Application process

Step 1: A project proposal needs to be submitted outlining the project details and required services

Step 2: The proposal will be evaluated by the director of the Centre

Step 3: If the proposal is accepted, the project's needs will be discussed in detail to best assess the level of collaborative service and support required 

Step 4: Once the responsibilities have been agreed and the clinical data is sent, sample delivery can be arranged and the project will be queued for analysis

Step 5: Services will be invoiced after assessment of the quality of the data acquired

How to access the facility

The Clinical Phenotyping Centre (CPC) is dedicated to the profiling of samples collected or being analysed by Imperial College London and Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust staff members. 

A project proposal needs to be submitted to the CPC project manager to access the facility, following approval by the director of the Centre. The project proposal must have a robust study design and biological question to be considered for analysis at the CPC. It should include the type, number and volume of samples available as well as the intended analysis to be undertaken. Bioinformatics support (local, through collaboration within the Centre’s academic team or requested in the CPC) must be in place.

In an effort to provide the best collaborative research service, the project’s needs and the responsibilities for each group within the collaboration should be agreed in advance of the project kickoff meeting, where the details relevant to sample information, logistics, analytical and data analysis strategies and timelines will be discussed. 

All prospective applicants are encouraged to contact us for advice concerning the application and services provided. 


Please contact us if you would like to get a quote for our services. Analysis not offered as part of our standard assay portfolio are considered on a case by case basis and we can discuss the possible approach and provide a quote for the development needed.  Please note that depending on the sample matrix and the metabolites of interest, sample preparation optimisation or method development might be required. 

Funding opportunities

In addition to self-funded projects, the CPC has also been involved in several funding calls. Any information regarding future funding opportunities will be listed below.

Institute of Translational Medicine and Therapeutics funding

The Institute of Translational Medicine and Therapeutics (ITMAT) at NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre (BRC) is a virtual institute built upon core facilities across the College and Trust. Its aim is to support the acceleration of fundamental discoveries into improvements in human health and economic benefit. In previous ITMAT calls (2014, 20152017), several projects have been funded engaging the CPC together with other ITMAT core facilities.

 The deadline for the fourth round of funding was announced on the 10th of January 2018. For further information, please see the Call.

Any questions?

For all enquiries please contact: