovac, M., Krishnan, R., Bendana, Burton, J., M., Smith, M., Wood, R., (2012) Multi-stage Micro Rockets for Robotic Butterflies. Robotics Systems and Sciences(Paper wins the runner-up best presentation award)

[6] Kovac, M., Vogt, D., Ithier, D., Smith, M., Wood, R., (2012) Aerodynamic evaluation of four butterfly species for the design of flapping-gliding robotic insects. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems

[5] Kovac, M., Hraiz, W., Fauria, O., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D., (2011) The EPFL Jumpglider: A Hybrid Jump-gliding robot. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. (Paper wins conference best paper award)

[4] Floreano, D., Zufferey, J.-C., Klaptocz, A., Germann, J., Kovac, M., (2011) Aerial Locomotion in Cluttered Environments. International Symposium on Robotics Research

[3] Kovac, M., Schlegel, M., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D., (2009) A Miniature Jumping Robot with Self-Recovery Capabilities. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems. (Paper wins conference best paper award)

[2] Kovac, M., Fuchs, M., Guignard, A., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D., (2008) A Miniature 7g Jumping Robot. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[1] Kovac, M., Guignard, A., Nicoud, J.-D., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D., (2007) A 1.5g SMA-actuated Microglider Looking For The Light. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation 

Conference abstracts

[ca28] Zufferey, R., Armanini, S.F., Farinha, A., Kovac, M., (2020) Adaptive morphology in aerial-aquatic robots. Breaking the Surface Symposium 

[ca27] Zufferey, R., Armanini, S.F., Farinha, A., Kovac, M., (2019) Adaptive morphology in aerial-aquatic robots. Int. Symp. Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines. (Paper wins best paper award from 89 papers presented)

[ca26] Nguyen, H-N, Stephens, B., Kovac, M., (2019) Aerial Inspection at close proximity of a vertical surface: a multi-modal mobility approach. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[ca25] Liu, C., Kovac, M., (2019) A tether-powered automatic scanning system for repetitive monitoring. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[ca24] Siddall, R., Ortega, A., Zufferey, R., Yu, H.T., Margheri, L., Kovac, M., Bio-inspired Aquatic Micro Air Vehicle for Environmental Monitoring and Disaster Relief. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[ca23] Kovac, M., (2016) Aquatic Micro Aerial Vehicles (AquaMAV), from Diving Birds and Flying Fish to Aerial-aquatic Robots Smart Materials and Structures (CIMTEC 2016)

[ca22] Kovac, M., (2016) Robot enabled Additive Manufacturing for Future Cities. Imperial Additive Layer Manufacturing Symposium

[ca21] Kovac, M., (2016) Aquatic Micro Aerial Vehicles (AquaMAV) for water sampling and marine exploration. Breaking the Surface Symposium

[ca20] Kovac, M., (2016) Bio-inspired soft aerial robots: Adaptive morphology for high-performance flight Soft Robotics Spring School 

[ca19] Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2015) Aquatic Jumpgliding with a Jet Thruster. Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems (TAROS 2015) (demo wins best demo award)

[ca18] Alhinai, T., Kovac, M., (2015) Autonomous Construction with a Swarm of Micro Aerial Vehicles. Imperial College Aeronautics Research Colloquium

[ca17] Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2015) Impulsive Escape Strategies for Aerial-Aquatic Miniature Robotics. Imperial College Aeronautics Research Colloquium

[ca17] Kovac, M., (2015) Bio-Inspired Aerial Robotics for Smart Cities. Aerial Robotics Symposium

[ca16] Kovac, M., (2015) From diving birds and flying fish to aerial-aquatic robots. Breaking the Surface Symposium 2015

[ca15] Kovac, M., (2015) Bio-inspired Aerial Robotics. Central European Conference on Information and Intelligent Systems 2015

[ca14] Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2015) Bioinspired Aerial-Aquatic Mobility for Miniature Robots. International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines 2015

[ca13] Siddall, R., Kovac, M., (2015) Aquatic Jumpgliding with Miniature Robots. BioSOAR conference 2015

[ca12] Kovac, M., (2014) Bio-inspired aerial robots, from nature to robotics and back. University of Sheffield Engineering Symposium, 2014

[ca11] Kovac, M., (2014) Bio-Inspired Robot Design. ACROSS workshop 2014

[ca10] Kovac, M., (2014) Bio-inspired Design. Myorobotics Symposium Cambridge 2014

[ca9] Wen, L., Weaver, J., Kovac, M., Wood, R. J., (2013) Hydrodynamics of Self-propelling Flexible Synthetic Shark Skin Membranes. Society for Integrative and Comparative biology (SICB)

[ca8] Kovac, M., Roulet, G., Smith, M., Wood, R., (2012) Fabrication Methods for Artificial Butterfly Scales and Shark Ribs for Micro Aerial Vehicles. Smart Materials and Structures

[ca7] Crall, J., Kovac, M., Cornwall, M., Wood, R. J., Pierce, N., Combes, S. (2013) Shaping up: Aerodynamics and evolution of butterfly wing platform. Society for Integrative and Comparative biology (SICB 

[ca6] Kovac, M., Vogt, D., Smith, M., Wood, R., (2012) Aerodynamic Performance of Forewing Orientation in Butterflies. Meeting of the Soc. of Integrative and Comparative biology (SICB)

[ca5] Kovac, M., Hraiz, W., Fauria, O., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D., (2011) The Locomotion Capabilities of the ‘EPFL Jumpglider’: A Hybrid Jump-gliding Robot. Video contribution at IEEE Robotics and Biomimetics Conference (ROBIO‘2011)

[ca4] Kovac, M., Vogt, D., Roulet, G., Smith, M., Wood, R., (2011) Biologically Inspired Intermittent Flight for Aerial Micro Robots. Harvard Wyss Institute 3rd Annual Retreat

[ca3] Kovac, M., Vogt, D., Roulet, G., Venkadesan, M., Smith, M., Wood, R., (2011) Biologically Inspired Intermittent Flap-gliding Flight for Aerial Micro Robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation

[ca2] Kovac, M., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D., (2008) Towards the Self Deploying Microglider, a Biomimetic Jumping and Gliding Robot. 4th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM)

[ca1] Kovac, M., Savioz, G., Zufferey, J.-C. and Floreano, D., (2007) Towards the Self Deploying Microglider; Gliding Flight and Bioinspired Wing Folding Mechanism. International Symposium on Flying Insects and Robots

Contact us

Prof. Mirko Kovac
Department of Aeronautics
Office hours Thursday 2-3pm
Email: m.kovac@imperial.ac.uk
Tel: +44 (0)207 594 5063

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