Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (ACCA) Group

Welcome to the Applied and Computational Complex Analysis (ACCA) Group page


Looking for codes to evaluate the prime function? Here you go! For more information, see Darren Crowdy's SIAM monograph "Solving problems in multiply connected domains".


Recent news and activities

The Applied and Computational Complex Analysis group of the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London is part of a wider network of UK-based universities, the ACCA-UK network, bringing together expertise in applied and computational complex analysis challenges with a view to fostering synergetic interaction and collaboration. 

Darren Crowdy to deliver a Colloquium in the Math Dept at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) on Feb 11 2022 (11.30am EST) 

Congratulations to Vikas Krishnamurthy

Vikas Krishnamurthy began his role as Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics at IIT Hyderabad, India on Feb 1 2022. Congratulations on this new position!


Anna Curran is the newest member of the ACCA group, having joined as a PhD student in October 2021.

Hot-off-the-press papers from the ACCA group:

Exact solutions for the formation of stagnant caps of insoluble surfactant on a planar free surface by Darren Crowdy (J. Eng. Math., (2021)).

Viscous Marangoni flow driven by insoluble surfactant and the complex Burgers equation by Darren Crowdy (SIAM J. Appl. Math. (2021)).

Equilibrium tilt of slippery elliptical rods in creeping simple shear by Darren Crowdy (J. Fluid Mech., (2021)).

Darren Crowdy delivered an MIT Physical Mathematics Seminar on May 18 2021 (2.30 EST)

Darren gave an online seminar entitled "Surfactant dynamics and the complex Burgers equation" in the Department of Mathematics MIT. More information, including zoom access links, can be found here.

New papers in 2021

Check out some "hot off the press" papers by the ACCA group:

"Fay meets van der Pauw: the trisecant identity and the resistivity of holey samples" by H. Miyoshi. D. Crowdy & R. Nelson.

"H-states: exact solutions for a rotating hollow vortex" by D. Crowdy, R. Nelson &  V. Krishnamurthy.

"Liouville chains: new hybrid vortex equilibria of the two-dimensional Euler equation" by V. Krishnamurthy, M. Wheeler, D. Crowdy & A. Constantin.

Chosen as "Editor's Choice" in Physical Review Fluids:

"Collective viscous propulsion of a two-dimensional flotilla of Marangoni boats" by Darren Crowdy.

"Viscous propulsion of a two-dimensional Marangoni boat driven by reaction and diffusion of insoluble surfactant" by Darren Crowdy.


Henry Rodriguez-Broadbent is the newest member of the ACCA group, having joined as a PhD student in October 2020.

ACCA Alumni news

It is always a pleasure to tell of the "new destinations" of ACCA group alumni. Since 2020 Dr. Elena Luca has been a Senior Research Fellow in the Dept. of Mathematics at University College London. Dr. Vikas Krishnamurthy is now at the Dept. of Mathematics at the University of Vienna where he is a postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Peter Baddoo has joined the faculty in the Mathematics Department at MIT where he is now an Instructor in Applied Mathematics. Dr Samuel Brzezicki remains at Imperial College but is now a Teaching Fellow in Mathematics. Dr. Jonathan Marshall is a Lecturer (Teaching) in Mathematics at University College London. Dr Christopher Green is now Assistant Professor of Mathematics at the University of Wichita. Congratulations all!

Congratulations to Dr. Peter Baddoo on the publication of his book

Analytic solutions for flows through cascadesPeter is currently a Research Associate and EPSRC Postdoctoral Prize holder in the ACCA group at Imperial College. The book, based on his PhD thesis work, has just been published in the Springer Theses Series. Some video abstracts describing some of the contents can be found below.


Cover of Proc. Roy. Soc. A (August 2020): 


The cover image of Proc. Roy. Soc. A (Aug 2020) shows a sequence of point vortex equilibria generated by a new "transformation" between rational functions representing such equililbria due to Darren Crowdy and his collaborators Vikas Krishnamurthy and Adrian Constantin (Vienna) and M. Wheeler (Bath).

Review of "Solving problems in multiply connected domains"

The Mathematical Association of America recently published a review of Darren Crowdy's SIAM monograph "Solving problems in multiply connected domains".

