Eloise HackEVOLVE is a unique inspiring programme where students embark on a journey tailored to the individual. It is designed to give them workplace experience of policy making, media/outreach, industrial research, or research within international academic institutions to meet a specific goal decided by the student.

Examples of such goals include engagement in the early stages of commercialisation of research they have pioneered, stimulating a new line of research not linked to their PhD or hosting an art exhibition for the general public to highlight the impact of research.

A given EVOLVE journey will not consist of one placement but instead a series of placements and mentoring interactions designed to support the EVOLVE goal. EVOLVE has been supported by over 30 affiliates to date. These include SMEs, scientific consultants, media companies, government policy units, museums, business development units and industry. EVOLVE will run alongside the PhD component of the CDT programme and will commence with the students producing a personal development plan.

EVOLVE testimonials

Hannah Cooke - Royal Institution, BBC Christmas Lectures

For my EVOLVE placement, I’m undertaking a 3-month internship with the Royal Institution as part of the Christmas Lectures demo team, broadcast on the BBC every Christmas. My main role alongside helping out with the Christmas Lectures is to create a distilled, shorter version that will be toured at international science festivals in the UK and countries like Japan and Singapore. I’m currently in my first week here, and already I can see how much the CDT training in science communication and even at the Hackspace will help me.

Through this internship, I’m hoping to gain more experience in science in the mass media, education and outreach, in hopes of moving into a career in this space.

This opportunity is available every year, and applications are around late summer. My supervisors have been really supportive of the opportunity, and the Ri team is so lovely. I’d highly recommend anyone interested in this area to apply.


Sabrina Nuccio - Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

I will always be grateful to the EVOLVE programme (and the amazing ICB CDT project manager, Emma) for supporting the first 2 months of my 6-month placement at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). This initial 2-month period in the USA, particularly in the exciting and vibrant Cambridge/Boston area, has been an incredible opportunity for both my academic and personal growth.

I've had the chance to engage with cutting-edge PhD students, researchers, and professors in the field of genome editing. They have not only taught me new scientific approaches but have also provided inspiration for my future in the world of science.

I wholeheartedly encourage every ICB-CDT student to embark on an EVOLVE placement – your future self will be thankful for the challenging yet fulfilling adventure it is going to be!

Abdullah Shahid - Training Course: A Practical Introduction to Soils in England and Wales
If anyone reading this is feeling the same way I was, find an external course that you think will help you further understand the remit of your research and apply to it using the EVOLVE funding, not only will you learn new things you will also gain confidence and meet likeminded people that will be able to help with any issues regrading your research.

With the funding made available from the EVOLVE programme, I was able to partake in an off-site 2-day immersive workshop called “A Practical Introduction to Soils in England and Wales”. This programme was set up by the British Soil Society to give the cohort to an introduction to everything about soils from their composition and classification through to sampling and identification. Three soil experts taught on this programme and were extremely knowledgeable, friendly, and so keen to share their love of soils with us. As a chemist, my knowledge of soil was next to nothing and I was at a stage in my research where I felt helpless because I lacked basic understandings. With the wisdom I gained from this course I was able to get back in the labs and approach the experimental design with newfound inspiration and confidence. If anyone reading this is feeling the same way I was, find an external course that you think will help you further understand the remit of your research and apply to it using the EVOLVE funding, not only will you learn new things, you will also gain confidence and meet likeminded people that will be able to help with any issues regrading your research. I would highly recommend utilising this great programme.

Jake Samuel - University of Oxford
I would encourage anyone on the ICB CDT programme to apply for an EVOLVE placement!

I undertook a 5-week EVOLVE placement under the tutelage of Dr. Paul Holloway at the University of Oxford. During this time, I worked on developing perfusable lymphatic vessels using microfluidics. This placement gave me the opportunity to experience scientific research in a way that might not have been possible at my current lab. For example, Dr. Holloway's lab is located on the Stroke Unit at the John Radcliffe Hospital and it was fascinating to see first-hand how research in the group was having a direct impact on patient outcomes just a few rooms away.

Michael Gruet - GSK, Stevenage UK
From this experience I became more confident I am making the correct decisions in the next steps of my career, gained a new appreciation for scientific research, and had the opportunity to work along side some wonderful people.

For my work placement, I spent two months at GSK (Stevenage) as a member of the Protein Degradation Team. This was a valuable experience as I not only gained a greater understanding of a different research topic, but I also gained insight into what a research career would be like in industry. From this experience I became more confident I am making the correct decisions in the next steps of my career, gained a new appreciation for scientific research, and had the opportunity to work along side some wonderful people. Considering this, I would highly recommend undertaking an EVOLVE placement.

Gabriela Sachet-Fernandez - Sofinnova Partners
What I learned will be useful if I stay on the investor side, but this knowledge will also be applicable if I move to the founder/start-up side.

Last year, I did a 5-months placement at Sofinnova Partners, a Venture Capital firm in life sciences, specializing in healthcare and sustainability. During the internship, I prepared a sub-sector market study for underlying medical challenges for a particular indication, I identified experts in the field and participated in meetings with them to have a better understanding of the field and challenges. I was also in charge of processing new deals and allocating them to the team. 

This internship allowed me to have a better understanding of the venture capital ecosystem. What I learned will be useful if I stay on the investor side, but this knowledge will also be applicable  if I move to the founder/start-up side. 

