The Imperial Centre for Cryo Microscopy of Materials (I(CM)2) is a unique facility in the UK for multi-length scale materials characterization of environmentally sensitive materials currently installed at Imperial College London. 

The facility consists of three state-of-the-art microscopes:

  • Cameca LEAP 5000 XR
  • FEI-Thermofisher Scientific Helios Hydra DualBeam with cryo-stage 
  • FEI-Thermofisher Scientific Spectra 300 with cryo-holders)

These microscopes are connected via an inert gas glovebox with cryo-vacuum transfer capability. By combining the capabilities of these instruments, the facility will be able to carry out nanoscale compositional and structural analysis on environmentally sensitive materials of interest to a wide range of fields.

Contact details

The facility currently does not external access in place.

For internal inquiries using the facility, please contact Professor Finn Giuliani for an initial discussion.