Video abstracts of recent work by the ACCA group

ACCA group member Dr Peter Baddoo has recorded video abstracts to accompany two recent research papers. The first video covers the paper "Periodic Schwarz–Christoffel mappings with multiple boundaries per period" by Baddoo & Crowdy in Proceedings of the Royal Society A, 2019. This paper extends the classical Schwarz–Christoffel formula to calculate conformal maps from circular domains to periodic polygonal domains.

Periodic Schwarz–Christoffel












The second video abstract covers the paper "Exact solutions for ground effect" by Baddoo et al. in JFM Rapids, 2020. This paper uncovers new solutions for the ground effect problem using conformal mappings.


Both papers use the Schottky–Klein prime function, which is the subject of Prof Darren Crowdy's recent book. These video abstracts were recorded in Prof Steve Brunton's lab at the University of Washington.

Distinguished lecture series

Dec 2-5 2019: three invited lectures by Professor Darren Crowdy @ Technion:

Distinguished Lecture Series

SIAM MONOGRAPH in press! To appear early in 2020

Professor Darren Crowdy has just completed an invited monograph entitled "Solving problems in multiply connected domains" that will appear early in 2020 as part of the NSF-CBMS Lecture Series. Watch out for more news!

Monograph cover

Upcoming Red Lotus Project Lecture series:

As part of the Red Lotus Project initiative, Profs Darren Crowdy and Marc Hodes (Tufts) are organising a week-long lecture series entitled "Transport phenomena on textured surfaces: Fundamentals and Applications". This lecture course will take place Oct 12--16 2020 at the International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Udine, Italy. Click here to see the summer school flyer (PDF)

CISM Flyer

"Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations" programme

The Newton Institute will host a 4-month programme on applied complex analysis entitled "Complex analysis: techniques, applications and computations", between Sep 2 - Dec 19. There are three one-week workshops scheduled throughout the programme for which anyone interested can apply. Find out more about the programme. The first workshop, on "The complex analysis toolbox", is Sep 9-13: click here to apply


We would like to congratulate Dr. Jordan C. Hauge for recently completing his Ph.D. He will be commencing a postdoctorate project with the head of the ACCA-JP chapter Prof. Takashi Sakajo in Kyoto University, on topological flow data analysis. We wish him the very best of luck. 

IMA special issue

Prof. Darren Crowdy is a guest editor, with Profs. David Smith and Tim Pedley, of a special issue of the IMA J. Appl. Math commemorating the career of Prof. John Blake. Find out more about the special IMA issue here.

Best of luck and congratulations!

  • ACCA member Dr. Rhodri Nelson is now working in the Department of Earth Sciences and Engineering. We wish him the best of luck in his new position. 
  • We want to congratulate ACCA alumnus Dr. Elena Luca for being the recipient of the David Crighton Fellowship. She will be working with Prof. David Abrahams at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge in the period May-July 2019. We wish her the very best of luck. 

Workshop on "Solving Problems in Multiply Connected Domains"

Prof. Darren Crowdy was invited to be the Principal Lecturer at the NSF-CBMS sponsored workshop on "Solving Problems in Multiply Connected Domains". He delivered a course of 10 lectures between June 18-22 2018, punctuated by invited lectures by a selection of other researchers. Find out more about the NSF-CBMS Conference on Solving Problems in Multiply-Connected Domains.

The 4th International ACCA-UK/JP workshop

The 4th International ACCA-UK/JP workshop took place at University of Kyoto, Japan in March 2018.

Professor Darren Crowdy: "Mathematical Aspects of Physical Oceanography"

Professor Darren Crowdy will deliver an invited lecture at the workshop on "Mathematical Aspects of Physical Oceanography" at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute, Vienna (March 12-16 2018).

ACCA alumnus news

ACCA alumnus Dr. Elena Luca was an invited speaker the the KTGU workshop at Kyoto University, Japan on Feb 17 2018.


Congratulations to ACCA alumnus Dr. Vikas Krishnamurthy who will start a Fellowship at the Erwin Schrodinger Institute in Vienna, Austria on April 1 2018.