Nathan Barlow - Nature Publishing, UK
"Ultimately helped me formulate my own research structure to produce publishable and novel experimental data"

Nathan Barlow


For my work placement, I spent a week at Nature Research; 1 day at Nature Reviews, 2 days at Nature Chemistry, and 2 days at Nature Plants. This was a valuable experience as I learned deeper insights into the academic publishing process, which ultimately helped me formulate my own research structure to produce publishable and novel experimental data. From this experience I became fully aware of the importance of understanding and defining the intended readership/audience and choosing the appropriate journal for submitting academic manuscripts. Furthermore, I gained useful experience editing accepted journals and assessing new submissions for intellectual merit. Though only a short time was spent at this publishing office, a great deal was learned and has bolstered academic experience at Imperial College London.

James Hindley - Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
"building my professional network and beginning a longer-term collaboration between Imperial and Tokyo Tech"

James Hindley


I'm keen to pursue a career in academic research and wanted to use the Evolve programme to further this aim. I undertook a 1-month placement in the laboratory of Professor Takafumi Ueno at Tokyo Institute of Technology in Japan. This enabled me to learn about the exciting field of protein crystal engineering as well as experience working and living abroad. My Evolve journey was invaluable; not only through developing knowledge of a new field but also building my professional network and beginning a longer-term collaboration between Imperial and Tokyo Tech. The programme reinforced my ambition of working abroad in the future and has influenced my career plans post-PhD. I would recommend every ICB-CDT student to undertake their own Evolve journey; it's a unique opportunity for both personal and professional development.

Maeve Kavanagh - IBM Research, USA
"I learned more about artificial intelligence and developed my programming skills"

Maeve Kavanagh


I was lucky to have the opportunity to work on a four-week research project at IBM Research in New York as my EVOLVE Journey. This was a chance for me to live in the US and work for a large multinational company, both of which were exciting new experiences for me. Whilst at IBM I completed a mini research project for their drug discovery team, through this project I learned more about artificial intelligence and developed my programming skills. I also presented my PhD research findings to the team I was working with and had some interesting discussions with them about my work. The internship allowed me to build my professional network which has been very valuable, as a result of which I have secured a placement on a longer internship in the same team for the summer. I found working in a non-academic research environment enjoyable and I feel the experience will help me to evaluate my career options more clearly once I have completed my PhD. Overall, the four-week placement was very interesting and the experience I gained there is a valuable addition to my CV.

Eloise Morecroft - Boult Wade Tennant Patent Lawyers, UK
"I was able to gain invaluable insights into what being a patent attorney means and the work they undertake daily"

Eloise Morecroft


I spent two weeks at the patent attorney firm Boult Wade Tennant for my Evolve journey. The first week I spent there coincided with their Summer Vacation Scheme where I joined a group of participants undertaking classroom-based activities such as workshops and presentations and also some social events. The second week I was able to work independently on tasks given to me such as practicing writing patent claims. Throughout the two weeks I was able to gain invaluable insights into what being a patent attorney means and the work they undertake daily.

Euan Pyle - HALOmem Interdisciplinary Research Centre, Germany
"The main positive aspect of this time was working and living in a country outside the UK, forcing me to move outside my comfort zone "

Euan Pyle


For my EVOLVE placement, I spent a month (10th September-5th October 2018) working for a lab in the HALOmem research centre in Halle, which is just North of Leipzig in Germany. I worked in a lab which is investigating how lipids interact with membrane proteins using a variety of techniques with a focus on chemical cross-linking mass spectrometry (CX-MS) and lipidomics methods. I was trained in, and carried out, a number of experiments which analysed membrane proteins using CX-MS and lipidomics. The main positive aspect of this time was working and living in a country outside the UK, forcing me to move outside my comfort zone. It was also good to experience a slightly different work culture from outside London. The techniques that I learnt also helped expand my skills. One thing that could have made my time a bit better is if I spent more time looking for more suitable accommodation (as the place I stayed in had limited cooking facilities) and if I had a bit more time to settle in - but overall it was a positive experience.

Mark Wilkinson - National Centre for Biotechnology, Spain
"Alongside wet-lab work, I gained experience in using a variety of data analysis packages, which I am already applying to other projects"

Mark Wilkinson


For my Evolve journey, I went to the laboratory of Prof Jose Maria Valpuesta at the CNB in Madrid, Spain, to gain expertise in cryo electron microscopy. Jose Maria’s work over the past ~20 years has focussed on the human homologue of a protein that I am aiming to characterise from the parasite that causes malaria, meaning I was working within a laboratory with specific expertise in my protein. This experience was invaluable and enabled me to learn how to visually identify the protein and gain insight into a variety of alternative approaches that are used for purification for macromolecular complexes. I became fully competent in preparing and visualising samples using negative stain EM as well as treatment, preparation and freezing of grids for cryoEM. Alongside wet-lab work, I gained experience in using a variety of data analysis packages, which I am already applying to other projects within the lab back in the UK. Similarly, since returning, I am working alongside another PhD student at Imperial to help enhance their project by applying what I have learnt at the CNB. In addition to gaining expertise in the lab, it was also a fantastic opportunity to build on my conversational Spanish, which significantly improved over the month. I also gave a departmental seminar at the CNB where I gained much feedback about my project going into the final year of my PhD.

Contact us

Project Manager:
Emma Pallett

Dr Laura Barter