News and activities archive

ACCA Workshop

ACCA Workshop at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh, between May 8-12, 2017. This event is organized by Prof. Peter Clarkson (University of Kent), Prof. Darren Crowdy (Imperial College London), Prof. Thanasis Fokas (University of Cambridge), Prof. Robb McDonald (University College London) and Prof. Beatrice Pelloni (Heriot-Watt University). More details about this event can be found here.

Professor Darren Crowdy visits Tufts University, Cambridge, MA, USA

On Nov 2 2017, Professor Darren Crowdy visited the Mechanical Engineering Department of Tufts University, Cambridge, MA, USA to deliver a Colloquium on superhydrophobic surfaces


The ACCA group at Imperial College is looking forward to welcoming visiting students Michael Mayer (PhD student, Tufts University) and Hiroyuki Miyoshi (PhD student, Tokyo University). Both students will visit the ACCA group between Jan-Mar 2018.


ACCA Imperial Alumni: We would like to congratulate ACCA alumnus Dr. Christopher Green on his lectureship position at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. 


We would like to welcome Dr. Sheehan Olver to the Department of Mathematics at Imperial College London. 

Visiting professor

Professor Darren Crowdy is currently a Visiting Professor at the New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, USA from 1st July until 31st December 2017. 

Invited talk

Professor Darren Crowdy will give an invited talk at the conference "Local and global dynamics of concentrated vortices", Rennes, France May 22-24 2017

The 3rd International ACCA-UK/JP Workshop

The 3rd International ACCA-UK/JP Workshop took place at Imperial College London in March 2017. The program for the event can be found here, and for a list of abstracts, click here The event included a special Colloquium lecture by Prof. Edward Saff, Vanderbilt University, USA. 


Dimitrios Askitis is visiting from University of Copenhagen in period Feb-Apr, and we wish him a pleasant and fruitful stay with us at ACCA Imperial. 

ACCA Imperial Alumni

We would like to congratulate Elena Luca and Vikas Krishnamurthy on the completion of their PhD. Elena has started her post-doc at University of California San Diego (UCSD), while Vikas will be starting his post-doc at Universidade Federal de Pernambuco in Recife, Brazil. We wish them the best of luck on their future endeavours. 

Professor Darren Crowdy: "Mathematical models of microstructured optical fibre (MOF) fabrication"

"Mathematical models of microstructured optical fibre (MOF) fabrication" -- an invited seminar to be delivered by Professor Darren Crowdy at IUSTI, Marseille (Institut Universitaire des Systemes Thermiques Industriels) on March 10 2017.

Colloquium talk

Professor Darren Crowdy will give a Colloquium talk in the Dept of Mathematics, University of Surrey on Friday February 24th 2017

Professor Yuri Antipov: Riemann-Hilbert problem, Riemann Surfaces and autimorphic functions in supercavitating flow

Professor Yuri Antipov will give a seminar at Imperial College London, on 16th of November at 2 pm, in room 747 in the Huxley Building. The seminar is entitled: Riemann-Hilbert problem, Riemann Surfaces and autimorphic functions in supercavitating flow.

Professor Darren Crowdy: The "Hole Story" of a forgotten function, and how to use it

Professor Darren Crowdy will deliver an invited Colloquium lecture at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver on November 28th 2016. The lecture is entitled: The "Hole Story" of a forgotten function, and how to use it. More details here.

Science Without Borders sandwich studentship

The ACCA group is delighted to welcome Tiago Anselmo da Silva, a PhD student from UFPE Recife, who will visit the group between Oct 2016 - Sep 2017 funded by the "Science Without Borders" programme (a "sandwich studentship").

ACCA Workshop

ACCA Workshop at the International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh, between May 8-12, 2017. This event is organized by Prof. Peter Clarkson (University of Kent), Prof. Darren Crowdy (Imperial College London), Prof. Thanasis Fokas (University of Cambridge), Prof. Robb McDonald (University College London) and Prof. Beatrice Pelloni (Heriot-Watt University). More details about this event can be found here.

"Holomorphic Day" event in Copenhagen, Denmark

Professor Darren Crowdy will deliver an invited lecture at the "Holomorphic Day" event in Copenhagen, Denmark, on November 18, 2016. More details to follow here.

The “Red Lotus Project” Workshop

An interdisciplinary meeting on heat transfer effects in superhydrophobic surface theory and related areas in Chicheley, UK, between November 1-2, 2016. This event is organized by Prof. Darren Crowdy (Imperial College London, UK), Prof. Marc Hodes (Tufts University, USA) and Prof. Demetrios Papageorgiou (Imperial College London, UK). More details about this event can be found here.

Seminar: Dr Rhodri Nelson

Dr Rhodri Nelson delivered a seminar at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London, on October 21, 2016. More details can be found here.

Dr Rhodri Nelson: Potential problems in multiply-connected domains

Dr Rhodri Nelson delivered a seminar "Potential problems in multiply-connected domains" at Univesity College London (UCL), on October 18, 2016. Abstract can be found here.

Guest lecture

Dr Everett Kropf delivered a guest lecture "The Potential Toolkit, an Applied Example" at Wichita State University in Wichita, Kansas, USA. Abstract can be found here‌.

Workshop on micro-organisms in Stokes flows at Okayama University, Japan

Professor Darren Crowdy and Sam Brzezicki delivered invited talks in the workshop which takes place on Wednesday August 31, 2016. The workshop is organized by Dr. Kiori Obuse (Okayama University, JP). More details about this event can be found here

ACCA Seminar

Tomoki Uda (Kyoto University) delivered a seminar “Numerical Computation for Vortex Patch Equilibria with New Shape Derivative Formula”, on Tuesday July 12, 2016, 3-4pm, Room 747.

Lectures: Wales Mathematics Colloquium

Professor Darren Crowdy delivered two invited lectures as part of the LMS-sponsored Wales Mathematics Colloquium 2016 in Gregynog, Wales on May 23-25 2016.

Dr Peter Buchak: Optical fibres with elliptical channels

Dr Peter Buchak seminar at Tufts University: ACCA-group alumnus Dr. Peter Buchak delivered a seminar "Optical fibres with elliptical channels" at the Mech. Eng. Dept at Tufts University, MA, USA on April 14 2016. Details here.

BAMC 2016

Vikas Krishnamurthy and Elena Luca delivered talks in the British Applied Mathematics Colloquium in April 2016 in Oxford, UK.

International Institute of Physics workshop

"Schottky-Klein prime function Day" at the International Institute of Physics workshop "Physics and Mathematics of Complex Interfaces: growing interfaces, nonlinear dynamics, integrability". Profs. Darren Crowdy and Giovani Vasconcelos led a discussion day on uses of the Schottky-Klein prime function in mathematical physics on April 6th at the IIP, Natal, Brazil.

Professor Darren Crowdy: The geometry of Fourier transforms, and how to use it

Professor Darren Crowdy delivered a Colloquium in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Melbourne, Australia, on March 22nd. The title of his talk is "The geometry of Fourier transforms, and how to use it". More details can be found here.

Visiting Scholars

Prof. Ruben Rosales (MIT) during May-June 2016 and Prof. Bruno Carneiro da Cunha (UFPE, Brazil) during

Fluid Dynamics Seminar

"Slippage at microstructured surfaces", Dr. Clarissa Schönecker (Max Planck Institute), Friday February 26th, 2016, 4pm-5pm, Room 139, Huxley Building, Imperial College. More details can be found here.

Special AMMP Colloquium

Special AMMP Colloquium: "Asymptotics beyond all orders: the devil's invention?", Prof. S. J. Chapman (Oxford University), Thursday February 25th, 2016, 4pm-5pm, Room 340, Huxley Building, Imperial College. More details can be found here.

ACCA Student Chapter Meeting

February 2016: 4th ACCA Student Chapter Meeting, Wednesday February 17th, 2016. Details (including the schedule) can be found here. Closing Seminar by Prof. Mark Blyth from University of East Anglia: "Application of complex variable methods to some nonlinear wave problems"

The Second International ACCA-JP/UK Workshop

The Second International ACCA-JP/UK Workshop took place at Kyoto University between January 18-19, 2016. More details about this event (including the programme) can be found here.

Group photo (ACCA JP-UK Workshop, January 2016)

Kyoto, Japan visit

January-February 2016: ACCA-UK members Prof. Darren Crowdy, Dr. Everett Kropf, Sam Brzezicki, Jordan Hauge and Vikas Krishnamurthy visited Kyoto University during January-February 2016. Their visit was funded by the Japan Science and Technology agency (JST) Math CREST project and Kyoto University Top Global Program. Photo album from their visit can be found here.

Visiting Scholars

Professor Ruben Rosales (MIT) during May-June 2016 and Professor Bruno Carneiro da Cunha (UFPE, Brazil) during August 2016-August 2017 will be visiting Imperial College London and the ACCA-Imperial group.

First International Research Meeting ACCA-BR

The First International Research Meeting on Applied and Computational Complex Analysis took place in Recife, Brazil between December 9-11, 2015. The photo album from this event can be found here.








APS-DFD Meeting 2015

Prof. Darren Crowdy, Sam Brzezicki, Vikas Krishnamurthy and Elena Luca will participate at the 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics to be held in Boston between November 22-24, 2015.

Boeing Distinguished Colloquium

Prof. Darren Crowdy will deliver a Boeing Distinguished Colloquium at the University of Washington, Seattle, on November 19th. The title of his talk is: "The “Hole Story”: how to solve problems in multiply connected domains".

ACCA Student Chapter Meeting

Wednesday November 11th, 2-5pm. More details can be found here.

Special Lectures and Colloquium:

Prof. Darren Crowdy will deliver a series of Special lectures on "MOFs, microfluidics and micro-organisms": a crash course in complex variable techniques for Stokes flow modelling at the Kyoto University between October 13-23, 2015. During his visit at the Kyoto University, Prof. Crowdy will also deliver a Colloquium on "The “Hole Story”: how to solve problems in multiply connected domains".



ICIAM 2015:

The ACCA-UK and ACCA-JP networks are organizing two minisymposia at the International Conference for Industrial and Applied Mathematics in Beijing, China in August 2015. Contacts are Beatrice Pelloni and Takashi Sakajo.


ACCA-UK member Dr. Peter Buchak has won the Gold Award in the final of the SET for Britain 2015. Link here.

Peter Buchak


ACCA-UK member Dr. Peter Buchak has reached the final of the SET for Britain 2015 event to be held in Westminster on March 9th 2015. He will present a poster on his modelling work (w/ D. Crowdy, Y. Stokes, H. Ebendorff-Heidepriem) on MOF fabrication. Congratulations to Peter, and good luck!

Lecture Course at International Centre for Mechanical Sciences:

Darren Crowdy will give an invited lecture course at the upcoming programme "Interaction of Microscopic Structures and Organisms with Fluid Flows", Udine, Italy, May 25-29 2015: or click for the flyer.

Workshop on "Computational complex analysis for free surface flows":

To be held at UCL, April 2015. Details can be found here.

BAMC/BMC 2015:

The ACCA-UK network will also be organizing some special sessions at the BAMC/BMC 2015 in Cambridge at the end of March (please contact D. Crowdy if you are interested in participating).


First International ACCA-UK/JP Workshop, March 12-13 2015.

New opportunities for graduate students and post-docs:

In Dec 2014 Professor Darren Crowdy was awarded a "Special Visiting Researcher" Fellowship from the Science Without Borders scheme which aims to nurture academic ties between researchers in the UK and Brazil. This fellowship comes with funding opportunities for both post-doctoral researchers and graduate students. If you are interested in this, check out this link for more information (or contact Darren Crowdy for more information).

First Early Career South East Mathematical Physics Seminar:

Vikas Krishnamurthy will deliver a talk (on compressible vortices) as part of the "First Early Career South East Mathematical Physics Seminar" at the University of Kent.


To ACCA group member Dr. Christopher Green who has recently been awarded a prestigious Lindemann Trust Fellowship (only 3 are awarded each year). Chris will be taking up position in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at UC San Diego, USA, from June 2014.

BAMC 2014:

Chris Green, Vikas Krishnamurthy and Elena Luca will all deliver talks at this year's BAMC.